Taking care of your money is very valuable. Here are some tips regarding financial terms. Business credit cards are designed specifically for business use. They provide business owners with an easy method of keeping business and personal transactions separate. There are standard business credit and charge cards available. Even for a business credit card, your personal credit history is considered because the credit card issuer still needs to hold an individual accountable for the credit card balance.

What Is a Payday Loan? A payday loan is a type of short-term borrowing where a lender will extend high interest credit based on a borrower’s income and credit profile. A payday loan’s principal is typically a portion of a borrower’s next paycheck. These loans charge high interest rates for short-term immediate credit. These loans are also called cash advance loans or check advance loans.

Terms: A guaranteed loan is a loan that a third party guarantees, or assumes the debt obligation for, in the event that the borrower defaults. Guaranteed mortgages, federal student loans and payday loans are all examples of guaranteed loans.

Guarantee : A guarantee is a non-cancellable indemnity bond, backed by an insurer. It offers investors security that an investment will be repaid. A limited guarantee is when the amount the guarantor is responsible for is limited to a set sum or time frame. A non limited guarantee is when the guarantor is obligated to repay all amounts due.

For our finnish readers here is a resource that you might find useful : Finance and business helping guides. Margin call: An amount requested by a lender when the value of a loan is too high compared to the value of the collateral or security the borrower has offered. This is related to the loan to value ratio. This generally relates to loans used to purchase shares.

EPS: Finally, earnings per share is one of the most common things highlighted in an earnings announcement and provides investors insight into a company’s earnings health and often affects its stock price after an announcement. EPS is calculated by taking net income, subtracting the preferred dividends (for the sake of simplicity, let’s assume Hemlock Incorporated doesn’t pay dividends on preferred shares), and taking that difference and dividing it by the average number of outstanding shares. In the case of Hemlock, its current quarterly EPS is calculated by dividing its net income of $250 million by the company’s 37 million outstanding shares. When reported, EPS is typically compared to earnings from either the previous quarter or the same quarter in the previous fiscal year (year over year, or YoY). It is also used in basic valuation calculations like the P/E ratio.
