Motivational guides with The Motivator Within? This book shows ways you can learn and apply self-motivational skills in any situation. This book is a collection of methods to your success in any area you want. This book tells you through examples that success is a choice and not a result. We guarantee success if you follow the principles presented for you in this book. Read more details at The Motivator Within.

Keep motivators around your work area – things that give you that initial spark to get going. These motivators will be the Triggers that remind you to get going. Also, identify your own motivation style, so you can play to its strengths and always stay motivated. Don’t know what your motivation style is? Find out by taking this assessment. It’s a free assessment that will help you find out your motivation style. Take the assessment now! Make more regular encounters with positive and motivated people. This could be as simple as IM chats with peers or a quick discussion with a friend who likes sharing ideas. Positive and motivated people are very different from the negative ones. They will help you grow and see opportunities during tough times. Here’re more reasons why you should avoid negative people: 10 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Negative People

An interactive training/learning platform requires employees to respond to what they are learning. This forces them to integrate the learning content with their own unique way of thinking as they stop to reflect on the answer they should give or the path they should choose. Once the choice is made, the learner receives feedback to help them recognize what they know versus what they should know. At the same time, interactive software gives trainers the ability to assess the performance of individual learners spontaneously, and in real time. As an employee moves through the learning process, immediate feedback reinforces what they have learned and helps to steer them toward making better choices without compelling them to do so, as is often the case with traditional training and learning techniques.

Self education is very important if you want to obtain good business success! Don’t listen to those who tell you you can’t. You know best what you can and what you can’t. You must want to make money on your own in your field. You need to want to sell goods or services to make money. It all depends on what you want and not what others tell you. Do not let yourself be influenced by such negative opinions, but choose to start on the road with positive thinking, which will give you a broader view on all the opportunities that may arise. Wrong! Nobody is perfect and you can’t even do everything perfectly, even if you want it. Mistakes are always a good experience, which can help you in the future and from which you can learn a lot. But be careful not to repeat them, because this is important. Learn how to fix what you have broken so that in the future there are no such errors anymore. Although at first you might be discouraged, don’t do it! Just think about the good side of things and what you can improve at your business through the things you learned from this experience, to make mistakes. Read how to reduce risks when you start a business.

Clients create their own reality through their beliefs, interpretations and the actions taken. This idea goes beyond standard ways of thinking about reality, yet this is a principle of coaching that is extremely valuable. Without it, clients would not practice being accountable for their lives, for their well-being or their happiness. A client like “Poor Joe” would only see himself at the mercy of his circumstances and most likely would avoid and resist looking at himself as the creation of his own reality. “Poor Joe” would not be a good candidate for coaching. There are models of coaching which are very pragmatic, based solely on actions and results, leaving the essential being behind. The results of this form of coaching generally are not transformative and the results will fade over time. Creating a container that acknowledges the transpersonal wisdom of each client provides a more expansive and yet safer environment for him to discover and reveal his true nature and his true ability to create the life that is desired.

Visualisation is a really common technique for behavioural change. By imagining yourself acting in new ways, you prepare your mind for acting that way in the future. For example, if you want to go to the gym more often, imagine yourself getting into your car and driving to the gym as well as imagining your workout in as much detail as possible. Showers can be a really good time for reflection. Use this time to count your blessings and be grateful. How long does the Law of Attraction take to work? This is an unknown. The Law of Attraction sometimes manifest our desires very quickly and sometimes it may take weeks, months or years. All you need to know is that the Universe will receive your instructions, and then make the situations happen which will let you receive your desires. For example, if you desire a new car, then the Universe might well arrange for a relative to win a competition and then pass the car to you as they don’t need it. There are many ways which the Universe will work to meet your desires. It takes its own time and has its own methods.

Both online and traditional corporate training have their advantages and disadvantages, and complicated logistics are a big disadvantage of the latter, as organizing a number of corporate seminars and workshops can be a real headache. However, it is not always possible for companies to fully replace their traditional training programs with online ones, as they still need some of the benefits that traditional training has to offer, such as social interaction among employees. This is where blended learning for corporate training comes in: by using a blended approach you can reduce the number of live seminars and organize the rest via video conferences without worrying about locations not being convenient for all of your employees. This way, you can easily distribute your training material through your Learning Management System and, of course, contribute to the follow up of both your online and live seminars by offering additional information for further online discussion, or conducting surveys and polls to evaluate the effectiveness of your training. Last but not least, a blended approach is not only more convenient, but also much more eco-friendly; just imagine saving printing material for so many employees.
