Top natural crystal products online manufacturer: Lucina Crystal is the first online store to sell a crystal advent calendar for believers in tarot cards, magnetic fields and horoscopes. We believe that everyone in the world should have access to a true power engine. That’s why our mission is to make high quality affordable products. We want to make sure the local artisans make every piece of crystal with care. Our company was founded on May 18, 2016 as an e-commerce company and we set up our online store in September 2022 to sell crystal products. Discover additional info at crystal home décor shopping.

The style and setting of crystal jewellery is purely one of personal taste and does not affect the individual properties of each crystal – although some people believe that the raw stones, touching the skin affect the stones ability to work faster I do not believe this to be the case. Crystals work on a subtle vibration and those waves of energy will reach the close proximity of the physical body without too much trouble! The human body works with energy the same as electronic equipment might – we don’t question the use of quartz to help keep our watches working or as an important component of our computers!

The amazing color-changing stone alexandrite was discovered in 1830 in the Ural Mountains in Russia and named after Russian tsar Alexander II. A variety of chrysoberyl, the stone’s remarkable color-shifting capability makes it especially sought-after: In sunlight the stone looks blue-green, but under incandescent light it becomes red-purple. The degree of color change varies from stone to stone, with some only showing marginal change, but the most valuable are clear stones that demonstrate complete color change. Although some large examples of the stone have been found (the Smithsonian houses the world’s largest known cut sample of alexandrite at 65.08 carats), the majority are under one carat. This means that the value of a gem under a carat may only be $15,000, but a stone larger than one carat might fetch as much as $70,000 per carat.

Bottle Glass – Sea glass originating from old bottles (and jars). This is the most prevalent of sea glass types. This sea glass is found on most beaches of the world. It was not until 1500 BC that the first hollow glass container was made by covering a sand core with a layer of molten glass. Glass blowing became the most common way to make glass containers from the First Century BC. Bubbles – (also see Gemballs) Smaller version of boulder’s (see above) Sea glass pieces that are almost perfectly round. Bubbles are mainly found in Seaham England and unlike sea glass originating from bottles or jars, started as lumps of scrap glass.

Jewelry is a wearable item/gift that is also sentimental: Practically anything can be given as a gift. If it is needed, wanted, or will make someone happy, it is a great gift, whatever it may be. Nevertheless, there is no denying the fact that some gifts are more sentimental than others. There is simply something about jewelry that makes it sentimental. Perhaps it is because some jewelry pieces represent very monumental periods in people’s lives such as engagements, weddings, births and graduations. Regardless, one thing is for certain: jewelry is a wearable item that is not just useful and pretty, but sentimental as well.

Turquoise and Fifth Chakra: Individuals may become hyperactive, intimidating, or fanatical about political or religious beliefs if the fifth or throat chakra is unbalanced. If this chakra is disrupted, it may also result in resistance to change in general and unresponsive to tasks needed to accomplish. With the help of turquoise in hands, it will increase the clairaudience and exhibit copiousness. This stone enhances and guides creative skills when used with the throat chakra. This stone is also beneficial in continuously improving the quality of the larynx, pharynx, mouth, teeth, and respiratory system. Discover more info at
