Commercial UCC Lien Mediation legal solutions from Lincoln & Morgan today : We have a national network of highly trained creditors rights attorneys that are able to give us a local presence wherever needed. They are available to mediate and when necessary proceed with local legal recovery of the funds and secured assets. Each venue has its unique challenges and this valuable resource gives us the national and local presence necessary to achieve the best results. We pledge the highest possible results all while providing a professional, ethical and transparent approach for all parties affected. We are committed to offering excellence in all aspects of the process. At any point in the process, prior to retrieval, we are open to mediate with all parties for the proper release of the UCC liens and security agreements involved. Discover additional information on Lincoln and Morgan.

Our Mission: To Provide the Best Solutions and Outcome For all Parties! We (Lincoln and Morgan) diligently attempt to work with recipients, landlords and successor entities to quickly and reasonably resolve encumbrances in lieu of taking possession of the collateral. While we are not always successful in mediating a proper release, as some parties are uncooperative, we do encourage all of the parties responsible for the pledged collateral to feel free to contact our offices at any time. We are open to discuss the matter in detail and explore any possible solutions there maybe. We understand the complexities that are involved for each party and therefore we welcome your open and honest discourse.

Other advantages of mediation include: the process is consensual – either party can walk away; the process is forward-looking and can maintain the business relationship between the parties more effectively than litigation/arbitration, which are both retrospective and antagonistic forms of dispute resolution; what is said in mediation is confidential and without prejudice (up to the point where agreement is reached)4; and the parties are able to agree on solutions that would be beyond the scope of a judge or an arbitrator, for example, finding a “win/win” solution by introducing commercial issues not the subject of an existing dispute.

Delinquent accounts are the brakes that bring companies to a screeching halt. The economic exigencies of recent years has pushed many companies to extend the time they will permit an accounts receivable to age prior to instituting formal recovery efforts. Based on the survey of members of the Commercial Recovery Agency Association, this loosening of payment requirements is a severe negative impact on company’s cash flow and profits. In fact in many cases it leads to companies struggling financially and even going out of business altogether.

Merchant cash advance companies use these liens as weapons to coerce you into paying a debt that you may not even owe them. A UCC lien is supposed to be a shield, to protect the funder from businesses who take money and try to run away with it, without paying the funder back. However, if a merchant cash advance company claims that you have defaulted, even if you have not, the company can still make the same demand, using this lien as a sword rather than a shield.

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