Dry type electrical transformers manufacturer from China: When is it not allowed to adjust the tap changer of the transformer on-load voltage regulating device? The on-load voltage regulating device is a common accessory equipment of the transformer, which is used to adjust the transformation ratio when the transformer is running, so as to achieve the purpose of adjusting the output voltage. When using the on-load pressure regulator, the following points need to be paid attention to: It is not allowed to operate under live conditions: because the transformer is working under live conditions, the tap changer of the on-load voltage regulating device will have an arc when it is adjusted, so it is not allowed to operate the tap changer under live conditions. Frequent adjustments are not allowed: frequent adjustments to the tap changer of the on-load tap changer may cause damage to the tap changer or poor contact, thereby affecting the normal operation of the transformer. Discover additional details on core slitting machine.

Why does the current source inverter need a larger transformer capacity? Current source inverter is a common type of inverter. Its control method adopts current loop control, which has the advantages of high precision and strong adaptability, and is widely used in industrial production. Due to the working characteristics of the current source inverter, a large transformer capacity is required for the following reasons: The current source inverter adopts the intermediate inductance: the current source inverter adopts the intermediate inductor, which can realize the phase difference between the output voltage and the current, so as to realize the frequency conversion control. However, since the intermediate inductor needs to withstand large current and voltage, it is necessary to select a transformer with a larger capacity to ensure the normal operation of the inductor.

In terms of productivity, poor PQ can cause unscheduled downtime due to equipment malfunctions or system failures. This unpredictability can significantly disrupt operations, leading to lower productivity levels and potential revenue losses. Moreover, poor PQ can lead to diminished energy efficiency. Transformers operating under poor power quality conditions often require more power to function, leading to increased energy consumption and higher operating costs. The excess power demand could also strain the electrical grid, leading to further inefficiencies and disruptions. Additionally, the costs associated with repairing or replacing damaged equipment due to poor power quality can be substantial. There are also indirect costs to consider, such as those associated with investigation and troubleshooting of power quality issues.

The cut to length line is a special equipment for the production of transformer core, is our latest generation of cross shear line. This cut to length production line is used for shearing, O punching and V notch of transformer core sheet. The special point of this ctl line is that two O punch and one V notch can work at the same time to produce transformer core pieces with 3, 5, 7 steps in vertical direction and 3, 5, 7 steps in horizontal direction.

As a professional electrical equipment manufacturer in China, Canwin specialized in dry type transformers, electrical equipment for over 20 years. Canwin electrical products manufacturer adopts large-scale, intelligent electrical machinery equipment manufacturing mode, and strive to achieve high quality, high efficiency, low cost operation.Our electrical machinery products including cut to length lines, china slitting lines and foil winding machines.

As one of the best dry type transformer manufacturers & suppliers in China, Canwin specialized in dry type power transformer manufacturing for over 20 years.Our dry transformer is widely used in local lighting, high-rise buildings, airports, terminals CNC mechanical equipment and other places, simply said dry type transformerrefers to the core and winding are not impregnated in the transformer insulation oil.There are two main types of dry type transformers: cast resin dry type transformer (CRT) and vacuum pressure impregnated transformer (VPI).

Power distribution cabinet transformer is one of the important equipment in the power supply and distribution system of industrial and mining enterprises and civil buildings. It lowers the network voltage of 10(6)kV or 35kV to 230/400V bus voltage used by users. This kind of product is suitable for AC 50(60)Hz, three-phase maximum rated capacity 2500kVA(single-phase maximum rated capacity 833kVA, generally not recommended to use single-phase transformer), can be used in the indoor (outdoor), the capacity of 315kVA and below can be installed on the rod, the ambient temperature is not higher than 40℃, not less than -25℃, The maximum daily average temperature is 30℃, the maximum annual average temperature is 20℃, the relative humidity is not more than 90%(the ambient temperature is 25℃), and the altitude is not more than 1000m.

The loss in magnetic flux in the transformer must therefore be minimized by providing a suitable mean between the primary and secondary windings. For this purpose, silicon steel magnetic cores are usually used. By using a core type transformer, magnetic losses are reduced and a greater amount of magnetic flux is conveyed between the primary and secondary coils, thereby increasing the transformer’s overall efficiency. Electrical materials play an important role in the field of engineering technology. Various technologies should be realized through certain equipment, and the equipment needs to be made of specific materials. Without corresponding materials, even technologies and products that are feasible in principle cannot be realized. The emergence of new materials can often bring significant technological progress. Discover more details on canwindg.com

Laser welding machine is an efficient and precise welding method using high energy density laser beam as a heat source. Laser welding is one of the important applications of laser material processing technology. It mainly used for welding thin wall material and low speed in the 1970 s. The welding process is thermal conduction, i.e. the laser radiation heating surface, the surface heat to the internal diffusion through heat conduction, by controlling the width of laser pulse, energy, peak power and repeating frequency, parameters such as melting of components, to form specific molten pool. Because of its unique advantages, it has been successfully used in precision welding of micro and small parts.As one of the best laser welding machine manufacturers in China, Canwin specialized in handheld laser welding machine and wholesale fiber laser welding machine making for over 20 years.

Digital measurement – Digital measurement of transformers or other components can be conducted, and the measurement results can be called and collected from the process layer and station control layer through digital networks, thus monitoring transformers and other equipment.Status visualization – The operation status of transformers can be visualized and observed in the power grid.Smart grid or other related systems can express the status information of transformer self-detection or information interaction.

Dry-type transformers are widely used in local lighting, high-rise buildings, airports, dock CNC machinery and equipment, etc. Simply put, dry-type transformers refer to transformers whose iron cores and windings are not impregnated with insulating oil. The relevant technical parameters of dry-type transformers include: Rated capacity (kVA): The capacity that can be delivered during continuous operation at rated voltage and rated current. Rated voltage (kV): The working voltage that a transformer can withstand during long-term operation.
