Premium adult UK online store with PeachesandScreams

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Peaches & Screams offers some of the lowest prices on sex toys and sexy lingerie on the industry. Our economies of scale allow us to buy stock extremely cheaply and pass on the savings to the customers. We are always adding new deals and special offers on our products. Grab yourself a bargain today! At Peaches and Screams online adult sex shop, we strive to make not only our sex toys and lingerie affordable but also shipping. We offer some of the lowest international shipping rates which means that you can still order your sex toys and lingerie from any corner of the world. Find even more details at Jelly Dildos.

Peaches and Screams is a leading online adult sex shop located in the UK. Peaches and Screams has over 5,000 sex toys and sexy lingerie products. New sex toys and lingerie pieces are added almost on a daily basis, which means that you will always find something new and exciting every time you come back. At Peaches and Screams UK online sex shop, we provide anal sex toys, sexy lingerie, bondage gear, bedroom essentials, novelty adult gifts, sex toys and much more. At Peaches and Screams, we take your privacy extremely seriously. When ordering your sex toys and lingerie from us, you will receive your sex toys in plain packaging and on the parcel, you will see our legal address. You can now order your sex toys and lingerie to your home, office, workplace or any other location without anyone suspecting a thing. When you buy from us, you will be able to see all your transactions on your bank statements under our legal business, which is another helpful layer of protection to your privacy. See more information on this website.


Best baby carrier

Best Herschel Supply Co. Backpacks for Travelers? This is one of two Baby Tula baby carriers on our list, and for some great reasons: they make some of the most adorable, stylish, and trendy baby carriers on the market. While the Tula Explore is the relatively premium version with the most versatility, this option offers some excellent bang for the buck! It is not only more reasonably priced, it is also quite comfortable, has a simple design, and is lightweight. We liked the front Velcro pocket, though it was a bit difficult to access for moms with shorter arms or larger babies. It can be used from 15 to 45 pounds, giving it a decent upper range but a very restrictive lower range. Basically, you’re not going to be able to use this carrier until your infant is a few months old, unless you purchase the separate infant insert. But once you use it, you and your baby will definitely love it! The shoulder straps are highly padded and comfortable, the baby thigh/leg supports are softly padded, the hood is well-sized and removable, and its simplicity makes it quite easy to get on and off. However, while the baby thigh/leg padding is a nice touch, note that that area is not adjustable like it is in our better options, so there will be a sweet spot when your infant fits perfectly, but before then it will be too wide and maybe a bit uncomfortable for baby.

Get mentally ready: Familiarize yourself with your gear ahead of time. Pitch your tent, fire up your stove and filter some water before you go. Learning basic first aid and map and compass navigation is also a wise move, and both skills will serve you well even if you don’t go on future backpacking trips. Figure out your logistics: In addition to figuring out your ride to and from the trailhead, you need to be sure you have all of the necessary permits. Popular destinations are especially likely to require them. Check with the local land management agency to learn what’s required—land managers are also a great resource for updated trail conditions, fire restrictions and other valuable intel. Leave a trip plan with a friend or family member: Include details about where you’re going and when you expect to be back. That gives them a jump on alerting help if you ever need it. Discover extra information on carry on backpacks.

I updated my first aid kit with some other items and the helpful laminated first aid field guide that you get in class. I have a pre-packaged first-aid kit that I’ve supplemented with some Tenacious Tape if I need to seal a major gash. It helps to take a NOLS First Aid class; it will teach you how to actually use a first-aid kit and potentially save a life. Another benefit of the class is that they show you how you can customize a first-aid kit. Most of the time that I’ve pulled out my first-aid kit, it’s been to help another hiker. It’s been handier than I’ve imagined. One of the things you learn at the Tracker survival school is how to start a fire without matches. After the classroom demonstration, you get to do it on your own with help from the instructor. You learn how to make fire, shelter, find food, and in general, feel very comfortable living in the outdoors. You can use fire for light, warmth, a rescue signal, to cook food, and more. I try to have a lot of ways to create fire because each tool is small and light.

Reducing backpack weight tip : No duplicate anything. Except for 2 pairs of socks, you don’t need a spare of anything. Even your clothes have a strategic time and place to be worn (see 42). No cotton. When packing your clothes, choose lightweight synthetic materials over heavier clothing like cotton and denim. Not only do synthetics weigh less, they’re also more water resistant than their traditional counterparts. Ditch the boots. Trail runners are lighter weight, dry faster and are more comfortable. Use a one-liter plastic water bottle. Water bladders with chords have too many excess parts. A plastic water bottle is lightweight, cheap and durable. Smart Water bottles are particularly great for their liter size and because their threads match well with Sawyer water filters. Read more info on


Siapin Horticulture: unique landscape design in California, US

Top landscape construction firm in California? Here is some amazing yet simple Siapin Horticulture Landscape at Flying Flags RV Park in California. Even small areas like this can make a big difference when using the right plants and pavers. Tree’s can add focal points and be used for shade, on this project we went with a balance of both. here at Siapin Horticulture we can help you plan and design your landscape with a great balance of beauty and purpose planting all sorts of tree’s and keeping in mind the local eco systems to keep the tree’s healthy for years to come.

They are shallow outlets covered with grass that help to slow down runoff while facilitating infiltration. The sustainability of grassed swales depends on soil type, land use, imperviousness of the watershed that is contributing, and the slopes and the dimensions system of the grassed swale. Grassed swales can be used to manage runoff from the drainage areas that are less than four hectares in size. It is encouraged that you use natural areas that are low-lying and drainage courses that are natural should be utilized.

Whether you are redesigning your existing garden or want a new garden design for your home, we can help you have the perfect garden. We have helped many customers achieve unique and charming landscape gardens. Landscaping is an art that requires skill and technical understanding to come up with results that not just look good but also last long, and also meet the taste and requirements of the owner. It requires understanding of maximizing the use of available space and providing the right materials and plants that go well with the specific landscape design. Today there are numerous options and possibilities when choosing the landscape design and materials. We offer a wide array of choices and options for our valued customers. See additional details on Siapin Horticulture Inc.

Landscape Maintenance: When you’ve made an investment in landscape and design, it’s important that you maintain it properly to protect your investment. As a leading Southern California Landscape Construction Company, we will protect your investment for you with reliable maintenance. Whether you have a small landscape or a large one, our dedication is the same. When you invest in landscaping plants and landscaping shrubs, you want to protect them. When you need irrigation repairs to protect those important plants, we’ll be there for you. Our crews have full knowledge of drainage solutions, plant protection, irrigation and controller systems, etc.

At the Leavey Library ,they had a large damaged area so our job in this section was to repair but also add a new parking lot and repair new landscaping. The biggest part was adding new asphalt and parking lot striping. We also installed some new trees, soil mounds, and some new grass. For the Virginia Ramo Hall of Music, our goal was to put new drainage around the building, add new walkways, also we regraded new landscape and trees. We had to add more shade to the north side mainly. We built on new large sycamore trees, new sodding around the building, dianella plants, and philodendron plants.

Rainwater drainage systems use catchment areas that collect vast amounts of dirt to reduce the amount of waste. Drainage systems are essential for quick removal of drains to prevent flooding of roads and surfaces such as car parks and sidewalks. Rainwater retention systems collect and hold collected water so that it can be gradually discharged into the soil. Excess water is pushed to the central system to reduce the impact when the water flow reaches its maximum. While detention systems protect against flooding, collecting and holding systems for water retention until it can be naturally absorbed into the ground and the underground water table can be cooled. Read more information on Siapin Horticulture.

Home Improvement

Top mail email sender desktop software and BUSINESS DATA

Fastest mail email sender desktop software and seo services? If you’re not segmenting your email list and sending targeted messages just to certain segments, you need to start. Don’t just send the same email to everyone. You want your subscribers and customers to think that you know them better than your competitors ever could. If you’re just sending out blasts to your entire list, your emails are either going to be too niche or too broad. Relevant emails are the ones that get sales and inspire subscribers to take action. If you’re sending the same email to your best customers that you’re sending to your lapsed customers, neither of them is going to feel important. But to be able to send relevant emails, you need to segment your email list.

Most email marketing services make it easy to filter and segment your subscribers so you can create targeted email marketing messages. And inactive subscribers are a segment you’re going to want to define. You can define inactive subscribers however you want in your email marketing service. For example, you might consider an inactive subscriber to be someone who hasn’t engaged with any of your last 10 email campaigns or hasn’t engaged within a certain timeframe. First, you’ll want to send a winback email campaign in an attempt to re-engage them and bring them back into the fold. Many brands will send a last email or email series to their inactive subscribers in hopes of getting those subscribers once again engaged with the brand.

Pay-per-click is a model of advertising where marketers pay a fee every time people click on their ad. Basically, it’s the process of buying visits to your site, as opposed to getting them organically via SEO or other types of digital marketing. PPC is one of the types of paid search. It’s similar to SEM (search engine marketing) but can also include display advertising (cost-per-click based), and affiliate advertising. Affiliate marketing is one of the popular ways people make money online these days. If your affiliate program is successful, you might earn quite a decent passive income. Basically, affiliate marketing is a type of digital marketing where a person partners up with other businesses in order to receive a commission for the traffic s/he generates for this business. Imagine this: you put a link to an external website on your own blog or website. Every time a user proceeds to this external website and makes a purchase, you receive a commission.

CBT Mass Email Sender as a very robust set of filters that will enable you to add domains, keywords and characters to the blacklist. CBT Bulk Email Sender will then skip all the email addresses containing any of the keywords inside your blacklist. You can also add blacklisted emails to your blacklist. These can be the people who have unsubscribed from your emails or simply do not want to be contacted. You may want to exclude emails with the following: spam, copyright, dmca, subscribe, example, domain, john.doe, example, company, host, proxy, $, %, mailto:, .gov, etc. You can also skip email addresses with more than X number of characters and only send one email per company domain name. See more info at usa marijuana dispensaries b2b business data list with cannabis dispensary emails.

In order to achieve a high inbox rate, you need to ensure that your message is unique on every send. Otherwise, if you are sending the same message to thousands upon thousands of recipients, your message is likely to be flagged up by sophisticated spam filters and never reach the inbox. To overcome this, we have added macros, spintax format and formatting features. You can import the databases that you have scraped using CBT Web Scraper and Email Extractor and then use corresponding macros inside your message. For example, a macro such as %companyname% will replace %companyname% with the company name of each company inside the Excel spreadsheet. This feature is a great way of generating personal and highly targeted messages. You can also add text in spintax format to ensure that your email is unique on every send. Spintax format supports curly brackets and pipes. For example, Hello. You can also format your messages for an added visual impact.

What is Local SEO? Local SEO is an act of optimizing your local business website so that you are found for the local searches in Google that are most relevant to your business. What is the difference between local SEO and organic SEO? Organic SEO is the practice of optimizing your business website to make it search-engine compliant, and get it ranked in SERPs for the relevant keywords. Local SEO is more about building relevant signals around a particular location. Organic SEO has its goal to get ranked as high as possible for a set of target keywords whereas local SEO aims to get into the local listing packs.

Author: Tatyana Dyachenko – About the Author Tatyana is a part-time vape, fashion and lifestyle and CBD blogger with a handful of magazines and blogs. When she is not blogging, Tatyana works for a tech company. In her spare time, Tatyana is a real tech geek and enjoys gaming and keeping abreast with the latest technological developments: she was even amongst the first few people to have set up a cryptocurrency mining farm back in 2012. Tanya is currently working on a large cryptocurrency project aimed at the vape and CBD industry. Tatyana enjoys pursuing her flare for creativity through modelling, graffiti art, astronomy and technology. She also enjoy cycling across London on an iconic Boris bike that has come to define London. You are most likely to bump into Tanya in Brick Lane or Camden Town where she enjoys spending most of her time. Here are some interesting facts about Tanya Favourite drink: Unicorn latte! Nothing beats it. Favourite Vape MOD: Minikin Favourite Eliquid Flavours: nothing beats a cereal flavour. I prefer cloudchasing and opt for high VG e-juices. Places you plan to visit: Florida. unbeknownst to me, Miami has the most 1920s art deco buildings. I totally love the Rolling Twenties era. I also want to visit the arctic as I totally love polar bears. What made you get into tech: I have always had a flair for creativity and tech has provided me with a perfect platform where I can apply my creativity to create cutting-edge applications that are helping to transform the world. If you could change something, what would it be? We need to do more about global warming and our environment. We must do more to embrace sustainability and become more eco-friendly. Discover additional details at B2B Marketing List.

Internet Marketing

Best laptops and cellphones for kids under 8 with DigitaldreamsJaipur

Top laptops for writers on a budget by DigitaldreamsJaipur? The GE66 and its more diminutive cousin, the GS66 Stealth, are both revamped for 2020, though they’re not clean-sheet designs. The GE66 replaces last year’s GE65 Raider, bringing many external and internal changes and improvements. The most visually obvious changes include an additional measure of design restraint in the display lid, which ditches the red-striped ridges in favor of a completely smooth surface. It’s a welcome improvement for people who cringe at the gamer aesthetic. MSI also toned down the shield logo on the display lid, removing its color so it blends in with the dark silver surface. The GL65 is hardly the only 15.6-inch gamer to retail for under a grand with a quad-core CPU and a 4GB GeForce GTX 1650, but it’s further under that mark than most. As a matter of fact, as I type this, the system I’m reviewing (model 9SC-004) is an unbeatable deal. A Lenovo Legion Y545 with comparable hardware rings up at $849 with only half the storage (256GB). The Dell G3 15 (3590) is in similar straits, costing $100 more than the MSI although that price buys you both a 128GB SSD and a 1TB hard drive. Another option is the Asus TUF Gaming FX505 series (a technology refresh of the TUF Gaming FX504G), but it’s also more expensive when outfitted with a comparable AMD Ryzen 7 3750H processor.

The laptop market has undergone major changes in the past few years, and there’s likely to be more confusion in the notebook aisle now than at any other time. Today’s models encompass everything from featherweight, business-savvy ultraportables that barely tip the scales at less than 2 pounds, to lap-crushing gaming behemoths of 10 pounds or more. Your standard laptop doesn’t look the way it once did, either, with dozens of convertible designs that rethink the standard clamshell to take advantage of touch interfaces. Some laptops double as tablets, with hinges that bend and fold, while other touch-enabled PCs are actually slate tablets that come with hardware keyboards for notebook-style use. There’s simply too much variety in the laptop space for one size or style to fit every person’s needs.

The Asus Vivobook E200HA is a brilliant little netbook that weighs less than a kilogram but still manages to pack all the features you could want from a budget laptop. With 12 hours of battery life in normal usage and a dinky footprint, this is the most baggable laptop we’ve ever tested. With that crazy low price and weight come performance compromises – but if you only use a few browser tabs at a time, you’ll be right at home. Since we reviewed this lovely little netbook, the price has dropped to below £200 at most retailers, although it varies week by week. Discover extra info on Legion Laptops.

We’ll cut to the chase: the Apple iPhone 11 Pro is one of the best smartphones money can buy if you’re shopping at the premium end of the market. It’s also the most advanced iPhone the Apple has ever released, driven by a brand new A13 Bionic processor. Pair this with a larger battery and several power optimisation smarts baked into iOS 13 itself, and you have an iPhone that can last all day without having to be hooked up to a power outlet – and that’s with heavy usage. Be frugal with the device, and you could easily squeeze two days out of it. But the headline act is the tri-camera. Notably, the third sensor is a wide-angle lens, bringing a 120-degree field of view, which is ideal for landscapes. The other two remain largely unchanged, with two small but impactful updates – the telephoto lens now has a larger aperture, letting in 40% more light, and the wide-angle sensor now has 100% focus pixels, which essentially means it’s better at focusing in low-light.

Everyday processors: If your laptop is for normal home use, choosing from AMD A4, Ryzen 3, Intel Pentium, Celeron or Core i3 would be ideal for watching videos, surfing the web and basic word processing tasks. They’re not as powerful as their higher end counterparts, but offer great value for money. All modern processors feature built in (integrated) graphics, they share computers RAM and processing power to deliver what you see on screen. Integrated graphics are ideal for everyday use but will struggle when it comes toplaying games or any graphically intensivetasks.

When it comes to the best Chromebook laptop, you have a choice between two stark alternatives. There’s the premium Chromebook Pixel, which we list further down this page, and then there’s the excellent Asus Chromebook Flip C302, which combines premium features in a much more affordable package. For many people, Chromebooks are excellent and affordable laptops that are perfect for students, and the Asus Chromebook Flip C302 is easily one of the best Chromebooks, and one of the best laptops, money can buy. It comes with an Intel Core processor, full 1080p display, touchscreen, backlit keyboard and USB-C port. Discover even more info at here.

Computer Science

Quality eCigs online store in Colorado Springs from

Quality eCigs online store in Southern Colorado with ExtremeVapeShop? The Asvape Micro is a boxy AIO with some tricks up its sleeve. Powered by a 1100 mAh battery, the Micro is a real variable-wattage AIO that charges through a Type-C USB and features a bright LED color screen that displays your vaping data and battery levels. The Micro can be used for both MTL and DL vaping, depending on the coil used. Comes in five stunning resin color options with matching drip tips. Vaporesso’s latest AIO vape comes with an 8 mL capacity and a whopping 3000 mAh battery which will get you easily through the day. The OMNI chip powered Sky Solo Plus is compatible with Vaporesso’s GT coils, with the 0.15-ohm GT8, the 0.18-ohm Meshed and the 0.3-ohm GT CCELL2 being the recommended ones for this device.

Some of the most popular dessert vape juice flavors are donuts, custards, cheesecakes, pies, cookies and ice cream. The list goes on. Chances are, your favorite dessert is sitting somewhere in a bottle, just waiting for you to discover it. Now you can indulge, and not just on special occasions. A meal isn’t complete without a drink. It shouldn’t surprise you that e-liquid manufacturers have recreated all your favorite beverages too. The most popular drink flavors offered are coffee and strawberry milk, which is also known as unicorn milk. (Named after the popular Cuttwood flavor).

Many smokers dread the thought of giving up or not being able to have a puff when they feel like it. Nicotine patches quell the urge to some degree but it’s not an instant solution. Vaporisers and e-Cigarettes (their ciggie-shaped counterparts) are arguably the best options in this respect because they fulfil the two main prerequisites of a smoker: nicotine grip in the throat and the sight of smoke being exhaled. The great thing about vaporisers is that the smoke being exhaled isn’t actually smoke; it’s nicotine-infused vapour (or steam) which evaporates in a flash leaving no nasty smells or residues in its wake. Okay, if you’re a non-vaper, it does stink if you walk through a cloud of it, but your clothes won’t smell of synthetic fruit afterwards, which is a step up from fags. See more info at Vape Shop Colorado Springs.

Our list for the best disposable e-cigarettes was made after testing and reviewing dozens and dozens of products (which happens continuously for future updates). Since many off-brand disposable vapes are sold in gas stations and C-stores, you can rest assured that these brands and devices are made from reputable companies with positive track records. Just choose the one that has the nicotine strength you’re looking for and the flavors you’re most interested in trying.

Everyone has heard of them: they are simple in use and look almost the same as conventional cigarettes, they are cheap and easy to use and also easily buyable in any gas station or dedicated shop. The disposable e-cigarette brands already have a firm position on the market, and that is because these vapes have a lot of substantial benefits to offer. But before we start upon the pros and cons of disposable vapes, we have to give some insight into what a disposable e-cig is to those who are entirely new to vaping.


Baby bedding online shopping UK

Online store for children pants! Like shoes, baby socks rarely stay on. All those wiggles eventually work the sock over the heel and then—poof!—the sock is nowhere to be found. But Robeez socks have an added band of elastic gathering around the ankle, making it less likely those suckers are going anywhere. The socks are a stretchy blend of cotton, spandex and nylon and have non-skid soles for when your baby is ready to start stepping. (Robeez also makes cute shoes.)

The Tula Explore is a completely new design by Baby Tula, with superior versatility and comfort. We first got our hands on the Explore for testing last year and we were super impressed with it; in fact, after a long-term reliability test it might start to creep up this list! Out of the box, it is stylish, has super soft and durable fabric, and feels very well-constructed yet lightweight and flexible enough to stuff into a big diaper bag. We tried it out in all of its 5 positions: rear-facing front-carry for infant, baby, and toddler, forward-facing front-carry for toddler, and back-carry for baby and toddler. Adjusting between the three rear-facing front-carry options was easy, simply reconfiguring the upper and lower parts of the “Explore panel”. The lower panel is in the seating area and adjusts using snaps – infants begin with the narrowest panel setting, and you make it wider as your baby gets bigger. The upper panel adjusts between short and tall positions depending on your baby’s height and head/neck control. The Explore instruction manual is here, and of course also included with the carrier and we strongly encourage you to read when you receive it. All of this adjustment is necessary to make it possible to support babies as small as 7 pounds and up to 45 pounds (the same range as the LilleBaby and Ergobaby 360).

Stores start closing out sweaters and other cold weather gear when their spring stock comes in, but that doesn’t mean your winter season is over. I love shopping end-of-season sales because they usually happen a month or two before my kids actually switch seasonal wardrobes. I buy seasonal clothes that are slightly large for my kids. They can wear a new item for a couple of months, and then it gets stored away for the next year – and leaves the kids room to grow. Discover more info on kids clothing.

Even though your newborn wants to snuggle in your arms all day, your hands need a break once in awhile to do other things. Meet your new BFF: the Moby Wrap. It keeps your baby snuggled up close while you get tasks done around the house or play with their big siblings. Many parents use this wrap well beyond the newborn phase since it safely holds toddlers up to 35 pounds. The soft, sturdy fabric is machine washable, so you can swiftly tackle any spit-up or diaper situation that comes your way. Turning a super-long piece of fabric into a secure baby carrier can be daunting at first. Be sure to watch a tutorial video for step-by-step instructions. Practice makes perfect! Once you master the Moby, you’ll be glad you did. This customizable, one-size-fits-all carrier ensures you always have the perfect fit.

Under The Nile began with one woman’s mission to find the best cotton for her baby—sans the chemicals and pesticides. The brand sources 100 percent, handpicked, organic Egyptian cotton for all garments; our personal favorites are the pastel-colored booties and gorgeous cable-knit cardigans. The collection also includes the sweetest soft toys and super cozy crib sheets. We most admire the brand’s commitment to accessibility—Under The Nile is one of the most affordable organic children’s brands in the industry.

Toys for babies classifieds ads with How do I refund my buyer? All refunds must be arranged between the buyer and the seller. You can refund your buyer from your Paypal account by doing the following: 1. Log in to your Paypal account. 2. In Paypal homepage dashboard scroll down page to find payments. 3. Find the purchase payment you would like to refund and click on payment details. 4. Click the refund this payment link. 5. Enter the refund amount… Explore a few more info on this website.


Interior design and small basement ideas

Home project and basement ideas? When renovating a property it can sometimes be tempting to give heavily advertised ‘miracle cure’ treatments a try, lured by extraordinary claims such as ‘never paint again’, ‘seal leaks for good — instantly’ or ‘the ultimate solution to all roofing problems’. But some of these products can actually be very damaging when applied to older buildings. Spray-on renders and polyurethane foams can block crucial ventilation paths in walls and roofs, and despite claims to the contrary offer virtually zero insulation benefits. Instant damp sealants are rarely effective and can trap damp in walls. Basically, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Guard Against Moisture Damage. Water is the enemy of bathrooms, but moisture is tough to avoid in a room where you’re flushing, showering, and washing your hands constantly. There are a couple important ways to protect your new furnishings and fixtures from water damage: Grout isn’t glamorous, but it does the important work of sealing out dirt and water. It also helps keeps installations structurally stable. You can choose grout that stands out or blends in, but if grimy grout lines drive you crazy, don’t choose white. If the grout is going to get wet frequently, go for synthetic epoxy grout. If not, choose cementitious grout. The bottom 40 to 48 inches of your bathroom walls are most in danger of splashes. Protect them with tile or beadboard coated with oil-based paint.

Mirrors are great for the illusion of space. By placing mirrors on the walls, the reflection will give the illusion that there is more space, this is a great idea especially if the basement is being used for relaxation or as a bedroom. These are activities that may not require physical space but it is more comfortable when you feel like the walls are not closing in on you. You would actually feel more relaxed because of the mirrors. They also play another role in small spaces especially in basements, they reflect light and the more the light, the wider space seems but also if you can see better, you are less likely to walk into objects within the small space. See even more info at basement Ideas.

There is no simpler and more reliable method of increasing your house’s value than giving it a completely new and fresh paint job. It breathes new life into the house and makes it look even more appealing. Going for lighter colors in the living rooms makes them seem bigger and more inviting. Going for a neutral color scheme is also a wise choice as it allows the buyer to imagine what space will look like once they have moved in. Make sure to use high-quality paint. It is a small investment already costing you between $200-$500. You can do it yourself, or if you don’t have the time, you can hire a professional. The bottom line here is that make sure to get your house painted before putting it up for sale if you want to increase the value and get the best offers. It can bump up the value of your home by 1-3%. That’s a tremendous ROI if you ask us.

Do you have what it takes to do a tiled shower? If you’re considering replacing your drop-in shower with a tiled version, you’re going to have to do your homework. With mudded tiled showers, the need to waterproof is real and it’s not always easy. There are a lot of steps involved, so research and preparation is key. Do you want to spend the money on a shower door? If you’re yearning for a fancy-schamncy glass shower door, but don’t have the budget at the moment or want to reallocate those funds for other important things, like a heated toilet seat, keep in mind that because glass shower doors are standard-sized, you can always add one later. Stick with a colorful shower curtain for a while while you save up for a shower door.

Realize that quality is never an accident. Quality is never an accident: it is planned for. Great companies prioritize for quality; they never expect their staff members to self train; they never assume employees will know the latest tile installation standards. Rather, they take control of the expectation for consistent and high quality by developing systems for ongoing training and education. They reward improved performance, pass on compliments, say thank you for doing things right and generally encourage good attitudes. They focus on what matters to customers.

The role of the kitchen has evolved significantly since its inception many years ago. While earlier the kitchen was just a place to cook meals, many homeowners now take pride in decorating the kitchen in the latest style and fashion. It has also become a space where you entertain and enjoy yourself. Similar to other rooms in your home a kitchen also requires strategic planning in terms of design and decor to make it an engaging and attractive place to cook. An apt kitchen design is beautiful, functional, and sustainable. Installing durable, functional, and stylish kitchen cabinets can enhance the appearance of the space to a great extent apart from allowing you to keep all the kitchen utilities in an organized manner. Discover more details at


Premium hair salon in Vancouver, BC on Heartbreakersalon

Top hair salon in Vancouver at Heartbreakersalon? If you wish to choose a wider comb on your veil, ensure there’s little to no gathers. Find a drop veil or a veil that’s so sheer your hairstyle will show through. Choose accessories that will accentuate the ponytail – position delicate hair pins to the side of the head, a headpiece just above the ponytail, or frame both sides of the ponytail with a floral display inspired by a laurel vine. Depending your wedding dress choice, you might want to balance out your look with a crown or tiara positioned at the front. This is a great choice if your dress features a full skirt and extra long train. A backwards facing headpiece can look incredible with a ponytail. Just ensure the width and style is proportional to the size of your head and the volume/curls in your ponytail.

This is the best option to create the most natural look. Light flying waves one from trending wedding hairstyles now, it will suit any bride. It is best to curl the bang away from the face so that there is a wind effect. When curling, it is better to use a curling iron without a clip and wind the hair onto the curling iron, twisting it slightly into a tourniquet, so the wave will turn out as natural as possible.

If you somehow weren’t convinced to chop off all of your hair into a bob in 2018, breathe a sigh of relief because the cut is still going strong in 2019. This year’s version of the bob is blunt and hits at the jawline, but when tucked behind the ear, you’ll get an A-line effect. It’s also great if you’re looking to make your hair appear fuller because de Zeeuw says the shape will make your hair look as thick as possible. “This style works best on straight hair, but if you have wavy or curly hair, it’s also a cool look,” she says. “You can alter this hairstyle for every face shape, too. If you want more volume on the sides (long face shapes), choose a jawline length. If you want to create length in the face (round or angular face shape) leave the length longer.”

Since graduating in 2013 Jamie has been extensively training and building professional experience in styling/ cutting & colouring at acclaimed salons like Aveda and Suki’s. Jamie strives to stay on top of contemporary hair industry fashion and is able to provide her customers with brilliant, creative looks. Hair is her passion and happy clients are her reward. Serrah graduating from hair school in 2004. She has attained advanced color training through apprenticeships here in Vancouver and believes education is the key to remaining fresh and skilled in the ever-changing styles and techniques in the industry. She has a passion for long hair, barber cuts and ombré and balayage color. Discover extra information on hair salon Vancouver.

French Chic, Stylist and creative director Maria Bernad is the definition of French chic outside New York Fashion Week. Ho is loving all the short cuts, seen at fashion week and on Instagram. “People are going shorter, sassier, and stronger,” she says. “I’ve been cutting shorter and shorter bobs lately, and I am obsessed.” Actress and model Taylor Lashae takes French chic to the next level with a black beret. We’re also loving the wavy texture of her hair, which adds a certain softness to the cut.

Inspired by the ’70s revival and popular celebrities like Kendall Jenner and Karlie Kloss, a new shorter length is set to be the standout hairstyle for 2019. “I think we will see a move away from shattered and layered hair towards a blunter, sharper finish”, says influential stylist and Ghd ambassador Zoe Irwin. “I envisage it being a shift away from the mid-length boyfriend bob, which was so popular last season, to something more precise and above the shoulder, roughly halfway between your ears and the nape of the neck.” She says this blunt cut suits all face shapes, “because the length can be adjusted to flatter the face, while the bluntness can help thicken up thin hair and soften thick hair depending upon the way it’s styled”. In fact, done correctly, “it will do wonders for your bone structure and is often the gateway to an even shorter ‘do.” But, if you’re going for a drastic cut from long to short, ask your hairdresser to show you the different ways of styling your new hair, she advises.

Opened in 2011, Heartbreaker Salon has continuously been rated as one of the best hair salon Vancouver. We are a Davine Concept salon meaning, we only use high quality hair care products that are environmentally friendly to planet earth. We specialize in Vivid, Balayage, Ombre, Highlights and other hair coloring services. Our men and women’s haircuts are also amazing! We pride ourselves on been one of the best hair salon in vancouver offering the best hair results with the best customer service. Heartbreaker is made up of stylists who are carefully considered to reflect our brand. Each stylist has the heartbreaker core values, strengths, skills and qualities that make the environment the warm and welcoming salon clients come to know of. Find more information at


The upsurge of a healthcare strategic planner expert : Lecia Scotford

Dr. Lecia Scotford or the climb of a healthcare strategic planner expert? Hundreds of millions of dollars in construction spending is being invested in healthcare facilities around the state, most of it in Anchorage and the Mat-Su, though a new dental facility was recently completed in Dillingham. Dillingham Home to New Dental Facility Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation, or BBAHC, in September opened doors to a new, state-of-the-art dental health facility and administrative complex in Dillingham. The facility is located on the grounds of the Kanakanak Hospital and will serve the region. The dental clinic project can be attributed to BBAHC Chief Operating Officer Lecia Scotford, MD, as well as her talented projects department team.

The project took two years from beginning to end. The business plan was created during the summer of 2014 and was approved that fall. The team broke ground in June 2015. The building was completed and operational in September 2016. The building design was a partnership between BBAHC, architectural firm Livingston Sloan, and its engineering consultant teams as well as initial assistance from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. The 15,531-square-foot, two-story building meets the US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standards, meaning it uses less water and energy in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The building insulation exceeds design requirements for the area and is complete with energy efficient windows. The foundation is built to withstand a 9.2-magnitude earthquake with minimal damage. The first floor is entirely for dental services. The clinic is ultramodern, complete with hightech equipment and twelve brand new operatories, up from seven chairs that were previously divided between the dental annex and an extra room in the Kanakanak Hospital. The second floor is occupied by administrative support staff, including a business office, finance department, and an area for medical records. Alaska Regional Hospital Renovation Alaska Regional Hospital in Anchorage got a $70 million capital grant from HCA, its parent company, in 2014. The money paid for a complete facelift for the seven-floor, nearly 330,000-square-foot building. Tina Miller, chief operating officer at Alaska Regional, says no beds were added to the facility during this upgrade, but the facility will feel refreshed, have more efficient features such as new boilers and generators, and has new equipment to better serve its customers.

December 2016 unit and seventh-floor orthopedic and spine unit renovations, as well as the family birth center. Roger Hickel Contracting Inc. was the general contractor for the medical/oncol – ogy unit and the common area and hallway upgrades. Additional local contractors who worked on the hospital’s extensive renovation include KC Construction, Superior Plumbing & Heating, and Haakenson Electric.

Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation P.O. Box130 Dillingham, Alaska 99576 Lecia Scotford, MD, MHA; Executive Vice-President and Chief Operations Officer Testimony for the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs regarding H.R. 4289 May 18, 2016 The Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation (BBAHC) is pleased to appear before this Subcommittee in support of H.R. 4289, legislation introduced by Representative Don Young which would require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to transfer certain Indian Health Service (IHS) property to BBAHC by warranty deed. The property is critically important to BBAHC’s construction and operation of a new free-standing dental clinic.

The BBAHC is in the process of constructing a new, modern, up-to-date facility that will be available later this year to provide significantly more dental services to BBAHC’s 8,000 member service population. We note that Senators Murkowski and Sullivan have introduced a companion bill, S. 2421, and we thank our entire delegation for their support on this matter. Both bills also include a warranty deed transfer provision for the Tanana Tribal Council. BBAHC has for many years carried out a comprehensive health care delivery program at the federally owned Kanakanak Hospital compound in Dillingham. BBAHC has done so on behalf of its member villages in accordance with the Alaska Tribal Health Compact and Funding Agreements with the IHS under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA). These services include dental care.

The BBAHC reluctantly accepted the IHS quitclaim deed transferring title to the property in order not to miss last year’s construction season. However, the quitclaim deed includes extensive terms and conditions that give IHS the right to approve mortgaging, encumbering, leasing, or otherwise transferring any interest in the property, or making major changes or capital improvements in the property. Any breach of these terms and conditions, such as not getting IHS permission for making changes in the property, triggers an immediate right of entry and reversion of title back to the IHS. These terms and conditions are characterized in the deed as covenants running with the land. Thus, for example, if BBAHC were to approach a bank for a construction or improvement loan, and as a consequence would have to enter into a deed of trust to secure the loan, IHS must give its permission.

The Secretary will retain any and all liability for environmental contamination in existence on the property prior to the transfer of title to BBAHC. Language is included to provide the Secretary with and easement and access to the property as reasonably necessary to satisfy any retained obligation or liability of the Secretary. Finally, the Secretary must comply with the notice of hazardous substance activity and warranty requirements of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).

Simplify Communications with On-call Physicians: According to a survey by physician wellness services, nearly one third of physicians have issues with on-call scheduling. The quality of communication with patients directly affects the hospital performance. Lecia Scotford is a results oriented and experienced healthcare strategic planner. Skilled in communication, performance optimization, interpersonal ssing and implementing dynamic changes effortlessly.


Vaping accessories online shopping in Southern Colorado by

Best eCigarette online shopping Southern Colorado with ExtremeVapeShop? Designed by Phil Busardo and the VapinGreek, the Z-Biip is a pod-based AIO that is made for MTL vaping. As with all Platform line products, the Z-Biip is very easy to use and takes the Z-Coils—quite possibly the best MTL coils on the market. The device is powered by a large 1500 mAh battery, has three power presets, and features audio feedback for battery levels—yes, it beeps! The SMOK Trinity Alpha is a box-style AIO that takes the excellent Nord coils! It comes with a 1000 mAh battery, stylish resin-style panels, and three power presets to choose from. The pods fit 2.8 mL of e-liquid and can be filled through a convenient sliding top-fill mechanism. Available in six color options.

These nostalgic flavors can trigger memories from that time where we used to live for candy. Today we’re re-united with these delicious treats through the miracle of e-juice. It’s like all the fun, minus the sugar crash and the cavities. Remember lighting up after every meal? Who needs that when you can have dessert instead. The best dessert vape juice flavors create a similar essence of flavor with eating the real thing — of course, without the texture. Many vapers begin their flavor journey with tobacco or simple fruit flavors and end up progressing onto the complex, sweet and savory world of desserts.

The other downside with refillable vaporisers is that, depending on usage, the small screw-in coil section (the part that heats the liquid) will need to be replaced roughly every two weeks, but thankfully they’re cheap to buy. Vaporisers are widely available through online outlets and in most high streets and corner shops. Most vaporisers use a liquid suspension called e-liquid to deliver nicotine, throat hit and flavour. The vast majority of e-liquids are comprised of vegetable glycerin (VG), propylene glycol (PG) and nicotine. Read additional info at ecigarette store.

Disposable e-cigs are by far the easiest way to begin vaping, especially in 2020. After the federal ban on flavored vape pods happened, disposable vapes became the next best option for those after ultimate convenience. Disposable vapes are designed to be familiar to smokers, but without the tar, smoke, and ash that comes with smoking cigarettes. There are no replaceable parts, buttons, rechargeable batteries, or complicated menus to navigate. They’re all draw-activated, meaning you simply remove the device from the package and start puffing. And when the battery dies, simply toss them in the trash.

We shall remark that you don’t buy a disposable for life and their best benefit is the lack of fuss. Therefore, the low price drags the usage of the low-quality materials and somewhat reduced quality, so you get what you pay for and the enumerated drawbacks are entirely expected. Where to buy disposable vapes? Not sure whether if it is safe to buy a disposable e-cig on the gas station or a convenience shop and wondering if it is better to buy it from an online shop or a brick and mortar vape store? We have reviewed the offer present in all of them and had some findings for you.


Premium auto tyres in tyre services by

Best auto tyres online store in Reading? If you want to save a little more again, the Maxxis Victra Sport 5 and Nexen N Fera Sport SU2 look to be the best of the rest, offering good dry and wet grip, at a lower price. They do however look to wear a little more quickly than some, so be mindful of that. Lastly, honourable mentions go to Zeetex with the HP2000 vfm, Giti with the GitiSport S1, and Infinity with the EcoMax, however it’s worth noting at this end of the market you will be giving up certain areas of performance. Do your research on sites like tyre reviews to workout exactly what trade off you’re comfortable with.

Vehicle safety standard depends mainly, if not entirely, on the quality of the tire you are using. There are many tire companies, some of which are top-notch. Top tire manufacturers maintain a solid streak all the way through, especially when it comes to potentially hazardous situations. Driving your car in a rough terrain or a coarse weather may be challenging, and if the tires are not good enough, they bear the risk of being exposed to blowouts or punctures. Here we introduce you with some of the prominent tire manufacturers – if you are trying to find the best tire companies out there.

Our Reading Tyre Shop Has a wide range of tyres in Stock from Budget Tyres to premium Tyres for all makes and models of cars, at Great Prices 01189581198 we also offer a Free wheel alignment check with every new tyre purchased from us.

In the interest of our clients, Wheel Alignment Reading would like to declare that our online tyre shop reading is available for budget as well as premium quality tyres. Whether you are using a budget tyre or a premium quality tyre, you need not worry about the quality, as our infrastructure is perfect for all technical needs. We provide services for the following branded tyres: Bridgestone, Avon, Dunlop, Goodyear, Pirelli. Besides, we also have services for other brand of tyres as well. Our infrastructure is perfect for all these tyres. Since we have business terms with most of the manufacturers, therefore we have the technical expertise that is supported by their own technology. These are perfect for branded tyres that you have been using for. Find more info on Buy Tyres Reading.

During its development the engineers took into account many years of experience in car racing, provided it with an asymmetric tread design with a wide outside shoulder, continuous rib and deep longitudinal grooves. The sidewalls were additionally strengthened that significantly improved handling, but did not negatively affect comfort. Although such class of tires is more oriented on dry asphalt, on wet roads Goodyear also behaves predictably and safely, due to the use of three different rubber compounds.

The BluResponse won outright in 2014 and a second place in 2017 shows that it’s still a great choice. It’s also an impressive result for a tyre first launched back in 2013, and it proved especially talented in the dry. In these conditions, it won the braking test and came third on the handling track. The steering didn’t feel quite as sharp as when the Continental tyres were fitted, but agility and balance were excellent and the lap time was just a few tenths behind. Despite having lots of grip, the Dunlop was one of the most frugal designs, coming second in the rolling-resistance test, beaten only by the P7 Blue. Newer tyres outperformed it in our aquaplaning tests, but results weren’t too far behind the best.

If you are looking for the best as well as most reliable car servicing for your vehicle, then you must rely on human expertise. Wheel Alignment Reading claims to have the best technicians in Berkshire who can make all the difference when it comes to serving and repairing your car. As far as the machines are concerned, the company never makes any compromise on that. Getting the right car servicing can be difficult on many occasions, but if you are a resident of Berkshire, then you can easily get that with Wheel Alignment Reading. Though we work on everyday basis, but we encourage our customers to get a prior appointment and then visit us with your car. It can save you time, and will help us to serve you better. Discover even more information on

Auto and Vehicles

Sanitize vending machines company in Chicago

Disinfectant Products provider Chicago? Why Will Vending Machines Become Popular: Vending machines are everywhere! There are approximately 4.6 million vending machines in the US alone and about 5 million in Japan. Given the high density of vending machines in most countries, it is likely that there will be one close to most households and workplaces. Despite the inherent advantage that vending machines have over traditional retail, operators need to be discerning about how they adapt to the ‘new normal. The changes that companies make now will yield benefits long after Coronavirus restrictions ease.

In an effort to provide riders with more travel amenities amid the coronavirus pandemic, the CTA announced a plan Wednesday to install vending machines with PPE at some train stations. “We understand the need for our customers to have a safe experience during their commutes,” CTA President Dorval R. Carter Jr. said in a statement. “The addition of these new vending machines is a reflection of our unwavering commitment to seek out tools and resources to help reassure our customers that we are doing everything we can to keep customers healthy during this ongoing pandemic.” The first six machines will be placed at the Belmont, Roosevelt and 79th stations on the Red Line, the Midway station on the Orange Line, the Jefferson Park station on the Blue Line and the Kedzie station on the Green Line. The vending machines will contain personal protective equipment including hand sanitizer, disposable face masks and gloves and sanitizing wipes. Items will range in price from $3.75 to $10, according to the CTA. PPE vending machines are a growing amenity offered on public transit. New York City MTA stations have also been installing the machines at train stations.

Welcome to Vending Made Easy, we started with one goal in mind, and that was keeping everyone safe. This all new product for 2020 represents our desire to have PPE accessible to everyone, everywhere, and around the world. Change is created by those who are willing to reinvent their business, assess the need, and take action to create change. Features of the GVG PPE STATION: MDB programming makes the GVG PPE credit card reader ready. Ask your representative for more information. Let your customers know what your brand is all about! Get your PPE machine fully custom wrapped for only $195. PPE machines are covered with our 1 year all parts warranty! Every machine comes with, in house FREE over the phone tech support. See more info on Disinfectant Products Chicago.

Electronics: Clean and disinfect cellphones (here’s how to do so safely), tablets, computer equipment, tv remotes and game controllers. Soft Surfaces: For soft or porous surfaces such as carpet, rugs and drapes, use an appropriate surface cleaner and disinfectant, taking care to follow any manufacturer instructions to prevent damage. Laundry: For linens, clothes and other washable items, machine washing with detergent is sufficient to kill the virus. If you are handling clothes worn by a sick person or someone who may have been in contact with a sick person, you should wear gloves and wash your hands immediately after handling soiled laundry. Linens and clothes should be washed on the warmest setting the material can tolerate, and dried completely.

Now, more than ever, our lack of preparedness has been brought to light! At first, we were only able to react to this global pandemic, but today you have a choice…which will you choose? Thousands are joining the Vending Made Easy movement, will you be next? It’s time to be proactive and ready your businesses for the next wave! Your time is NOW!!! Be the forefront of the Vending Revolution! Due to the ongoing Coronavirus, we have designed an effective and modern sanitizing solution to protect your employees and reduce the rate of spread. By installing our PPE program, your organization will be able to provide employees and clients with essential personal protective equipment (PPE), like face masks, gloves, and travel sized hand sanitizer. We can also help with PPE procurement if needed. Read extra details at

General Health

Wellness consulting certified coach with

Corporate consulting services by Roderick M. Mason? One of the biggest challenges corporate trainers face today is motivating employees to participate in the learning/training process. This is especially daunting for organizations whose training tools and strategies have failed to leverage the technologies that their employees are using every day in their personal lives. To motivate today’s learners who think nothing of playing video games with people all over the world, streaming videos on demand, connecting with others anywhere and anytime-all via a smartphone or other mobile device- takes a lot more than having them click “next” during a training exercise to keep them motivated and engaged.

Having a strong and successful training strategy helps to develop your employer brand and make your company a prime consideration for graduates and mid-career changes. Your commitment to training will obviously be transmitted to the career marketplace, including job seekers and recruitment professionals, by means word of mouth and positive feedback by current and past employees. Increasingly, your company will be recognised by recruitment professionals who seek to place ambitious candidates within your organisation partly on the strength of your company’s reputation (employer brand) – and the strength and quality of your training. You company reputation for training will also be built through those educational establishments which advise and guide promising talent towards the job market.

Stakeholders see the leadership behavior on a regular basis and are in the position to give feedback on the quality of leadership as well as tell the leader whether that quality of leadership is improving or not. They are also in a position to hold the leader accountable when he commits to changing/improving her leadership behavior. They provide on-job coaching and accountability to the leader while she makes an effort to improve her leadership. Marshall Goldsmith’s stakeholder centered coaching is based on this concept of involving the stakeholders – the people who are at the receiving end of the leadership behaviors. It starts with an assessment of the current leadership quality by soliciting 360-degree feedback from the stakeholders. Based on the feedback, the leader chooses 1-2 areas to improve in order to become a better leader.

Introducing Holistic Coaching Solutions : A much-needed and revolutionary coaching service by Roderick M. Mason. Roderick is a certified John Maxwell speaker, trainer, and coach. He is also a certified Primal Health Coach, licensed Diversity and Inclusion trainer, and certified Bucket List coach. With his years of experience, Roderick has helped many businesses in increasing their employees’ productivity and business revenues. See additional details at Corporate Training.

As we have just discussed, every thought and emotion has an environment, or context, within which it occurs. A context is a container, a parameter of truth within which we think, feel, sense and take action. Our thinking, feeling and our actions are based solely on what we say is true. Within this context, there are outcomes that are possible and outcomes that are impossible. When a client requests coaching for a particular outcome, a coach carefully listens for the context within which the client is working. The coach then empowers that client to see what is possible and impossible based on their context. From here, the client can practice taking the steps required to shift ways of being and acting to support the intended outcome.

Being a lifelong audiophile, Roderick M. Mason relished this opportunity to serve in the audio industry and worked relentlessly to achieve success as a retailer. Gradually climbing the proverbial ladder of success, he was approached by a fellow audiophile who pitched him an idea to open an independent audio store. However, this endeavor failed to flourish and he had to leave behind the audio industry to pursue opportunities in different fields. Roderick went on to become a Certified Personal Trainer and was able to lead this endeavor to fruition with utmost devotion and tenacity. However, a ruptured appendix put his journey as a personal trainer to a halt as he spent two weeks on a hospital bed and had to give up training for the next three months. Read additional information on here.


Driving lessons in Dublin, Ireland by Anewdriver

High quality driving lessons in Dublin, Ireland? Check your tires and brakes. Ensuring your tires and brakes are safe for travel is one of the best ways you can keep yourself safe on the road. As a general rule of thumb, you should not be able to see Abraham Lincoln’s head when you put a penny face-down between the tread of your tires. If you can, it means your tread depth is too low, and you need to replace your tires. Changing your brakes is equally important when considering car safety. If you hear a squeaking or grinding noise when pressing the breaks, you should check them immediately. Neglecting to do so could damage your rotors, which is not only extremely dangerous but also much more expensive to fix.

With car accidents being a major cause of stress, expense, and injury (or worse!), it’s always important to make sure you are driving as safely as possible. For me, driving is second nature but I want to make sure driving safely is second-nature too! So, here’s my list of safety tips to keep you out of trouble on the roads! We’re all busy these days, and that can often lead to running late to work or racing to pick up your kid from soccer practice. Hurrying your driving may seem normal to you but it’s definitely more dangerous and stressful than driving when you know you have enough time to get from point A to point B. In fact, if possible, it’s always best to have a little extra time, just in case you run into traffic or have to circle around unexpected construction. After all, saving a minute off of your commute is hardly worth causing an accident or getting a ticket.

If you need to make an emergency call, make sure that you pull over to a parking lot, or at least the side of the road, before you use your cell phone. Pay attention to all traffic signs: This is something that many drivers get out of the habit of doing, and they end up speeding or going the wrong way on one-way streets. If you are paying attention to all road signs, you will know what the posted speed limit is, and you can stay within it, which is a big part of defensive driving. Whatever you do, don’t follow what the driver ahead of you is doing. After all, he or she may not be following the rules of the road, and you will not be either, which can lead to an accident pretty quickly. Make sure that you obey all traffic lights as well. One wrong turn at a signal light could end up in a really bad accident. Find additional info at driving instructors Dublin.

Don’t assume other road users are good drivers. Part of driving defensively is also not assuming that every other driver is perfect and that they know or will stick to the rules of the road. You need to be ready for other cars to turn suddenly without using their indicator lights, to brake sharply or otherwise make unexpected or erratic movements. Most drivers on the road are competent but some are not – since you can’t know who is a good driver and who isn’t, make sure you give everyone plenty of space so you have time to take action if somebody else does something dangerous.

Park guided by your windows and mirrors. When perpendicular parking, stop once you see the curb under the side mirror. This way the distance between the car and the curb will be minimal, and you won’t scratch the bumper. When parallel parking, make sure you don’t scratch the hubcaps. Stick a piece of colored duct tape to the bottom of the windshield. Stop once the mark matches the curb line. It’s better to parallel park in reverse: this way, the curb is visible in the side-view mirrors, so you won’t be too close to it. See even more info on

Auto and Vehicles

Premium electric bikes producer and online shopping

Premium electric mountain bikes producer and online store? A6AH26F is an excellent electric bike for a variety of reasons, the 26*4.0 anti-skidding fat tires provide traction and float for off-road cycling easily, and adapt readily to snow, sand, gravel and virtually any other complex topography. There are a vairety of spec of motor parameter and battery capacity to you choose depend on you needs, there are 36v 250w/350w/500w, 48v 500w/750w/1000w, 60v 750w brushless motor, and 36v 10ah, 48v 10ah/13ah/15ah/20ah, 60v 13ah/13.6ah battery. For these motor spec, even steep inclines will be a breeze riding, a full charging battery provides up to 40-60km of per-electric driving. Large color LCD display is intuitive make you see the e bike real-time info clearly.

The brightly shining star that is bicycle transportation is only eclipsed by e-bikes which have taken the world by storm. An electric bicycle is equipped with an electric motor which is partially (or completely if you are lazy) responsible for the bike’s propulsion. The power of the engine can range from 150W to 1000 W. The maximum speed achievable by an e-bike ranges from 25 to 50 km / h. You should note that the weight of your typical e-bicycle is around 40 kg, and can be as heavy as 70 kg depending on its type and design. Meaning your electric bike will be considerably heavier than a standard bicycle. You can use electric exercise bike as an indoor cycling bike to boost your muscle endurance.

In recent years, our company has introduced a series of advanced equipment including automatic production line,CNC drilling, Battery capacity testing Equipment . In addition, we have obtained CE,EN15194,UN38.3 certificates.Additionally,our market divided in to domestic and overseas, exporting more than 10,000 pieces electric bike to Europe, South&North America and Southeast Asia yearly. we are located in beautiful coastal city,Zhuhai.we are close to Zhuhai airport,1 hours to Macao and 2hours to Hongkong and Shenzhen. Faith of company is survive with high quality and develop with credibility,high technology improve peoples life and good service to customer. Shuangye from 2008 has been for many years to participate in Canton Fair, the development of new models in the previous show, we have a strong R & D and sales team, the products are exported the world.we warmly welcome friends to the exhibition,and let us create a green, environment friendly, high-efficient and energy-saving new era together. Sincerely welcome customers from all over the world to join us. Find extra info at Fat Tire Electric Bike.

If you use the E-bike instead of a motor vehicle it will save you money in the long run. Petrol and diesel are costly in most countries, and occasional price surges can really impact on your budget. While with E-bikes, you can buy affordable batteries which can last you 18-50 miles after a full charge depending on the level of assistance you use. We have all seen it in sci-fi movies. Sleek and sexy vehicles, none of which look old, bulky or have jets of smoke coming out the back, un-futuristic transportation is no longer being made. The electric bike is on its way to being up there with its smart counterparts. Considering that this invention will improve continuously over time, what we have now might be the prototype of this promising transport.

Want to pursue a faster and more powerful electric bicycle? Shuangye newly upgraded the front and rear dual-motor electric fat tire bicycle, the front wheel motor is 60V 750W, the rear wheel motor is 60V 750W, and the front and rear wheels are driven together, which will give you the ultimate riding experience. The 20?*4.0 fat tire can carry a weight of 150-200KG; the large tires increase the contact area with the ground, and the unique tire pattern will make the riding more stable and can perfectly adapt to various terrains. Discover extra information on


The upsurge of a healthcare performance optimization manager : Lecia Scotford

Who is Lecia Scotford and some of her ideas? Hundreds of millions of dollars in construction spending is being invested in healthcare facilities around the state, most of it in Anchorage and the Mat-Su, though a new dental facility was recently completed in Dillingham. Dillingham Home to New Dental Facility Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation, or BBAHC, in September opened doors to a new, state-of-the-art dental health facility and administrative complex in Dillingham. The facility is located on the grounds of the Kanakanak Hospital and will serve the region. The dental clinic project can be attributed to BBAHC Chief Operating Officer Lecia Scotford, MD, as well as her talented projects department team.

The project took two years from beginning to end. The business plan was created during the summer of 2014 and was approved that fall. The team broke ground in June 2015. The building was completed and operational in September 2016. The building design was a partnership between BBAHC, architectural firm Livingston Sloan, and its engineering consultant teams as well as initial assistance from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. The 15,531-square-foot, two-story building meets the US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standards, meaning it uses less water and energy in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Much of the money went toward new boilers, air-handling units, three generators, and a twenty-thousand-gallon fuel tank, Miller says, “so we have redundancy in the case of an emergency or power outage.” Making infrastructure repairs to a busy hospital is a challenge, she says, but it was necessary both to be compatible with new industry standards for backup power and because some of the machinery was out – dated and in need of replacement. “We often refer to it as making repairs on your car while it’s going down the road— and still maintaining the safety of those individuals riding in the vehicles,” she says. Power must be switched over to test gen – erators, which is possibly the most difficult aspect of the construction job, considering many patients are on respirators or moni – tors that are connected to power. Miller says employees and administration pick a time of day that is well staffed and generally calm to test or connect the new equipment.

In addition to the infrastructure, Alaska Regional made significant upgrades to its Women’s unit, which includes the labor and delivery, postpartum, and neonatal in – tensive care units. “We did all the nurse’s stations, floor – ing patient rooms, all the furniture, some of the equipment, and we added the kingsized Tempur-Pedic® beds [in the birthing recovery unit],” she says. The hospital completed the family birth center earlier this year and was preparing to open its newly renovated medical oncology unit in early November, with private rooms and updated hallways and waiting spaces. Now, the work is focused on the operating rooms, recovery area, and pre-operating area. “We have continued to invest in new equip – ment, including a replacement MRI and a re – placement mammography machine,” Miller says. “We are also pending funding for reno – vation for our fourth- and fifth-floor spaces.”

Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation P.O. Box130 Dillingham, Alaska 99576 Dr. Lecia Scotford, MD, MHA; Executive Vice-President and Chief Operations Officer Testimony for the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs regarding H.R. 4289 May 18, 2016 The Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation (BBAHC) is pleased to appear before this Subcommittee in support of H.R. 4289, legislation introduced by Representative Don Young which would require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to transfer certain Indian Health Service (IHS) property to BBAHC by warranty deed. The property is critically important to BBAHC’s construction and operation of a new free-standing dental clinic.

The BBAHC is in the process of constructing a new, modern, up-to-date facility that will be available later this year to provide significantly more dental services to BBAHC’s 8,000 member service population. We note that Senators Murkowski and Sullivan have introduced a companion bill, S. 2421, and we thank our entire delegation for their support on this matter. Both bills also include a warranty deed transfer provision for the Tanana Tribal Council. BBAHC has for many years carried out a comprehensive health care delivery program at the federally owned Kanakanak Hospital compound in Dillingham. BBAHC has done so on behalf of its member villages in accordance with the Alaska Tribal Health Compact and Funding Agreements with the IHS under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA). These services include dental care.

Even if BBAHC were to use its own funds or other third party funds, the quitclaim deed requires IHS permission for any major change or improvement in the property. IHS justifies its position by claiming that all transfers of federal property to ISDEAA contractors and compactors must be made under the FPASA and GSA rules. This position, however, is contrary to the GSA regulations at 41 C.F.R. § 102-75.110, exempting transfers of real property from the FPASA and GSA rules if the transfer is authorized by a special statute that directs or requires an Executive agency to transfer or convey title to specifically described real property in accordance with the provisions of the statute.

The Secretary will retain any and all liability for environmental contamination in existence on the property prior to the transfer of title to BBAHC. Language is included to provide the Secretary with and easement and access to the property as reasonably necessary to satisfy any retained obligation or liability of the Secretary. Finally, the Secretary must comply with the notice of hazardous substance activity and warranty requirements of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).

Simplify Communications with On-call Physicians: According to a survey by physician wellness services, nearly one third of physicians have issues with on-call scheduling. The quality of communication with patients directly affects the hospital performance. Lecia Scotford is a results oriented and experienced healthcare strategic planner. Skilled in communication, performance optimization, interpersonal ssing and implementing dynamic changes effortlessly.

General Health

Rolls Royce Phantom wedding limo offers for wedding transport in Reading London, UK

Wedding Rolls Phantom car hire providers in Berkshire London, UK? If you want limo service after the reception, you pay for the time the driver waits for you. Ask about discounts. Some hotels and transportation companies work together. You may get a discount on limos if you book a certain number of hotel rooms. Some limo companies offer complimentary honeymoon airport transfer the day after the wedding. Another way to reduce transportation costs is to book one large vehicle. Transport the wedding party and guests between venues on a bus or van instead of several cars. Choose one central pickup and drop-off location to save time and money.

Research on Wedding Limo Rentals: You can get a fabulous wedding limo service in Toronto even if you have champagne taste on a beer budget with proper planning. Like for example, you can cut considerable cost by hiring the wedding limo service for just an hour or two. Of course, be reasonable! Will your entire event consummate in that specific time? If the chances are even if a little vague, book for a little longer. One can hire an excellent service at the price of $150 to $350 an hour based on their demands and choices.

Airport Transfers Reading – Whether you are travelling for business purposes or for enjoying your holiday you need to hire our airport transfers Reading service, so that you reach your desired destination in a comfortable way. When you hire our services we offer a huge range of services and chauffeur services and ensure that we meet all the needs of our customers. All our employees have years of experience in providing a excellent proactive level of executive car services. Our airport transfer services includes a free flight monitoring service. We track your flight timings and our drivers reach the surrey airport according to your flight timing. So whether your flight is early or subject to delay we come to know about it and hence act accordingly allowing us not to charge our clients unnecessary waiting time charges except in extreme circumstances such as held up in customs or reasons beyond our control. Read additional details on Taxi Airport.

Why can’t I find a limousine for only a one hour rental? Most companies require a minimum 2 or 3 hour booking to rent the vehicle. This is due to the large expense and cost involved in securing and maintaining the vehicles. The average limousine can run around $70,000-$110,000 new! A one-hour rental is simply not cost effective because the vehicle is only in ‘paid-service’ for one hour; however actual vehicle run time may be more than 2 hours. Other costs that make a 1-hour rental not possible is vehicle preparation time and driver salary. In addition, during prom or other high demand season, minimum hourly booking requirements may increase to 5-8 hours due to the overwhelming demand for limousines. You are more likely to get struck by lightning than getting a limousine rental for 1 or 2 hours during prom or special event season. Some companies may offer special exceptions to this rule depending on fleet availability and their current scheduling considerations.

A limo makes a fine holiday gift: I once rented a limo for my wife, her two sisters, her niece, and her sister-in-law so they could get a massage at a local spa – it was my Christmas present for all of them. While it wasn’t cheap, once I subtracted what I would’ve spent on individual gifts, it wasn’t a financial bloodbath either – $400 for the limo, and $300 for the spa. That’s $140 per woman. And they talked about it right through the next Christmas. I would’ve hired Sam, but he had moved by that time. Still, I took his advice and booked a limo for a special occasion I created, instead of a wedding or prom. Sam always said the most appreciative riders he ever drove were those who were surprised to see a limo pull up to their doorstep – or learned they were riding in a limo just hours or sometimes minutes beforehand.

Advices on how to select the best limousine for your event? There are many things to consider to achieve a good limo rental experience. Limousine and Party Bus Rental Packages: A package is often the best choice for special occasions like weddings, concerts, prom, sporting events or other ride types with a predictable start and end time. Packages will generally provide a set number of hours, in a vehicle that fits your party size and event for a fixed, all-inclusive price. Some companies offer packages for every type of service and most give substantial “bulk rate” price breaks.

The path navigated by the car on its way to the wedding venue should be chalked out in advance so that problems of late arrivals can be avoided. Thus while choosing from the wedding cars, it would be prudent to settle for a company that has rendered services in many venues in the region. A search on the internet will help you find some companies offering wedding cars. Most of them offer online catalogues. You can go over these catalogues to choose the best possible transportation for your wedding day. You can easily compare prices and style to have the best wedding transport that you want Or better still why dont you go to their business premises and look at the cars in person then choose the one you like, a Good Wedding Car Hire Company will encourage you to do this at least then you get a better feel for the wedding car company that will be providing you your wedding day transport and you know what Wedding Car vehicle will be showing up on your big day. Discover more details at


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Casino poker advices to enjoy at Indonesian casinos from The psychological side of poker can be overwhelming, and you need to be ready to deal with it. Swings happen and bad beats will come. If you don’t know how do deal with this, have a look at the poker tips Italy’s poker pro Rocco Palumbo shared with PokerNews at the 2017 PokerStars Championship Prague. If these tips work for Palumbo, they may as well work for you! One more way average players regularly sabotage their poker results is by stubbornly playing in games that are full of decent-to-good regulars. If you can’t find somebody at the table who is playing very poorly, then you have to ask yourself why it is that you are even there. If you only play poker for the mental challenge or recreation or pleasure, then this is fine. This poker tip doesn’t necessarily apply to you.

Pro Tip: Before I play a session, I imagine going all-in and losing my full stack on the very first hand. If the thought of that possibility doesn’t bother me, I know I’m ready to play my A-game for a long session. But if going all-in and losing one of my buy-ins on the first hand sounds unbearable, I reconsider playing. If you can’t spot the sucker in your first half hour at the table, then you are the sucker. This is as true now as when Mike McDermott (played by Matt Damon) said it in Rounders back in 1998. If you want to play poker and win, you need to play against weaker players than yourself. Think about it like this: If you are the 9th best poker player in the world, you will be the best player at almost any table. But if you join a table with those 8 players that are better than you, you become the sucker.

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Everyone goes through a bad beat at some point. Poker is a game of skill, strategy, and luck. If you’re starting out, you may occasionally lose your small bankroll, but remember that many pro-poker players have lost thousands of dollars during a single session. Fortunately, the true poker pros have always recovered their losses and become millionaires many times over. The professional poker circuit is filled with players who consistently remain at the top of their game. Consider guys like Phil Ivey, Daniel Negreanu, Eric Seidel, Antonio Esfandiari, and Phil Helmuth Junior. These are the kings of poker, and they stay that way because poker is a skill-based game.

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Top cigar humidor cabinet online shopping

Best cigar accessories online store? An electronic humidifier keeps your beloved cigars at the right humidity level. If you have a large collection of high quality and beloved cigars, you may need a humidifier. Gel Bead Devices are available in different sizes to suit the different sizes of your cigar collection. Our usual recommendation is a device for 50-75 of your best cigar’s, but if you are someone who has a large furniture-sized humidor (i.e. a humidor that can hold 500 cigars), you might want to look into an electronic humidifier.

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We offer a wide range of desktop cigar humidors that can be great for both your home and office desktop setup. The best thing about these locked cigar humidors is that you can even take them with you while you travel. The best desktop humidors can bring style and elegance to your room. However, if you are a frequent traveler, you can check out our travel cigar humidors for a better experience. Commercially manufactured desktop humidors are usually made of wood, but materials such as acrylic, glass and metal are also used. Carbon fibers or polyethylene are rarer, but also available in a variety of sizes and shapes.

A Cabinet Humidor is the Holy Grail for storing Cigars. As Cigar connoisseurs become more serious about their Cigar collections the unique ways of storing them in the home have become more popular. They very much resemble furniture in private homes and for the commercial cigar customer Humidor Cabinet’s have always been a great way to display Cigars for sale. There is now a very wide selection of wood’s and shapes, displays to choose from. We also can facilitate custom orders of Cabinet Humidors. Discover even more information on here.
