Digital marketing guides by Jennifer Carter right now? Conventional e-commerce stores must source products directly from wholesalers, which are often in different countries. They also require items to be ordered in bulk, which are then delivered to the local warehouse prior to being promoted and sold. The entire process requires a lot of time, money and resources. It often includes the involvement of costly intermediaries, such as banks, cargo shipments and export-import agents. TurnKeyOnlineStores is a top rated and trusted company with over 15 years of experience making Shopify Stores. We are also a Shopify Partner! We offer a turnkey solution for those who want passive income with a successful store, but don’t want to make costly mistakes. Let us do all the heavy lifting. We will deliver you a store ready to make money! Discover more info at

Why China dropshipping? The mining is among the major industries in the Chinese economy. The industry annually injects billions of dollars into the country’s GDP. China is the by far the largest producer of gold in the world, with the country producing about 463.7 tons of gold in 2016 (in comparison, the second biggest producer, Australia, managed to produce 274 tons in 2016). While South Africa, which had been the world’s top gold producing country for 101 years, has had its gold production declining by as much as 50% in the past ten years, China’s gold production has been increasing in recent years and has doubled in the past decade. Most of China’s gold deposits are found in the eastern part of the country, in the Liaoning, Henan, Fujian and Shandong provinces. Most of the gold produced in China is consumed locally as China is the world’s fourth largest gold consumer. The local gold consumption in China is equivalent to 9.2% of the global gold consumption. Coal mining is another important sector in China’s mining industry.

It is strongly recommended that you learn how to turn abandoned carts into dropshipping sales. Several factors can cause cart abandonment. For example, some internet users lose their motivation to make a purchase when there are too many steps to take before they can enter their credit card number and confirm their order. Others are reluctant to complete their order when they do not have enough information about the company or delivery terms, their preferred payment method is not available or the delivery costs are too high. In short, prominent information and a variety of payment methods can make all the difference in turning a buyer’s interest in a product into a real sale. Don’t underestimate the impact of abandoned cart notification. Over $1 million in revenue. A 10:1 ROI for marketing spend. An 81% increase in Black Friday revenue. These are just some of the results Shopify Plus stores are achieving using abandoned cart push notifications and SMS.

Google uses a mobile version of your content for indexing and ranking. If you do not have a mobile-first approach, in some cases your website might not even be crawled by search engines. Here are things you can do to achieve mobile-first indexing: Make sure your mobile version has high-quality content, images, and videos. Include the same structured data markup on both mobile and desktop version. Ensure that the titles and meta descriptions are equivalent on both the versions. Do have your social metadata included on the mobile version as well. The UX of the mobile site is important if you want search engines to index it.

Instagram is one of the best places to reach your target audience and build a community of engaged fans. But knowing how well your content is resonating can feel like a bit of a challenge. Especially when there’s more than one way to measure your engagement. Up until recently, we looked at the number of likes on a post as a strong indicator of its performance. The more likes a post got, the more we judged it as a “good” piece of content.

To attract new customers, you also need to maintain a powerful SEO presence. With 81% of shoppers using the internet for research before making purchasing decisions, it’s imperative your business is at the forefront of search for related keywords. Having a strong SEO presence also translates to more in-store purchases, as well — in fact, 78% of local mobile searches result in an offline purchase. Finally, it’s critical you spend time and resources on your business’s website design. When these aforementioned customers find your website, they’ll likely feel deterred from trusting your brand and purchasing your product if they find your site confusing or unhelpful. For this reason, it’s important you take the time to create a user-friendly (and mobile-friendly) website. Find extra details at Jennifer Carter.

Communication is one of the main reasons why consumers love interacting with their favorite brands on social media. They’re able to chat, DM, or comment with brand ambassadors to ask questions or learn more about the company’s culture. If you’re busy managing other tasks and don’t have the time to reply to messages, you could be losing customers. You need someone who can be present and engaging to keep the conversation going. A robust community gives modern brands an edge that can’t be replicated. Anyone can repost content from a competitor, and guarantee expedited shipping, or drop-ship products, but true social media fandom is unique. Creating a community doesn’t happen by just posting on your social media channel, it’s about engagement, social awareness, and having an open dialogue with your customers. Building a community takes dedication and you need an expert to cultivate it.

Jennifer Carter Plainville, Massachusetts on Digital Marketing : Social media marketing, for instance, works better for targeting your ideal target consumer base, demand generation, building brand awareness and prospecting potential customers. Pay Per Click (Pay Per Click) marketing ads, on the other hand, work better for serving your generated demand and capturing it i.e. where you know your product is wanted and when it is wanted, then you can roll out your ad’s to generate sales. Instead of jumping in without a plan, you must focus on establishing your main sales channels that are your money makers first. Once you have that place and have a stable stream of sales, you can then achieve the kind of revenues that enable you to expand your marketing funnel and add more marketing channels to your wider funnel. Your advertising must always pay for itself – setting aside so-called ‘loss leaders’, which are an exception.

Internet Marketing