Letterheads provider in Burnley: 67% of internet traffic occurs on mobile phones! Don’t lose that traffic simply because your website is not optimized for mobile use. Strive to be as accessible as possible. If someone searches on their mobile phone, they should be able to get the same information and enjoy a great experience as they would on a desktop computer.

Instant messengers are the latest communication trend. There are 1.5 billion people globally using WhatsApp on a monthly basis, followed by Facebook Messenger and WeChat. If you want to be where your audience is, enter instant messaging marketing. Most popular global messenger apps, based on the number of monthly users. Source: Statista. This type of digital marketing exploded over the last couple of years. People are much more likely to trust the information sent via a messenger (as if it comes from a good friend) than email or SMS that are vulnerable to spam. An example of messages from a marketing consultant Matthew Barby, sent via a Facebook bot. There are different ways how you can proceed with instant messaging marketing, from using them for customer support to updating your users about new posts on your blog. But just like with any other digital marketing type, before diving right in, I’d recommend that you develop a strategy first.

Service like Google Assistant and Amazon Echo are making our lives easier. Today, you can search for things on the web with the help of voice assistants. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the future is in voice-based searches. A report by Gartner reveals that by 2021, businesses that are redesigning their websites to provide voice and visual support are expected to increase digital commerce revenue by 30%.

Creating location landing pages can seem daunting and time exhaustive, however, the benefits of the extended reach and local visibility will prove to be worth every minute. As you’ve probably heard a million times, Google and SEO are both rapidly changing. Google’s changes will always be geared towards providing users with valuable and informative online experiences, and if the stats are anything to go by, customers are searching locally more than ever. Focusing your efforts on a comprehensive local SEO strategy will make for a solid foundation with each new introduction to SEO and Google algorithm updates.

What is Local SEO? Local SEO is an act of optimizing your local business website so that you are found for the local searches in Google that are most relevant to your business. What is the difference between local SEO and organic SEO? Organic SEO is the practice of optimizing your business website to make it search-engine compliant, and get it ranked in SERPs for the relevant keywords. Local SEO is more about building relevant signals around a particular location. Organic SEO has its goal to get ranked as high as possible for a set of target keywords whereas local SEO aims to get into the local listing packs. Discover even more info at WordPress Web Design Manchester.

A Cost-effective Approach in Reaching Customers: It offers you a comparative advantage in reaching more customers with no cost when compared to Google AdWords and Pays Per Click, where you have to pay for ads to get results. It is especially valid for visitors and strangers in the area, since they can access your facility without much hassle. And you never know — they might turn out to be your most formidable clients.

Making decisions around these concepts will ultimately inform the process of creating each specific brand element such as your logo, website, social media pages, signage and/or packaging. Prioritize brand elements most important to your key customer base. Keep in mind that just because the typical startup template dictates getting a logo, website and business cards first, that may not make sense for every type of business. And because time is literally money when you’re an entrepreneur starting out, you need to focus first and foremost on the touchpoints that have the capacity to drive revenue and sales. While nearly every company needs a basic logo and some sort of web presence, it could be that your Instagram page or even Linkedin profile supercede the need for a full-blown website in the first six months out of the gate if these are where your customers are most likely to find and vet you. Or perhaps business cards are “nice to have,” rather than a “must”, at least at the beginning. Choose and prioritize according to your needs rather than tradition.

The public have a relationship not with your businesses, but with your branding. A effective Brand Identity is essential in gaining an increasing foothold in your chosen market. It is a vital tool in both gaining and retaining new customers, and in shaping their experience. Find even more details on www.webandprintmedia.co.uk.
