Free bedtime stories 2022? Our focus is on short stories at the moment. This is to ensure that the attention of the kids is not lost and obviously you’ll need them to sleep on time too. So, we have kept all these things under consideration. Our aim is to generate value for you and your kids. After being back from the hectic day, you can lean on us for finding the stories that your kids would love. Without wasting any time, you can open the specific story categories and have some quality together. Our dedicated writers give a new touch to the old fables and make them simple to understand for the young minds. With our graphic team, we always strive to make the story covers interesting for the children. Keep supporting us and we promise to bring you the best. Discover even more info at 5 minute bedtime story book.

Charlie Cook is sitting in his favorite chair reading his favorite book, which is about a pirate chef who is stranded on an island and a treasure chest. The cook uses his hook to open the chest and finds his favorite book, about Goldilocks and the three bears. The bears find Goldilocks in Baby bear’s bed reading his favorite book, about Sir Percy Pilkington, a knight who finds his favorite book while fighting a dragon. And so the story continues until they learn about a ghost and her favorite book about a boy named Charlie Cook, who sits in his armchair and reads his favorite book! Little girls love playing princesses in fairy tales. But they also need strong role models. Our collection of short bedtime stories for girls is a mix of fun and courage to inspire your little girl through her growing years.

It was a pleasant sunny day when the little boy went out to play with his friends. He needed to do pee pee but held it as he wanted to win the game he was playing. All of a sudden, his pants turned wet. He ran home to change the pants. It was then he heard a song. ‘The bathroom is the only place to pee…’ “If you feel you need to go even while you play, go straight to the bathroom without any delay.” Two little sisters went into a room to play with a ball. The tall one slowly whispered, “We must be careful not to wake the cat.” The fat one whispered back, “We should not spoil the roses.” But they wanted to throw it high as the ceiling would not hurt. The white cat was hearing all this. It thought, “Why would they come here to play at all. They can only disturb me or spoil the roses.., instead, they can play in between the shady trees in the garden.. Who knows, their ball might touch the sky!”

Little Nutbrown Hare and his daddy Big Nutbrown Hare are out in the woods when the little one says, “Guess How Much I Love You.” When his father says he couldn’t guess, Little Nutbrown Hare stretches his hands and says, “this much!” The Big Nutbrown Hare responds to this by extending his longer arms and says “But I love you this much.” Little Nutbrown Hare then reaches his hands up and says, “I love you as much as high as I can reach.” Big Nutbrown Hare does the same, and Little Nutbrown Hare says that is higher than he can reach! Both the hares continue the conversation, comparing how much each loves the other and finally, Little Nutbrown Hare falls asleep saying, “I love you right up to the moon.” Big Nutbrown Hare kisses the little one good night and says, “I love you to the moon and back.”

Bedtime stories for toddlers are almost guaranteed to make your little ones fall asleep when they listen to them. These stories are mesmerizing and often take toddlers into a world of imagination and fantasy. The stories are full of fascinating characters, personalities, and even objects, leaving your child amazed. Some toddlers may even participate in the reading if you read these stories often from a book. A bedtime story can calm your little one when they listen to it, which will eventually put them to sleep by making their eyes turn heavy. Discover even more information on
