Undergoing hair transplant surgery is a rare opportunity to show off the confidence you gain from your new look. However, there are some post hair transplant tips that experts recommend patients follow after the procedure to ensure the best results.

What are the complications associated with a hair transplant?

Side effects from a hair transplant are usually minor and clear up within a few weeks.

They can include:

swelling of the scalp
bruising around the eyes
a crust that forms on the areas of the scalp where hair was removed or implanted
numbness or lack of sensation on the treated areas of the scalp
inflammation or infection of the hair follicles, which is known as folliculitis
shock loss, or sudden but typically temporary loss of the transplanted hair
unnatural-looking tufts of hair

Why hair transplant? Involutional alopecia, It is a form of alopecia where the hair growth tends to decrease due to ageing resulting in thinning and shorter hair. The follicles remain in the telogen phase (resting phase) for an extended amount of time. You may opt for a hair transplant surgery to correct this disorder.

Alternatives Medication: Effective medical treatments are now offered in the form of a pill (Finasteride) and a topical liquid (Minoxidil).They require life-long treatment to maintain their effect.

Before surgery your hair should be washed twice a day, two times well. But be careful not to follow the process of hair spa before surgery. A week before hair transplant you should not take hard drugs or any kind of antibiotics and aspirin But of you are undergoing treatment for a serious illness, this should consult the doctor about the course.

Swelling can affect the eye area, so application of cold compressions would help in reducing the swelling by decreasing the blood flow in that region by constricting the tiny blood vessels present in near the eyes. But you should be careful not to apply too much cold also as it may affect the growth of new hair follicles. Avoid any vigorous physical activity as it can increase the swelling and the healing process. It can also cause bursting of the swellings resulting in blood clots and infections.

More info regarding hair transplant Turkey. FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant surgery is much less invasive than conventional laryngeal surgery. It does not use a scalpel or staples or stitches. FUE is better described as “procedure” than “surgery”. With this technique, the donor area is shaved to your skin so that individual follicular units (FUs) are exposed. When individual follicular units become visible, we can choose by removing the most ideal FUs. Generally, units with the most follicles are selected for removal. This allows us to maximize the number of follicles excised per graft. The average number of follicles per graft is much higher than conventional strip harvesting and microscopic dissection with this technique.