Instagram likes, everyone want them People want to be popular on Instagram and for that they need more followers. Know your audience. Like: your target customer, their interests, and who they follow. Create a persona to target your content. Listen closely. Tailor your content based on how your audience is engaging with theirs. Use hashtags. We talked about this above. Don’t skip it.

Quality photos : This might seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t do it. You don’t need a DSLR worth several thousand dollars to make a great Instagram post, but you should at least make sure your lighting is good and everything is in focus. I’d recommend at least a modern smartphone (like a newer iPhone or Galaxy) if you want to take some great-looking shots. Great photos are naturally more aesthetically pleasing – and that means more likes.

Though it’s not nearly as strict as Facebook, Instagram can be tough on brands looking to increase their reach organically. Taking advantage of the Instagram Ads platform to promote your posts helps you reach people that don’t already follow you. Its powerful targeting options (it’s the same as the Facebook Ads platform) allows you to select with pinpoint precision the people who will see your ads. If your targeting is sound and your content is engaging, you can bet you’ll gain more followers who are interested in your business, which means more likes. If none of this works you might explore automatic Instagram likes.

You can tag Instagram users in your post. Only do this if the person or business is relevant to your content. You don’t want to come across as spammy. However, people usually appreciate the recognition. They’ll usually respond with a like or a comment if you’ve mentioned them by name. It’s a great way to create relationships.

The caption area of your posts is often overlooked. Some folks write just a few words to sum up their posts and then publish. This can be a mistake. You have the chance to tell a story, invoke a feeling or create a message with this space. Use it wisely to help drive your marketing goals and to gain more likes. People are incentivized to click that heart on posts that affect them. Take time to make sure your captions do just that.

We like to humanize our company Instagram profile as much as possible while keeping a work and play balance. When marketing ourselves and our services, we recognize it is important for potential clients to understand who we are as a company as well as our friendly, positive outlook on all things digital marketing. We do this through ensuring a feature of several members of the team on the Instagram page — whether it’s a boomerang or engaging image — to give an insight into daily office life. Instagram stories also help users to connect with our company on a deeper level.
