Mental health support services Hackney, London 2024: The heart of our organisation is our team. We work together in a supportive manner so that everything we do is built upon our relationships with each other. Being collaborative means, everyone’s opinion matters and everyone’s beliefs are important. The diversity of our team’s ideas and experiences, is invaluable. We welcome difference in all its forms but also hold tightly to the conviction of a shared humanity that enables us to offer the same respect, compassion and empathy to everyone equally. Read additional details on Therapy & Counselling Experts in Hackney London.

We are not here to judge you or tell you what to do. This a confidential space where you can tell your story and be yourself. You can either choose to have an appointment online or face to face. Prices start from only £40 at one of our three London locations in Clapham, Hackney or Mill Hill. If you would prefer to meet with one of our senior therapists, prices start from £60. We offer short-term and long-term approaches as described below. Should I choose short or long-term Therapy? It is a misconception that you cannot achieve meaningful and in-depth work in a short-term approach. However, it is true that some clients want to explore aspects of their life in a way that can benefit from a longer-term approach.

At EASE Wellbeing, our mission is to empathise with our clients on a personal level, putting ourselves in their shoes and truly understanding their experiences. By doing so, we can provide a transformative process that promotes self-discovery and better understanding of others. This is the foundation of our therapeutic approach, focusing on the notion of ‘goals’ as the key to change. Our research shows that this approach has successfully benefited 98% of our clients, eliminating the need for return visits. Overcoming anxiety is often a process that requires time and ongoing support. Our mental health and anxiety specialist therapists can provide long-term support through weekly sessions, where they can monitor your progress, and help you develop strategies to prevent relapsing back to old thinking patterns. See extra details on

Atypical Depression consists of many specific symptoms like sleepiness, fatigue ness, mood patch, increased appetite, weight gain, weakness, and excessive sleep. The person may experience a variety of symptoms involving some symptoms of major depression. Generally, it occurs at an early age of about 13 to 15 years. The person begins to experience several symptoms in atypical depression. Sometime the person may be confused about the illness which hovers around him or her. Atypical Depression is primarily characterized by mood reactivity and more sensitive to rejection. There are many people and experience different types of symptoms according to their life circumstances and period.

Stay involved with others. If you’re able to continue work or education, do so. Otherwise, pursue a passion, cultivate a new hobby, or volunteer to help other people, animals, or causes important to you. As well as keeping you connected, helping others can give you a sense of purpose and boost your self-esteem. Meet new people. Joining a schizophrenia support group can help you meet other people dealing with the same challenges and learn important coping tips. Or get involved with a local church, club, or other organization. Find a supportive living environment. People with schizophrenia often function best when they’re able to remain at home, surrounded by supportive family members. If that’s not a viable option for you, many communities offer residential and treatment facilities. Look for a living environment that is stable, makes you feel safe, and will enable you to follow your treatment and self-help plans.

Manic depression consists of periods of mania or hypomania, where you feel very happy, alternating with episodes of depression. Manic depression is an outdated name for bipolar disorder. In order to be diagnosed with bipolar I disorder, you have to experience an episode of mania that lasts for seven days, or less if hospitalization is required. You may experience a depressive episode before or following the manic episode. In severe cases, episodes can include hallucinations and delusions. Hypomania is a less severe form of mania. You can also have mixed episodes in which you have symptoms of both mania and depression.

With the term ‘depression’ encompassing so many types of depression, if you think you might be depressed, you may be asking yourself: what kind of depression do I have? Gaining a deeper understanding of the different types of depression can help to begin the journey to diagnosis and recovery. Taking some time to consider the root of where your depression comes from will assist you greatly when you feel ready to talk to a doctor or other mental health professional about depressive disorder. Remember, it is vital that you seek help from a doctor to get an accurate depression diagnosis and receive the treatment and support you need.

Mental Health