Chinese residents US immigration lawyers advices
Chinese citizens US immigration lawyers recommendations: Prepare for professional success by learning about local workplace culture. Then, determine what steps are necessary to advance in your field. Develop your transferable skills, so you can find a new job easily based on your existing qualifications. Make sure you know about the most common visa scams—and how to avoid them. Practice your English skills; then, decide what type of language test you might need to take to prove your reading and writing proficiency.

Evaluation of immigration lawyers: You can find a lot of information about your lawyer online: whether he is listed as a State Bar Association, and the American Immigration Lawyers Association or AILA (the professional organization for most of the best lawyers); whether he is well received on the website; whether the lawyer Professional articles have been written for publication, etc. If the only comment you find shows that an attorney has been arrested or disqualified, you will not even need an appointment.

Allow time for status updates. WES is a highly trusted credential evaluation provider, which means we receive a high volume of applications from around the world. Each set of documents is processed, reviewed, analyzed, and verified individually. You can also update your application by adding or removing a credential. Make sure that your address, email address, and phone number are complete and accurate so that you receive all communications regarding your evaluation status and report delivery. Reach out to us anytime—but please give Customer Service at least 48 business hours to respond! Inquiries that require further review go to a specialist; therefore, they may take more time. Pay for your report before you send your documents. We know you do not want any extra delays, but our team will have to place your application on hold if we have not received your payment in full. Discover extra info on

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绿卡拥有者的权利和义务 权利: a. 在美国的永久居住权(但是如果违法,美国政府可以根据移民法将绿卡身份撤回)b. 在美国自由选择任何合法的工作(除了一些高度机密的工作要求公民身份)c. 受到美国所有法律的保护,包括州法和地方法 Note:除了法律规定的这些权利之外,对于学生来说,有的奖学金是只限美国公民或绿卡持有者申请的,绿卡拥有者还有资格申请利息很低的申请政府助学金。 义务: a. 要求遵守美国所有法律,包括州法和地方法 b. 要求向美国国家税务局(Internal Revenue Service, IRS)报税 c. 支持民主政府,不能用非法手段改变政府 d. 18岁至25岁的男性要求注册兵役登记系统(Selective Service,并不等同于入伍)

工作绿卡(Employment Based Green Card),顾名思义给予在美工作人士的绿卡,所以它的获取流程是这样的:获得工作签证在美合法工作(通常是H1-B, L1-A,L1-B) -> 提交工作绿卡申请。工作绿卡分为EB-1,EB-2,EB-3,EB-4和EB-5。其中,EB-5是投资移民,EB-4是给宗教人士和在美军部队服役或美国政府海外机构的工作人员等特殊职业的,EB-1给杰出科研人才的,EB-2给硕士或者博士,或者本科但拥有至少五年相关工作经验的人士的,余下的在美工作人士就归于EB-3了。 在网站上阅读更多信息 绿卡排期表.

咨询意见信真实性不够高: 申请O-1时需要从领域内的权威性组织或个人处获得咨询意见信。如何准备↓咨询意见信需要有明显的水印或其他明显的标记,显示文件的真实性,以免引起移民局的怀疑。咨询意见信在下面三种情况下可以不用提交:你在艺术领域具有杰出能力,你的雇主在两年内曾经为类似的申请提交过咨询意见信。这种情况下,你的雇主需要提交豁免申请以及之前的咨询意见信的副本。你可以证明没有相关组织或权威人士能够出具咨询意见信。情况紧急,比如马上就要来美国参加某项活动,可以不用提交咨询意见信
