Vitamin c liposome? When the phospholipid bilayer cellular membrane is exposed to water, the head group is attracted to water and forms a surface facing the water. At the same time, the lipophilic tails are repelled by water and subsequently form a surface that opposes the water. Within a single cell, one layer of the head groups face the exterior of the cell, whereas another layer of polar head groups face the internal cellular environment. The hydrocarbon tails that are attached to both layers of polar head groups face each other, thereby forming the bilayer structure of a cell membrane.

Recent studies show a strong link to vitamin C levels and regular immune function. Most scientists will admit, we don’t know all the benefits as of yet. Very high doses of vitamin C (sometimes called megadoses) are showing surprising results for helping boost the body’s immune system. Vitamin C raises hydrogen peroxide levels that pathogens and unhealthy cells are vulnerable to, leaving healthy human cells, who tolerate the higher peroxide levels, unharmed. Vitamin C looks to be the body’s natural defense against bad actors, and we are only just discovering the benefits.

We use vitamin C constantly and yet many people’s intake falls far short of what they actually need. Our daily requirement for vitamin C is higher than any other water-soluble vitamin, particularly during times of stress and illness when levels can drop. Most people take vitamin C to support their immune systems and rightly so, as researchers have finally conceded that it really does help support our immune system. The remarkable benefits of vitamin C don’t just stop there though. Research into vitamin C is extensive and the positive benefits identified are numerous. Read even more info on Liposome drug delivery.

Liposomes have been used in the delivery of anticancer drugs and are able to alter the biodistribution and clearance of drug molecules.37,38 Intravenously (iv) administered liposomes are taken up by the reticuloendothelial system (RES) after entering the body. Liposomal drugs mainly accumulate in the liver, spleen, lung, bone marrow or other tissues and organs so as to improve the therapeutic index of drugs and reduce their side effects.39 Besides, liposomes are prepared easily and the preparation technology is mature. With the broad application of liposomes, more novel liposomes such as long-circulating liposomes and ligand-modified liposomes have been designed to prolong action time of drugs in blood and target different cancers.

Now that you know better, it’s time to get VitaBetter. What is a Liposomal Vitamin? The difference between your average oral vitamin and one of our liposomal vitamins is the way in which the vitamins are encapsulated. A liposomal vitamin encapsulation is similar to that of a cell inside your body, making it absorbed up to 10-times more than the average oral vitamin. This is because the naturally structured liposomes are made in a way to mimic nature and work within your body in a non-invasive, instinctual and natural way. Read additional information at
