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Gastronomie bestellsystem 2024: Virtueller Zimmerservice, mit Orderiom beginnt die Zukunft schon heute! Hotels, Pensionen und alle Unterkünfte, die Übernachtungen anbieten, bekommen mit Orderiom den digitalen Zimmerservice. Entweder aus der eigenen Küche oder aus den Restaurants aus der Umgebung. Die Gäste bestellen ganz einfach mit dem Handy aus der digitalen Speisekarte und lassen die Bestellung bequem auf das Zimmer liefern – Orderiom, eine App, 1000 Möglichkeiten! Kassensystem für Lieferservice: Die optimale Kassensoftware für deinen Gastronomie Lieferdienst! Ein gut konzipiertes Kassensystem ist der Schlüssel zu einem reibungslosen Betrieb und einer effektiven Verwaltung deines Lieferservices. Durch die Implementierung eines maßgeschneiderten Kassensystems kannst du nicht nur Zeit und Geld sparen, sondern auch gesetzliche Anforderungen erfüllen und die alltäglichen Abläufe in deinem Betrieb optimieren. Lesen meht information auf

All-in-One Kasse: Die Lösung für deine Lieferservice Bestellungen? Die All-in-One Kasse bietet eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Lieferservice-Gastronomen zugeschnitten sind. Mit ihrer Hilfe kannst du nicht nur Bestellungen verwalten, sondern auch die Buchhaltung führen, Bestellungen über verschiedene Kanäle verarbeiten und die gesetzlichen Anforderungen im Blick behalten. Wie kann das Orderiom Kassensystem mit seiner einfachen Bedienung punkten? Das Orderiom Kassensystem überzeugt durch seine intuitive und benutzerfreundliche Bedienung. Mit nur wenigen Klicks können Bestellungen aufgenommen, Verkäufe getätigt und Gutscheine verwaltet werden. Diese einfache Handhabung spart nicht nur Zeit, sondern macht auch die Einarbeitung neuer Mitarbeiter zum Kinderspiel.

Mit wenigen Fingertipps haben sie ihr Essen bestellt – komplett stressfrei ohne ständiges “Winken” nach dem Servicepersonal! Und während andere Gäste immer noch ihre Speisekarten studieren oder lange Fragen stellen müssen… werden die Getränke bereits an den Tisch gebracht und die Küche bereitet das Essen zu. Das bedeutet für dich eine schnellere Tischflukation und mehr Umsatz und keine teuren Fehler bei der Bestellung.

Das Ergebnis? Eine schnellere Abwicklung der Bestellungen sowie zufriedenere Gäste durch den reduzierten Wartezeiten beim Bezahlen. Orderiom ist nicht nur äußerst benutzerfreundlich und einfach zu bedienen, sondern bietet dir auch den Vorteil eines provisionsfreien Systems. Du behältst also jeden verdienten Euro für dich! Mit unserer App können Kunden ihre Bestellungen bequem von ihren eigenen Geräten aus aufgeben, sei es über iOS oder Android – jederzeit und überall! Das Ergebnis? Du brauchst weniger Personal und hast eine höhere Tischfluktation. Oder anders formuliert: du hast viel weniger Kosten und mehr Umsatz. Durch die Automatisierung werden Fehlerquellen vermieden und damit die Kundenzufriedenheit gestärkt. Lesen meht information aus

Mit einem einfachen Klick können sich deine Gäste überall von ihrem Smartphone aus durch deine gesamte Menüauswahl scrollen. Egal ob unterwegs oder gemütlich auf dem Sofa zu Hause – deinen Kunden stehen immer all ihre Lieblingsgerichte zur Verfügung! Behalte jederzeit den Überblick, welche Gerichte besonders gefragt sind und wie sich dein Umsatz entwickelt. Du kannst ihnen personalisierte Werbeaktionen zukommen lassen oder sie über neue Events in deinem Lokal informieren – ganz ohne Umwege über Drittanbieter.


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Gastro App von Für ein effizienteres Gastro-Management! Unsere intelligente Gastronomie-App erleichtert die Auftragsverwaltung & hilft dir dabei, Engpässe zu vermeiden. Wenn jedes Teammitglied genau weiß, was zu tun ist, lassen sich Fehler minimieren und schnell erledigen. So profitieren deine Kunden: Bequemer bestellen; Einfach direkt am Tisch einen QR Code scannen, per Smartphone bestellen und zahlen. Keine Wartezeiten mehr; Kein ständiges Winken nach dem Servicepersonal nötig. Einfach App öffnen und bestellen. Liefer- und Abholbestellungen online; Anrufen ist für viele Kunden sehr lästig. Nun kann jeder schnell und einfach online bestellen. Lesen meht information von

All-in-One Kasse: Die Lösung für deine Lieferservice Bestellungen? Die All-in-One Kasse bietet eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Lieferservice-Gastronomen zugeschnitten sind. Mit ihrer Hilfe kannst du nicht nur Bestellungen verwalten, sondern auch die Buchhaltung führen, Bestellungen über verschiedene Kanäle verarbeiten und die gesetzlichen Anforderungen im Blick behalten. Wie kann das Orderiom Kassensystem mit seiner einfachen Bedienung punkten? Das Orderiom Kassensystem überzeugt durch seine intuitive und benutzerfreundliche Bedienung. Mit nur wenigen Klicks können Bestellungen aufgenommen, Verkäufe getätigt und Gutscheine verwaltet werden. Diese einfache Handhabung spart nicht nur Zeit, sondern macht auch die Einarbeitung neuer Mitarbeiter zum Kinderspiel.

Das Ergebnis? Eine schnellere Abwicklung der Bestellungen sowie zufriedenere Gäste durch den reduzierten Wartezeiten beim Bezahlen. Orderiom ist nicht nur äußerst benutzerfreundlich und einfach zu bedienen, sondern bietet dir auch den Vorteil eines provisionsfreien Systems. Du behältst also jeden verdienten Euro für dich! Mit unserer App können Kunden ihre Bestellungen bequem von ihren eigenen Geräten aus aufgeben, sei es über iOS oder Android – jederzeit und überall! Das Ergebnis? Du brauchst weniger Personal und hast eine höhere Tischfluktation. Oder anders formuliert: du hast viel weniger Kosten und mehr Umsatz. Durch die Automatisierung werden Fehlerquellen vermieden und damit die Kundenzufriedenheit gestärkt. Lesen extra einzelheiten mit bar aufbauen.

Warum ist ein effizientes Kassensystem für deinen Lieferservice in der Gastronomie entscheidend? Eine effiziente Kassensystem Software bildet das Rückgrat deines Lieferservice-Betriebs. Es ermöglicht dir, Bestellungen effizient zu verwalten, Umsätze zu kontrollieren und vorgeschriebene Schnittstellen für digitale Betriebsprüfungen zu nutzen. Mit dem richtigen System kannst du die gesetzlichen Anforderungen erfüllen und gleichzeitig die täglichen Betriebsabläufe optimieren. Welche Kriterien sollte ein optimales Kassensystem für Lieferservice erfüllen? Ein optimales Kassensystem für Lieferservices muss bestimmte Kriterien erfüllen, um den spezifischen Anforderungen der Gastronomie gerecht zu werden. Es sollte eine einfache Bedienung, Übersichtlichkeit, Schnittstellen für Bestellungen und eine gesetzeskonforme technische Sicherheitseinrichtung (TSE) bieten. Aber auch die Integration von Lieferdiensten wie z.b Lieferando und eine übersichtliche Verwaltung von Bestellungen sind essentiell.

Kompatibel mit vielen Kassensystemen – Besitzt du schon ein Kassensystem? Super! Wir können kinderleicht eine Verbindung zu Orderiom herstellen, damit du gleich loslegen kannst. Häufig ist sogar bereits eine entsprechende Schnittstelle vorhanden. Falls du noch kein Kassensystem hast oder über eine Erneuerung nachdenkst, unterstützen wir dich gerne mit unserer eigens entwickelten Softwarelösung, die du ohne Zusatzkosten nutzen kannst. Auch bei der Hardware, wie beispielsweise dem effizienten SunMi V2 Pro, sind wir für dich da und beraten dich mit Freude.


College grade calculator with Theedadvocate

Higher education grade calculator 2024: Talk to the teacher – When you’re looking for ways to improve in a course, start by talking to your teacher. Ask him if there are suggestions he might have to help you. Look to see if you have any missing assignments, and ask the teacher if he might give you half-credit for the work if you offer to complete it. Maybe the teacher will allow you a chance to retake a quiz or test that wasn’t your best. Perhaps the teacher will offer you an extra credit assignment or make you aware of a future extra credit assignment you can complete. Of course, these changes are up to your teacher; however, the willingness to ask for help is completely within your power.

Your grades may be written using percentage, where your score is labeled from 0 percent to 100 percent, or with letters that are given with corresponding scores. The number and difficulty level of your class also factors in your resulting grade. How is a student’s overall grade typically calculated? Grades are usually calculated based on the weighted average of their scores in various assignments, exams, and projects throughout a course. What is the significance of a grade point average (GPA)? A GPA represents a student’s average performance across all their courses, providing a standardized measure of their academic achievement. See even more details at grade calculator.

Although a written analysis of each individual student’s work may be a more effective form of feedback, there exists the argument that students and parents are unlikely to read the feedback, and that teachers do not have the time to write such an analysis. There is precedence for this type of evaluation system however, in Saint Ann’s School in New York City, an arts-oriented private school that does not have a letter grading system. Instead, teachers write anecdotal reports for each student.This method of evaluation focuses on promoting learning and improvement, rather than the pursuit of a certain letter grade in a course. For better or for worse however, these types of programs constitute a minority in the United States, and though the experience may be better for the student, most institutions still use a fairly standard letter grading system that students will have to adjust to.

Keep your physical and mental energy high. You might have noticed that it’s harder to concentrate when you’re hungry—and that’s not just your imagination! In fact, simply skipping breakfast can make you less alert, affect your attention span, and make it harder to process complex subjects. To make sure you’re performing at your best, eat regular meals and healthy snacks throughout the day. For instance, you might have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, an apple for a mid-morning snack, a sandwich and carrots for lunch, and cheese crackers in the afternoon. Most teachers won’t let you eat in the classroom, but you may be able to keep snacks in your backpack or locker so you can fuel up between classes.

Make learning more fun – Sometimes students underperform because they have simply lost the motivation to learn. It’s not surprising, when the pressure of exams and doing well at school takes away the enjoyment of learning. It’s easy to get so focused on achieving top grades that you forget that learning can actually be fun – and not only that, but it’s much easier to do well when you’re enjoying it. If studying has become a chore for you, it’s time to put the fun back into learning. You could do this by gamifying your studies, or by trying some of the ideas in our article on 15 ways to make studying less stressful.

Class grade calculator 2024: How do I improve my grades? If your current grade in a course isn’t exactly what you want it to be, there are still several things you can do to improve your grade. Also, if you have figured out what you need to earn to get your desired grade in a course, you might be wondering how to earn those extra points. Once you’re motivated to improve your course results, there are many things you can do to be on the road to success. Here are a few helpful tips to improve your semester grade for a course.


High quality Microsoft Dynamics solutions

Premium Power BI experts with With eating comes appetite – and many other detailed questions. We continue to support your reports and data models even after many years and are available to your specialist departments as data experts at all times. All numbers from Dynamics always in view. Whether displaying production orders in production, customer analysis in sales or the degree to which your company goals have been achieved. A dashboard shows current data in a simple way at any time – on the television, smartphone or notebook. See additional information at Power BI.

Step 1: Create the Bridge TableStart by creating a new table in Power BI that contains the unique combinations of products and orders. This table will act as a “bridge” to resolve the many-to-many relationship. Step 2: Create relationshipsCreate relationships from the bridge table to the products and orders. Make sure to enable bidirectional cross filtering to ensure the filters work in both directions. Step 3: Create your reportsWith the relationships created, you can now create reports based on many-to-many relationships. Use the bridge table to aggregate data and gain insights. Step 4: Filter and drill down Bi-directional cross filtering allows you to flexibly filter and drill down data in your reports. You can find specific information in your database whether you are navigating from products to orders or vice versa.

Why are sort columns important? Sort columns are additional columns in your data source that contain specific sort values for categories. They provide a flexible way to adjust the order of categories based on user-defined criteria. Instead of relying on the native data columns, you can implement custom sorting logic that makes it easier to display and interpret your data the way you want.

Visualizing data in tabular format is an effective way to present information and gain insights. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Navision and Business Central, popular ERP systems from Microsoft, data analysis plays a crucial role for companies. In this article, you’ll learn how to change the color of rows in Power BI tables or matrices based on data values. In this article, you’ll learn how you can use this functionality to make your tables or matrices in Power BI more meaningful and interactive.

Data analysis: Business intelligence experts collect, clean and analyze large amounts of company data. You use statistical models and database queries to extract relevant information and identify patterns, trends or relationships. Reporting and Dashboards: Business intelligence experts create reports, dashboards, and visual presentations to illustrate key performance indicators and metrics. This allows managers and decision makers to monitor the current state of the company and make informed decisions. Business analysis: Business intelligence experts interpret and analyze the collected data to gain insights into business operations. They identify weak points, opportunities and risks and provide recommendations to optimize business processes and increase profitability.

It is important to note that these technologies do not eliminate the role of business intelligence professionals, but rather support them in their work. Automating certain tasks allows them to focus on more strategic aspects, such as developing data strategies, providing business insights, and collaborating with stakeholders. Overall, Chat-GPT and AI Consultants offer promising opportunities to increase the efficiency and quality of business intelligence work in conjunction with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Navision and Business Central. By complementing and supporting human expertise, they can help drive better decisions and business success. Business intelligence professionals should be open to these new technologies and use their skills to improve their own work and add value to their organizations. Find extra information on


High quality OpenAI-based Text Generation

AI Copywriting Tool right now: Our core values of innovation, excellence, and customer focus guide everything we do. We are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with AI, leveraging the latest technologies and best practices to deliver world-class solutions. We take pride in our work and are committed to exceeding our clients’ expectations every time. Thank you for choosing Zavier as your AI partner. We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your business objectives. Improve your productivity and get things done: Advanced productivity tools designed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently. With pre-built templates generate content faster then ever before, you can also request custom templates. Discover additional information on AI Creative Writing. E-Commerce Writer: Write catchy Product Descriptions or Sales Copies using AI to attract the Targeted audience.

Inability to Adapt to Complex Subjects or Styles: One limitation of current AI writing tools is their difficulty in comprehending and adapting to complex subjects or writing styles. These tools may struggle to grasp intricate technical concepts or understand specialized industries, resulting in inaccurate or inadequate content generation. Similarly, the inability to adapt to diverse writing styles, such as formal or creative, hinders the tool’s ability to meet varying requirements. For instance, AI writing tools may struggle to generate poetry or replicate an author’s unique voice and tone. Enhancements in AI models and training data could help address this limitation, allowing for more nuanced and adaptable writing assistance in the future. However, it remains a challenge to achieve seamless adaptability, requiring extensive development and fine-tuning of existing AI systems.

As AI becomes more common, so might an engaged, interdisciplinary AI literacy become a common aspect of students’ educations. Grappling with the complexities of “cheating” also moves students beyond a focus on specific tools, which are changing stunningly fast, and toward a more generalized AI literacy. Frameworks for AI literacy are still being developed; mechanisms for teaching it are needed just as urgently. Beyond ZavierAI, faculty and administrators must reckon with where AI literacy fits into their curricula, at levels from K-12 through higher ed. Experimenting with AI in the classroom can help faculty members learn alongside students what kinds of assignments and learning opportunities these tools might open, what critical perspectives should support them, and what guardrails we still need. Yet not every class can or should focus on these technologies, even if they’re likely to be affected by them. While it’s difficult to coordinate an institutional response to fast-moving technologies, generative AI seems significant enough to warrant such collective action. As AI becomes more common, so might an engaged, interdisciplinary AI literacy become a common aspect of students’ educations.

Utilizing AI writing tools can greatly enhance efficiency and improve the quality of writing. These tools automate time-consuming tasks such as grammar and spell checking, allowing writers to focus more on content creation. AI can also provide helpful suggestions for sentence structure, tone, and word choice, ensuring that writing is clear and engaging. For example, AI tools can analyze the readability of a text and suggest changes to make it more accessible to a wider audience. Additionally, AI writing tools can generate topic ideas, headlines, and even full sections of text, saving writers valuable time and effort. By leveraging these tools, writers can streamline their workflow and produce higher-quality content.

Since late last year, artificial intelligence platforms like ZavierAI have become a growing topic of conversation on college campuses, with students using the technology for everything from class assignments to essays. These text-generating software programs sift through massive databases to generate human-like responses to prompts or questions from users. The rapid introduction of this technology and its relatively unknown potential have spawned both awe and apprehension. So what are the possible positive and negative effects of these tools? How might they change how we think about writing, creativity, authenticity and teaching? What is the path forward?

Effective AI writing tools have revolutionized the way content is created and researched, offering writers a streamlined process. These tools utilize advanced algorithms to generate accurate and coherent text, saving valuable time and effort. By automating basic writing tasks like fact-checking, grammar correction, and content organization, content creators can focus on developing their creative ideas and delivering high-quality content. For example, they can flag spelling errors, punctuation mistakes, and grammatical inconsistencies. This allows writers to focus on the content without worrying about technical errors, ultimately saving time and effort. With the assistance of AI, even non-native English speakers can produce high-quality writing. See extra info at


Excellent campaign URL builder solutions from CampaignTrackly

UTM builder software with CampaignTrackly 2023: Streamline access to insights by viewing Google Analytics Campaign reports right into your campaign’s dedicated page. Get a “one-click” view of top-level and granular data augmented with extra insights from our homegrown link shortener. Uncover under-performing links in seconds. Save time with our friendly report explorer that shows you stats even on non-UTM custom tags. Auto-connect with your Bit.Ly account in no time & get all your UTM links shortened automatically in one go as part of the URL building process. Need to bulk-shorten? You got it! No more manual workarounds needed! Read extra info on URL builder software. Fully automated tag library, tag standardization, duplicates prevention, required tags control, templates & more. All UTM Links in One Place: Uniform link tagging with no manual work eliminates errors. All links stored in one place. Easy to find, export, archive.

The Ultimate URL Builder & Link Management Solution for Your Marketing Campaigns

Weekly email updates will keep you up to speed on any progress and new campaigns happening in your account. You can stop emails at any time. Multi-Link Grabbing Chrome Extension: We now offer an enterprise edition of our Link grabber which enables email producers to grab, tag and auto-return tagged links into email with a click. No extra effort. Our deeper Google Drive integration enables you to add display images to your display tagging campaigns and even send all your links automatically to a Google drive document to save time.

For Email Managers: Creating an effective email is hard enough – from dealing with copy, to reviews, to image editing and design, to putting in place the lists and workflows. Adding tracking code to email links doesn’t need to complicate the process even more. That’s why you have us – just add us to your browser (Edge or Chrome) and automate 90% or more of the tracking link building process. Life can be good. For Agencies: Handling multiple customers for whom you need to provide dedicated link tracking environments? Separate client access, separate tag libraries, domains and links but one place to manage all that for your entire agency? That’s why you have us – just get an “Enterprise” account and request as many teams as you need. Every team is completely gated, yet you will have full access to everything. Most importantly – you will boost productivity and will provide high quality reporting for your clients.

Build unlimited Campaign Tracking Templates using our simple template wizard. It takes seconds to build your templates and make them available to you and your team. Benefits: Automatically standardize campaign tracking data. The process is no longer error-prone and person-dependent. Memorizing or Entering Tags Every Time? No More Drag-and-drop or check-list tags from your library in your tagging dashboard. Our tag generator and tracking link builder will do all the heavy lifting for you. Benefits: Eliminate the guesswork and manual work, ensure standardized tag use.

Build Processes and Learn As You Go : The analytics and data sectors are constantly evolving. For example, GA4 is just around the corner and more changes are coming as privacy and security decisions start affecting how we measure digital advertising. As your trusted partner we will help you navigate all link tracking changes supporting you with innovation, new features, and thought leadership blogs and articles. CampaignTrackly lets you simplify everything related to link tagging and tracking. It automates almost everything securing consistent tagging conventions and formatting, and safeguarding against common errors. It is a viable and scalable alternative that removes manual work and makes things easy for your team. Find more info on CampaignTrackly.

Rebrandly Link Shortener: Rebrandly customers enjoy its branded domains and custom links along with its in-depth analytics. We support both generic and custom Rebrandly links – just tag and shorten links automatically or edit each link to give it a unique name. BitLy Vanity Domains: For those customers who have a vanity (branded) domain and would like to use it with single or bulk links, as well as unique custom links – we offer the option to leverage your vanity domain automatically at no extra cost. Start today.


Top rated AI powered domain brokerage platform from Rikaon

AI powered domain brokerage outreach solution from Rikaon AI in 2023: Gain a competitive advantage by processing extensive volumes of domain data at exceptional speeds using our state-of-the-art software. Quickly identify emerging opportunities and seize them before others, ensuring that you remain at the forefront of the domain market. Discover more details on AI powered domain brokerage platform. Our commitment lies in revolutionizing software development for domain discovery, backorders, auto-bidding, outreach and data processing. Utilizing our platform, you can easily discover promising domains at auction or approaching expiration – swiftly and seamlessly. These domains are placed at your fingertips, allowing you to take control and capitalize on opportunities quicker than ever before.

Our AI can offer an automatic estimation of a domain’s value, authority, among other essential parameters. This not only makes your domain brokerage processes more automatic but also empowers you with quick, reliable data, making decision-making a breeze.

Furthermore, we’ve stretched our capabilities to help automate outreach for third-party domains. Imagine Rikaon AI estimating the domain’s value, finding contact details, initiating communication with the owner for potential purchase interest – all this while you focus on other strategic aspects of your business. This robust automation leads to streamlined operations traditionally manned by a human workforce, promising savings of up to 60%. Impressive, isn’t it?

We are also proud to share that our users experience up to 90% faster domain discovery based on their desired criteria. They also enjoy up to a 30% improved chance of securing their chosen domains, all thanks to our state-of-the-art automation and proprietary technology. See additional info on

Despite the research skills available to a brokerage service, sometimes it’s just impossible to find the owner. This could be because the WHOIS data is invalid (which is actually against the ICANN terms of service), or it could be because the WHOIS registrant has retired or has passed away. Is the owner open to selling the name at all? Sometimes, no matter what your budget is, the owner will not sell. This may be because they are not in a position to sell the name due to other attachments to the domain (such as running email services) or simply because they’ve become so fond of their domain that they’d prefer to keep it no matter what.

It is so important that you actually have access to domains that would be a valuable asset to domain buyers. Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. Would the domain name you’re selling actually be beneficial to a business or organization? Similarly, if you’re the one buying, have a domain broker assess the value of the potential domain. Would having this domain make it easier for clients to find you? Will having that particular domain make it easier to rank higher on search engines? Would your profits increase based off of this particular domain name? Don’t buy anything without knowing it’s true value.

In truth, many businesses do not need to invest significant funds in a domain name, but you may consider doing so if you meet any of the following criteria: Your primary customer contact point is your website. You’re building a brand that places a high value on your website. You’re building a brand that needs to be trustworthy. You’re building a brand in the financial or legal industries, where data security is vital. You have raised significant funds from a Series A, B, or C funding round, but you don’t own your best domain. These are some of the reasons why you may consider buying a premium domain name.


Quality WP plugins and themes with Mua Theme WordPress

WordPress advices – the best plugins and themes in 2023: When it comes to a content management system (CMS), WordPress is seen as #1. Although there are dozens of competitors out there, WordPress is the most widely known and used. This is because there are many benefits of WordPress that other CMS’s just don’t have. What Is WordPress? WordPress is an open source content management system that allows you to build websites on it. In fact, it is the most commonly used CMS in the world, taking up over 76.4% of CMS market share. Started in 2003, WordPress is older than both Facebook and Twitter. With almost 2 decades in operation, WordPress has become adopted as the go-to CMS on the web. Discover even more information at Mua Theme WordPress. Not only do we provide high quality products, we also provide our customers with an excellent support service. Our support team is always ready to answer your questions and concerns, helping you solve theme and plugin related issues quickly and efficiently.

You can update your plugins, theme, and even WordPress itself in a matter of seconds. You can install security updates and change your theme without losing a single picture or blog post. And it didn’t cost you 1 hour of your web designer’s time to do it. As of this writing, there are 58,570 plugins on, and they can make your WordPress site do anything. You can sell products and services, create an online community, set aside part of your website for members and subscribers, accept payments, display tweets from different Twitter feeds, or even display the standings of different sports leagues around the world.

Neve looks clean, modern and beautifully proportioned. It’s also super-fast to load and can be used for multiple purposes, from blogs to ecommerce to personal portfolios, and more. While it’s lightweight and has a minimalist design, the theme is highly extendable, optimised for SEO and is responsive and WooCommerce-ready. It’s compatible with many popular page builders too. In short, when it comes to free WordPress themes, this brilliant design has it all.

A web hosting platform incorporates the package of technologies and services needed for your website design and for the webpage to be viewable on the web. When choosing a hosting package, you should always consider the nature of your business and the website: What functionalities does your website need? Does it need to be media-rich? What resolutions does your website display? What would be the amount of traffic received by your website? What additional services and features are offered? You should always consider these factors before choosing the web hosting platform to save any future issues in designing.

Keyword research is a critical component of SEO. There’s no point putting time, effort, and money into trying to rank for things that nobody is searching for (unless you just want to attract links). For example, say you sell software tutorials. It wouldn’t make sense to target a keyword like “how do i make the font larger in coffee cup html editor” because it has no search volume.… But while search volume is a reasonable indicator of traffic potential for this keyword, it can be misleading. This happens because the page ranking for the lower volume keyword is part of a broader topic, and gets traffic from other keywords. In other words, more people are looking for a coffeecup tutorial than a review. So, while search volume is a good way to filter for keyword ideas, always make sure to check estimated traffic to the pages that rank to get a better idea of true search traffic potential.

Blover is another WordPress theme on the list that can handle a larger volume of content. The design is clear and puts the focus on the visuals that go alongside each blog post. This makes sure that your content has room to stand out. Blover is optimized not only for news sites or blogs but also for eCommerce stores. There are pre-made layouts for your shop page included. Discover additional details on

One of the simplest yet effective ways to reduce your website development costs is to use pre-designed or readymade themes. There are several benefits of using a readymade template to build your website. Most of the templates or themes are available for less than $100. When you use any theme from a reputed web developer, you don’t have worry about mobile responsiveness, browser compatibility and loading speed. Majority of the web developers who provide readymade themes provide great support when you need it. You can quickly build your website by choosing a readymade theme or template.

WordPress is one of the easiest and most robust ways to share your business on the web. There are simpler platforms, but most don’t offer the functionality that WordPress does. And there are a few platforms that are equally robust, but they’re difficult to use for beginners. WordPress, a content management system (CMS), is the ideal tool for entrepreneurs and companies to showcase their products and services, help their search engine ranking, and market themselves to prospective customers. It helps you share your written content, sell products and services in an electronic storefront, or even just share photos and videos of your work. Put simply, WordPress is a tool that takes care of the nuts and bolts of publishing content so you can focus on what you want to convey on your website without having to worry about how to display your material.


High quality free download mt4 indicator and FOREX guides

Mt4 forex ea and FOREX recommendations 2023: There are several types of Forex trading strategy styles from short timeframes to long timeframes. These styles have been widely used over the years and still remain a popular choice from the list of the best Forex trading strategies this year. The best Forex traders always remain aware of the different styles and strategies in their search for how to trade Forex successfully. A lot of the time when people talk about Forex trading strategies, they are talking about a specific trading method that is usually just one facet of a complete trading plan. While a Forex trading strategy provides entry signals it is also vital to consider Position sizing Risk management and How to exit a trade. Find more info on indicators for mt4 download.

Acknowledge that you have certain limitations : As mentioned above, identifying your limitations early is a great idea and will help you out in the long run. Being that you will be investing your own funds into your portfolio, you are able to establish an limit amount of what you are willing to risk. As you get more comfortable utilizing the program and your portfolio grows, your limit amount may vary and change. This number may constantly change for you, but it is important to keep some sort of number as in indictor of where your limits are. You can set limits by setting up a stop-loss, which is a critical component of all trading. When trading, you can initiate a stop order. The stop order occurs when the order has reached a set price. Your position in the market will become closed, regardless of how the market is adjusting. The numbers can be a little skewed when a stop order occurs, but most of the time your order is fulfilled properly. Overall, this option protects your account and your money if the market starts to flow against you. There is also an option for a limit order. A limit order is set at a particular price – for instance, if you purchase a currency at 2.453, it will only purchase that currency at that exact price. This feature allows you that you won’t pay more than you want to pay.

Swing trading – Positions held for several days, whereby traders are aiming to profit from short-term price patterns. A swing trader might typically look at bars every half an hour or hour. Positional trading – Long-term trend following, seeking to maximise profit from major shifts in price. A long-term trader would typically look at the end of day charts. The best positional trading strategies require immense patience and discipline on the part of traders. It requires a good amount of knowledge regarding market fundamentals. Below is a list of trading strategies regarded to be some of the top Forex trading strategies around and how you can trade them, so you can try and find the right one for you.

In order for traders on the platform to become recognized as an experienced professional, eToro has the Pro Trader qualification. This helps to confirm that copy trades are from genuine pro traders who know what they are doing. In addition to copying the trades of individual traders, you can also track the best performing pooled fund/ trading portfolios. eToro is regulated for forex, stocks, CFDs and more across much of Europe, while in the US is the market leader in the crypto-trading.

The company Westernpips Group positions itself in the market as a high-tech company with its algorithmic systems, advanced IT infrastructure, large-scale developments and a wide range of various services. The programs is one of the main information products of the Company. Our team of highly qualified programmers is developing software for the Forex market and CFD`s as well as for the crypto currency market. Our software combines the largest liquidity providers (quotations) at the moment, and is a unique development of our specialists, created specifically for arbitrage trading with a lot of tools for arbitrage on Forex, CFD`s and crypto currencies that help you earn. Westernpips Group is one of the few companies that provide fast data feed directly from exchanges. As a result, our customers receive the fastest, most reliable and accurate quotes. Many large institutional traders rely on Westernpips Group’s software in their arbitrage trading.

The relative strength index, or RSI, is an oscillator that attempts to measure excessive sentiment in a trending stock. If a stock reaches 70 out of 100 on the RSI, it is considered to be ‘overbought’ and likely due for a correction. Conversely, a stock is considered oversold when the RSI is below 30. Many trend traders use the RSI to capture the last few stretches of a strong trend. For example, a stock with a strong trend and an RSI of 60 likely has a little more way to go before stopping or correcting downward. The RSI is considered to be one of the best complimentary indicators available for trend trading.

Ichimoku Binary Options Trading Signals: The Ichimoku indicator is a comprehensive trend trading system that works equally profitably on all financial assets. The analysis may seem difficult for beginners, but thanks to lines with completely different properties, you can “catch” a lot of trading signals. On the chart, Ichimoku looks like this: The Ichimoku indicator is in all popular binary options platforms and at the same time shows several types of trend: short-, medium- and long-term movements. This allows you to accurately calculate the expiration time without complex analysis. See extra information on mt4 indicator.

Decide what type of orders you’ll use to enter and exit trades. Will you use market orders or limit orders? A market order is executed at the best price available at the time, with no price guarantee. It’s useful when you just want in or out of the market and don’t care about getting filled at a specific price. A limit order guarantees price but not the execution.1 Limit orders can help you trade with more precision and confidence because you set the price at which your order should be executed. A limit order can cut your loss on reversals. However, if the market doesn’t reach your price, your order won’t be filled and you’ll maintain your position. More sophisticated and experienced day traders may employ the use of options strategies to hedge their positions as well.


Best GPL plugins for WordPress with Worldpressit

Top rated WordPress GPL themes by Worldpressit reviews: WorldPress IT is a subscription club that offers a lot of premium products (software) necessary for the development of websites, including WordPress themes and plugins, PHP-scripts, JavaScript, HTML-templates etc. at a lower cost than that the developers. Priority support from WorldPressIT (not from product authors): Live chat availability for members.

What difference is between and other similar providers ? Fast and helpful support, affordable prices, fully functional premium wordpress plugins, constant and frequent updates and quick file delivery. reviews are very good : I started using them for a SEO pro plugin need. Once i got the benefit of that plugin i bought 2 more plugins from their plugins. They were spot on in sending regular update via emails. More importantly every time i got stuck with installation their developers were very helpful to get the activation done. The messenger chats make communication very practical. Even being in different time zone they were very responsive. Based on my transactions with them i decided to buy their lifetime package. I cant explain how much value this membership offers. I have unlimited access to super useful plugins. I have now redesigned my website which looks much better than the very basis website. Highly recommend. Discover additional information at Worldpressit.

Fantastic people to work with and at a reasonable price. I found them to be patient with a novice like me. Response to questions asked is quick and answers are precise. Wish I had found them a long time ago, cut right to the results you want without the learning curve and the time. Value for money. Worldpressit is the way to go. Thank guys you have a loyal client.

If you’re looking to attract customers or clients, Sydney is one of your best choices from the free WordPress themes available today. Built with business owners and freelancers in mind, it provides a wide array of customisation options that will help your website stand out. It’s also fully responsive, supports translation, and makes social media integration a cinch. Built on the Bootstrap framework and fully responsive and mobile-friendly, Illdy is one of the best looking free WordPress themes that’s truly multipurpose. All the heavy lifting is done via the WordPress Customizer, enabling you to build your site on the fly using preview mode. Plus, it’s entirely compatible with popular plugins such as Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms and Yoast SEO.

Other premium features you can make use of include customization options for personalizing the design of your calendar, integration with ecommerce tools like WooCommerce and PayPal, and the ability to accept bookings from your visitors. Some of the best premium plugins also give you the option of creating and managing multiple calendars for your website. Thankfully, with some very affordable plugins in this collection, you should be able to find a tool that matches your budget. Regardless of what type of calendar you need to add to your website or events you want to promote, you should find a suitable tool in this collection of the best event calendar plugins for WordPress.

In terms of popularity, OceanWP is one of the fastest-growing themes in the official WordPress directory. Structure-wise, it’s similar to Astra, but with its own spin on how theme features should be delivered. The main version of the theme gives you a basic website (fully compatible with Gutenberg) and then gives you access to add-on packages that expand the features. This will, however, require some tuning up on your part. Discover additional info on GPL plugins & themes for WordPress club.

It is obvious that with so much things to consider, not everyone would be able to create a good website on their own. Professionally designed website not only gives you a great variety of customization and functionalities, but also frees you from spending so much time on learning to design and maintain a website. Opportunity cost is the potential loss from committing to one action while giving up the others. In this case, the opportunity cost of designing your own website to save money is the time that you could have spent to improve your business operation and business strategy if you had hired a professional web developer to design and maintain your website.


Dyno-chiptuningfiles downloads

24/7 chiptuning files near me? We’ve continuously improved the file service platform over the years and ensured that it has become more user-friendly for customers. At the same time, we need to make sure that the system is ready for the future by expanding our database by enabling new, upcoming features and creating new tuning files for new cars and vehicles. We are supplying DPF off, Adblue off and EGR off files with a huge discount. Register to receive your first file free. If you are happy and satisfied, we can work on long term. We prove our quality with that free file. See extra information on chip tuning files.

Why Are Chiptuning Files So Important? There are many reasons why chiptuning files are so important. First, they are quick, efficient and easy to install. You can do this all by yourself, without having to spend a lot of money on having a pro do it for you. Another reason why chiptuning files are important is that they allow you to modify your car’s engine without having to make any major changes to it. This way, you can simply boost your engine’s performance without having to worry about any problems occurring. Finally, chiptuning files also promise a higher level of ECU safety since you are simply reprogramming the existing system. This way, you don’t have to worry about any new safety risks occurring or any other complications that may arise from modifying your engine.

The most obvious benefit is that you can improve how your engine operates. Not only can you increase your car’s fuel efficiency, but you can increase its horsepower. Engine chip tuning is also one of the most cost-effective means of improving your car. Instead of having your whole engine upgraded, you can use engine chip tuning to create change that only applies to certain parts. For instance, you can opt to change the fuel-to-air ratio and make a difference in how your engine burns fuel.

The procedure of chip tuning: The chip tuning is performed in several steps. Upon receiving the vehicle, we read out the error memory. This ensures that the vehicle has not stored any electronic errors in the memory. This is followed by a visual inspection in the engine compartment to rule out any leaks in the boost system or any other defects. If the vehicle is functioning properly, we read out the original software of the engine control unit and save it. Then we optimize the parameters in the special maps. Once the programming has been completed, we flash the optimized data onto the engine control unit. A test drive follows during which all parameters are monitored and read out live. If a value is at variance, it will be adjusted again in the software and flashed once more onto the control unit. Once all values are in the optimal range, the programming is completed, and you can enjoy your performance boost!

Even though you have made modifications in your car, the ECU still continues to get an input of the old data which is stored in it’s memory. This old data no longer is credible as it pertains to conditions that existed before the modification. The input data to the ECU should pertain to the post modification situation of the components and parts introduced, while making the modification. This means that you have to erase the old data from memory and new data pertaining to post modification should be logged into the ECU memory by mapping in new readings. This is the reason why ECU resetting is essential for optimum performance after any modification has been carried out in your car.

What are the benefits of a chiptuning files service? Drivers optimization can be adjusted for several hundred thousand different parameters. Tuning via the internet provides free and unlimited possibilities for tuning. Online and real-time equipment monitoring and comparison. A short time is necessary from the same vehicle model to the same performance. Many functions to ensure an accurate and smooth functioning: from time, calendar calculation to mapping your car via GPS, database, control panel. It saves money and does not require professional service. In summary, there are four main benefits: (1) optimization for better torque characteristics of the engine. (2) Setting of individual parameters of the vehicle, to deliver a great improvement in performance, both real-time and in standard tuning modes. Find extra information at


Excellent Android factory reset data recovery recommendations

iPhone data recovery tricks today? Now, it might be possible that you have done the factory reset of your Android without taking the backup of your data. Most of us commit such mistakes, or sometimes it’s the only option left. But it means that you might have lost all of your data already, which includes your important data as well. What to do now? How to recover data after factory reset Android? Don’t worry. There’s a way to fix this problem as well. All you need is a reliable and powerful data recovery tool to recover your data after factory reset Android. Find more details on recover data after factory reset android.

Along with the phone recovery data, this software also offers data recovery of social media application which some of the software companies do miss out on. It also offers to recover the data in case of stolen phones along with system errors, water or system damage, accidentally deleted device, factory resets or in case of forgotten passwords. You can recover the data from iTunes, iCloud, or your device directly. Fonepaw interestingly also offers iOS Data Backup, Restore, and iOS System Recovery options.

There’s a lot to like about the Galaxy S21, but the best thing about this cell phone has got to be the price. Samsung’s next-gen flagship smartphone lineup starts at $800, and you can find this Android phone on Amazon right now for an extra $100 off. Samsung made some trade-offs to get to that price point. Specifically, the phone has 4GB of RAM less than its predecessor, the Samsung Galaxy S20; the wall charger and headphones don’t come in the box; and it doesn’t have a microSD card slot for expanded storage. But even with those sacrifices, you’re getting a lot for your money with this Android device, including a striking design, the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 chip, and 5G connectivity. If you want a 5G phone that doesn’t cost too much, the Pixel 4A 5G is one of our top picks. The handset has a solid battery life, fantastic dual rear cameras and robust software support from Google. There’s also the Pixel 5, which has a great 90Hz display, but it costs more at $699 (£599, AU$999).

Can I Recover Data from iPhone with Broken Screen? You will be able to get data off a broken iPhone, but the screen needs to get repaired first. After the screen is repaired, you will be able to get data off iPhone with broken screen. There are 2 methods more suitable to repair the data of the broken iPhone, according to the situation. Read below, if you want to know; how to retrieve data from iPhone with broken screen. We would also like to recommend advanced backup software for data protection.

The iPhone 11 Pro offers many improvements over its predecessor, but there are still areas that Apple could have pushed forward in, especially as it has now decided to label these phones as Pro. 5G was never going to happen but would have been nice anyway and other notable omissions include some sort of Touch ID-enabled fingerprint sensor inside the display and the rumoured reverse wireless charging, which could have juiced up a pair of AirPods. One of the few things we didn’t take much of a shine to was Samsung’s user interface, which is quite a departure from standard Android and might take you some time to get used to.

Mistakenly deleted important messages without backups? This tool can also retrieve deleted messages without backups. The best thing is that this tool can also get back your data from your iTunes or iCloud backup if your device is stolen or won’t turn on, all you need is just a few clicks. This software is more versatile concerning the audience it caters to. It is available for Windows, iOS, Mac, and Android as compared to Tenorshare, which is exclusively for iOS devices. Discover extra details on iPhone data recovery.


IoT devices app development companies from SubCodevs today

Best rated app development solutions with Solutions Selection: After a detailed analysis, we present all of the available options to the clients in a data-driven and research-based approach. Technology and tool selection is a part of the process. This is one important step that ensures greater client satisfaction, as they are always involved in the decision-making process throughout the product development lifecycle. See even more details at IoT devices app development. Our seasoned team of professionals is always updated with the latest trends to keep your product ahead-of-the-curve.

You can easily submit your apps too. Once you feel that your app is well adjusted and you do not have room to do much, you can go to the Google app store and submit the application there. All you will be required to do is make a publisher account there which is going to cost you around $25 fee with Google wallet. It is totally worth it to go about the submission as it is satisfying as well as simple. So you need to get in touch with basics of java, XML and SQL in order to reach that point when you will be able to understand Android software development. It is a system which requires a great amount of perseverance. Organizations like SubcoDevs have done it really often to do the application development on a rapid basis and make it effective as well.

An incompetent or misdirected IT team will lead to one thing, failures. Similarly, if IT processes are not streamlined, the results will remain unsatisfactory. In this fashion, overcommitting to certain features or processes can also spell disaster for a company. Such issues can only be removed after a thorough assessment and revamping of the existing processes. Another common mistake conducted by several IT teams is not following guidelines or processes. In some cases, companies have failed to execute segmented frameworks like Agile or Scrum. This causes friction, resulting in a productivity downfall.

Mobile applications are expected to generate global revenue of $461 billion in 2019, according to Statista’s results. The industry has become more driven with the introduction of new technology and accelerated developments and has guaranteed a bright future for mobile apps and software companies with more opportunities to expand. Using efficient research done by our team of professional market analysts, we will be discussing this year’s most assuring trends in mobile app growth. Mobile app development Company.

Quality of delivery has been our biggest concern. Can you help? We got a kick-as$ team of Quality Assurance Analysts packed with over 30 iOS & Android devices of all shapes and sizes apart from Mac & Windows laptops to help catch and kill the bugs. For Mobile app projects, App is tested on 3-5 devices. For Web projects, Application is reviewed on 3-5 browser-device combinations. We can discuss to increase test coverage on upto 20 device-browser combinations for a small fee. We can plan to use BrowserStack (paid service) for extended coverage on multiple devices for complete peace of mind. Find additional info,20.htm.


Quality FOREX FTMO challenge solutions software firm with PassYourChallenge

PassYourChallenge FOREX FTMO challenge test passing software firm? If you have already failed an FTMO challenge before, or you’re simply scared because the failure rate is so high, worry no more… You will get access to our automated trading system that will literally pass the FTMO challenge for you without lifting a finger! We currently have a 91% success rate and have helped over 3000 traders get their hands on a fully funded FTMO account, which brings them one step closer to financial freedom! Discover more information on

PassYourChallenge on trading practices (especially FOREX) : The strongest signals are obtained when the average crosses the faster one: from bottom to top – the CALL option, from top to bottom – PUT. But a rebound from the “long” average in the direction of the main trend is also considered as a trading signal. When calculating expiration time of an option on the Moving Average combination, you need to view a history of quotations (on timeframe period) and analyze moments of crossing lines of such averages for a long period (at least 3-6 months). You need to find an average number of candles between the intersection points that were in a profitable area for the transaction.

Don’t rush, go at a steady pace: One of the best practices for navigating Forex, especially in the beginning, is to not rush the process. Take your time to really research and learn the process before you nosedive right into it. As you ease into the process, be sure to take advantage of the demo account and really take the time to understand how the trading aspect works. Even once you become more accustomed to the Forex process, be sure not to rush right into trading currencies and taking large risks. It’s perfectly acceptable to take Forex slowly and steadily so you won’t be confused by different aspects of the process as you become more familiar.

PassYourChallenge aboutintraday FOREX trading : Intraday Forex trading is a type of trading in which a position is kept open for no more than 24 hours without keeping it overnight. This means no swap costs. Any timeframe can be used for analysis, but the most popular time intervals are H1 and H4. Unlike scalping, trades are kept open for several hours – this allows you to assess the situation without emotion and haste and not overdo it at the same time. You don’t need a large deposit if you can avoid spikes in local volatility.

PassYourChallenge regarding FOREX robots : A Forex robot is a computer software, specially designed to follow a specific set of trade signals and settings in determining the best prices at which you can buy or sell a currency pair. Forex robots were meant to help eliminate emotional and psychological biases when trading and also automate the forex industry.A robot pointing to a screen with illustration of graphs and trend lines.


The HackersPro ethical hacking tricks

The HackersPro ethical hacking services tricks right now? Scams are everywhere online, and cryptocurrency exchanges are no different. As you consider investing in different startups and exchange platforms, be aware of the possibilities of losing your cryptocurrency investments if you are unlucky and have lost your investment to any investment fraud you contact our forensic department for free consultation. Our goal is simple: we’ll work with you to get your money back as quickly as possible, using advanced algorithms and strategic ways to help us recover your losses. Consider contacting us today to discuss your claim. Read more info at

Be Cautious of Public Wi-Fi. The laws and regulations that govern cyber security in other countries are typically not going to be the same as those found in the US. Free Wi-Fi access can be very appealing for business or leisure travelers but is also particularly vulnerable to security issues. Avoid unencrypted Wi-Fi networks; ask your hotel about its security protocol before connecting to the Web. Be extra cautious using Internet cafes and free Wi-Fi hotspots; if you must use them, avoid accessing personal accounts or sensitive data while connected to that network.

The HackersPro about data breach: For business organizations: a data breach can have a devastating effect on an organization’s reputation and financial bottom line. Organizations such as Equifax, Target, and Yahoo, for example, have been the victims of a data breach. And today, many people associate/remember those companies for the data breach incident itself, rather than their actual business operations. For government organizations: compromised data can mean exposing highly confidential information to foreign parties. Military operations, political dealings, and details on essential national infrastructure can pose a major threat to a government and its citizens.

With the recent Equifax breach, it’s more important than ever for consumers to safeguard their online accounts and monitor their credit reports. A credit freeze is the most effective way for you to protect your personal credit information from cyber criminals right now. Essentially, it allows you to lock your credit and use a personal identification number (PIN) that only you will know. You can then use this PIN when you need to apply for credit. Hacking, phishing, and malware incidents are becoming the number one cause of security breaches today. But, what’s more troubling, these hacking attempts are the result of human errors in some way. Education and awareness are critically important in the fight against cybercriminal activity and preventing security breaches.

The HackersPro VPN ethical hacking: Why get a VPN: Privacy and security are the biggest positives, One of the biggest benefits of using a VPN is to keep your data secure and online activity private. An ISP (Internet service provider) and some organizations have ways to keep a track of everything you do online. If you think going incognito is all you need to do, you couldn’t be further from the truth. Some automatically associate using a VPN or trying to keep your activity private with nefarious purposes. That’s certainly not the case for a large majority of users. The reason why most people use a VPN is actually simply because of the peace of mind it offers.

Enable HTTPs on Your Website. HTTPs websites have an SSL/TLS Certificate installed onto their servers. This certificate will encrypt all data transmitted from browser to server, whether that’s personal or financial info that’s submitted through the site or the contents of the webpage, from eavesdroppers (e.g. malicious parties, government surveillance). SSL Certificates can also tie your brand identity to your web presence, helping visitors know that your site is actually run by your company and not an imposter (i.e. phishing site). EV SSL makes this extra clear by turning the address bar green and prominently displaying your company name.

A desktop computer and a landline used to be all we needed for a solid day of work — simple, effective and fairly straightforward in terms of security. But now it’s a completely different story. Sure, many people do sit at a desk all day, but most of us carry around laptops, tablets, USB drives and smartphones, all of which we might use for both professional and personal reasons. This, clearly, is a security nightmare. Your company should have an official policy that advocates the separation of work and personal phones, as well as terms of use for business phones. Malware can enter at any point, and networked smartphones are a particularly weak point when they’re used for personal reasons. They might have better security than a purely personal phone, but when one is infected they can all go down.


Business management tool

Best business process management software? iBizz, a cloud-based software lets you manage your business from a single point. Access information to help you scale your business with better and effective decisions. Most businesses rely on multiple software for each department & some uses additional software for Business Intelligence reports, consequently with iBizz, you don’t have to switch between software for every department and to generate BI reports. We help SMEs, startups, and medium-sized businesses to build trust by providing them with the right tools to manage their finances, leads, and clients better. Discover additional information on business management solution software. Win & Retain Ideal Clients: Manage and track your leads to convert them better. Generate recurring faster and simpler invoices for your long-term clients.

Company-wide integration or improving customer relationship: Streamlining all internal applications into one platform can go a long way in making collaboration more manageable and efficient and ERP can be integrated with CRM. Different departments can easily share data and collaborate on projects together, having Customer data would be plus. Consistent processes: Since platform integrates all operations, the tools and interfaces are all uniform in nature, making it easy to navigate across. Pre-integrated CRM will be consistent which other integrated CRM may not offer.

Better Understanding of Support Productivity: A visual report system provides management with great insight into their support team’s productivity. It also uncovers strengths and weaknesses in specific employees and where there are operational bottlenecks. This can help management reward staff for high performance or alert them to a change that needs to be made in an employee’s role. This all results in better operation productivity. It also helps increase a team’s morale. Visual reporting can also expose underperforming employee/product/service or a process so management can make an effective decision. See more details at

Many businesses initially try to manage these things by using emails, spreadsheets and other more cliche mean before realizing that it’s never too early to start using this robust functionality, CRM comes with countless benefits for those who implement it. It is said that “A goal properly set is halfway reached.” – Zig Ziglar Goals without any deadlines, metrics, or action plans attached are vague. The real goal should be having CRM software that can determine whether the objective is achieved or not. In order to get the most out of the CRM process be smart with your objectives and goals.

You can use “time” to your advantage as well to get your prospects to take action. We like to refer to this as giving them a shot clock, like in basketball. Let us explain: When you make something a limited-time offer, it amplifies your lead’s desire to take action, similar to using scarcity. This strategy can be used in lead nurturing but also in proposals, negotiations, and deals. However, that’s a topic for another day. For now, start thinking about how to use the time to your advantage to get your leads to take action. A couple of examples: It might be a webinar, a masterclass, a special promotion, or sales you’re running. These are pretty simple things where you can put a day and a time for when the offer will end.


Excellent data cloud security advices

Best rated workload cloud security provider{||| today| right now| 2022| from Vulnerability prioritization for VMs and containers requires going beyond age, CVSS score, and exploit status. Sonrai Risk Amplifiers leverage the sonrai identity graph to highlight vulnerabilities with access to administrator privileges, access to sensitive data, or connected externally. Deploy Sonrai’s lightweight agentless scanner for workload insights without heavy cloud resource requirements – or enrich the Sonrai platform with existing scanner data. See even more details on Least Privilege. Security maturity reporting: As you address risks, reporting lets you communicate your advancement towards a security maturity goal for each environment.

Know where your data is. Know who can access it. Know it’s locked down. In cloud, the perimeter is your identities, and it’s important to block potential entry points for breach. But the path to sensitive data must also be protected. Sonrai ensures sensitive assets are best protected using an inside-out, data-centric approach that understands your unique data and enables quick and simple defense of critical resources. Locate, track movement, and classify every bit of data.

That cloud security is a growing concern and that identities (specifically, non-person identities) are a critical factor of it is not surprising to us at all. To give an example of scale, Sonrai measures 30,000 unique permissions across all three major clouds with 17 new permissions being added every day. Think about that, with the rapid growth both in the usage of the cloud, and the complexity of Identity Management, how can even the most well-funded teams keep up? They don’t, and often times they operate with significant risks in their cloud, to which they are completely blind.

Detect drift from frameworks and best practices: With a full inventory view continuously updated, Sonrai lets you know when your cloud posture is drifting from where you want it, using pre-loaded external frameworks or set custom objectives. Take immediate action on any deviation. Things change quickly in the cloud. Sonrai enables DevOps, DevSecOps, security, and audit teams to ensure that controls are consistently functional and effective at every moment. If any deviations are detected, Sonrai alerts the right team so they can take immediate action to resolve the issue.

Address the root of your cloud vulnerabilities: Recognizing which vulnerabilities are the most dangerous to your business means understanding threats unique to the host. A vulnerability is a crack in the perimeter, but revealing the path to sensitive data comes from platform, identity, and data risks. To reveal this, Sonrai Risk Amplifiers automatically highlight vulnerabilities with high privileges, access to sensitive data, or external exposure. See additional info at


Premium iphone games right now

Excellent ipa for iphone from iosMac? Inkwork is an app designed to instantly transform a photo into a sketch-based work of art. And, yes, we’ve seen this all before – but few filter apps catch the eye in quite the same way as Inkwork. The interface is sleek and polished. You can quickly switch background and ink colors, and the size of the strokes, thereby making your virtual sketch more detailed or abstract, but really it’s the filters themselves you’ll spend most time fiddling with. There are loads of them – perhaps a few too many, because the choice can initially be a bit overwhelming – but for anyone who likes black and white art, there’s everything here from scratchy pen hatching to stylized comic-book fare. Selections happen instantly and without needing the internet, cementing the app’s place in our list. Find extra info at ipa files.

This arcade fantasy fighting game has over 50 famous heroes ready to fight against evil and restore world order. Enjoy fast-paced full-screen combat with stunning special effects, cool fighting music, and original Japanese CV voices. Upgrade your heroes’ skills and unlock enhanced combos, collaborate with other heroes to take on more powerful challenges, or try your hand at various PvP arena modes like combat trial or summit duel. Along the way, collect costumes for your character, date female characters, and become an expert cook. Light in Chaos: Sangoku Heroes is totally free to play, and it’s easy to sink many hours into.

Rush Rally 3 brings console-style rally racing to iOS. For quick blasts, you can delve into single rally mode, with a co-driver bellowing in your ear; or there’s the grinding metal of rallycross, pitting you against computer cars apparently fueled by aggression. If you’re in it for the long haul, immerse yourself in a full career mode. None of those options would matter a jot if the racing wasn’t up to much. Fortunately, it’s really good. The game looks the part, with very smart visuals and viewpoints, whether belting around a racing circuit or blazing through a forest. The controls work well, too, providing a number of setups to accommodate a range of preferences (tilt; virtual buttons) – and skill levels. All in all, it’s enough for the game to get that coveted checkered flag.

The S Pen is undoubtedly the headline feature for the Note series and it is pretty much the only flagship around that lets you draw and take notes with a pen on the display. Thanks to fantastic responsiveness and excellent palm-rejection, it’s a pleasure to write and doodle with. With the Note 10 Plus, you can now also plug your device into a Windows computer or Mac for access to a PC-like DeX UI. It includes some new gaming features and the ability to stream games from a compatible PC to the phone. Audio from this phone is merely OK and this seems to be a side effect of having basically no room for speakers. The same goes for call quality, which can often sound slightly distorted. At least Wi-Fi and cellular strength are excellent.

Always keep the handset in a dry place to avoid liquid and humid conditions. Extreme temperature changes may damage the device. Apart from the outer build, the internals also demand maintenance. The following mobile maintenance tips may aid in delivering a lag-free performance of the phone. Everyone loves apps but a cluster of them may pose troubles for the phone, particularly the unused apps, which may constantly run in the background, thus wasting precious battery power. Uninstalling such apps will open up more space and save battery resources. Find additional information on


Professional app for managing business operations by Tasktru

Tasktru is a fully integrated mobile app software for managing business operations but also lifestyle needs and day to day actions. Tasktru has an intuitive design and a clear structure to suit any preference. It is created to serve the needs of individual users as well as firms, companies or large organizations. From the many apps tested we rate it one of the best App for managing individual interests, activities, and needs. And it’s the top choice for businesses looking to reach, and connect with, prospects or clients.

The tasktru app is poised to revolutionize the industry as it offers seamless digital solutions that offer a convenient user experience while meeting both personal and business management needs in one place. Among its many integrated features are solutions to facilitate safer communities, simplified service engagement, home needs management, education, life style management, business productivity and much more. While individual users can effectively manage their lifestyle interests, shopping needs, and personal care needs with ease, businesses can manage employees and suppliers, automate tasks, and access essential reports that offer data-driven insights.

There are 3 account types: Personal, Business and Business-Plus. Personal is recommended for individuals who are looking for a quick, easy, and smart way to manage lifestyle needs, desired activities, and personal requests. All in one place – right at your fingertips. Account for business providers of on-call & on-demand services, who require a business management platform to maintain focus on their top priority, which is helping people with their requests and orders. This account can also be used by the staff of any organization that has access to our Business-Plus account. The ultimate account for businesses and organizations to effectively manage their workflow and operational activities. Control your regular business operations easily while having access to all data in a clear and user-friendly display, as tasktru helps facilitate optimal performance on one seamless business management platform.

Undoubtedly, technology has allowed us to connect, perform, improve, and leverage our resources beyond what was once imaginable. And one of the biggest that we’ve seen is through activity management apps. As the name implies, the various activity management apps around will help you have more control over your time and work efficiency. Continuous use of this business operations app will allow you to have time to focus on the things that produce the best results, improving your time efficiency and work quality.

Tasktru was designed as a platform to offer innovative capabilities and a multifunctional approach. The app will support individuals and organizations in organizing their operations and general needs, making lives easier and enhancing businesses. The goal of our platform is simple – to enhance convenience, save time, reduce costs, and facilitate maximum productivity and profitability, no matter what you need. Tasktru provides features that cater to the individual’s lifestyle interests, day-to-day activities, and numerous needs, all controlled from a single location. With the help of tasktru, you no longer need to use multiple applications to fulfil your needs, perform routine tasks, or conduct operational activities. The app is fully customized to provide users with a highly customized experience, structured to fit their lifestyle choices and priorities while accomplishing their needs efficiently and quickly.

Organization is an important part of creating a productive workplace and is useful in almost all industries. There are many organizational tools that employees can use to increase their effectiveness and time management skills. If you want to increase your productivity or manage your time more wisely, I think you should give tasktru a test run and be surprised how well it does the things was designed for: managing business operations, day to day needs but most important the variety of services offered.


Business management software for big companies

Affordable business management software? No need to switch to alternatives for communication. iBizz let’s you communicate with your team members within the business suite and saves a lot of time. Have smart, interactive and easy to use BI reports including but not limited to financial and customer reports. Dig into figures daily and measure your business KPIs. See your business’s important information such as expenses, income, profit, invoices, orders, and much more at a glance. Find extra info at business management software free download. Manage your accounts with ease: We believe reading papers are time consuming and excel sheets are complicated when you can track your revenue and expenses much easier then ever before on any device, so you can make wise business decisions on right time.

Company-wide integration or improving customer relationship: Streamlining all internal applications into one platform can go a long way in making collaboration more manageable and efficient and ERP can be integrated with CRM. Different departments can easily share data and collaborate on projects together, having Customer data would be plus. Consistent processes: Since platform integrates all operations, the tools and interfaces are all uniform in nature, making it easy to navigate across. Pre-integrated CRM will be consistent which other integrated CRM may not offer.

Better Understanding of Support Productivity: A visual report system provides management with great insight into their support team’s productivity. It also uncovers strengths and weaknesses in specific employees and where there are operational bottlenecks. This can help management reward staff for high performance or alert them to a change that needs to be made in an employee’s role. This all results in better operation productivity. It also helps increase a team’s morale. Visual reporting can also expose underperforming employee/product/service or a process so management can make an effective decision. Discover extra information at

The Acronym CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. CRM is basically an approach that helps businesses improve existing customer relationships and acquire new customers faster. The way technology is seeping its way into reality, spending hours updating excel spreadsheets of contact info and sorting out stacks of business cards has become an old-school method. That’s where the CRM process comes into play! Why Do You Need a CRM Strategy? Having CRM for your organization is very very beneficial and let’s read how. The primary benefit of CRM is it helps you reduce the cost of the company, as every company nowadays is looking out for ways to cut down the cost. Therefore, Implementing a good CRM will help you with that.

Is about how once you start nurturing your leads, you’ll need to follow some best practices. But, what should you do? How should you pitch or do anything that makes your tips warm and force your prospects to book a call with you? Here’s exactly what you need to do: The most crucial strategy for lead nurturing is following the 80/20 rule. Now you might be wondering, what in the hell is this 80/20 rule? Well, it’s straightforward. You see, 80% of your nurturing and content should be value-added. Your leads will learn something, get free stuff, and start to get to know you as a company. On the other hand, the remaining 20% can be for selling. You can strike this 80/20 balance in two ways. You can spend 80% of your message adding value and bake 20% of selling into the end, OR you can keep 80% of your messages focused on value and one out of every five messages ( 20% of the time ). Finally, you can build in a statement focused on getting something in return.
