Premium teeth whitening dentist Harley Street London? Custom trays help ensure that bleach stays where it’s intended—not on your gums, where bleaching gel causes free radical reactions and damages them. Since everyone’s smile is different, we shouldn’t all be using the same size tray to whiten our teeth. This is why I recommend the custom whitening trays available from your dentist rather than one-size-fits-all whitening strips or non-custom trays. Find additional info at Harley street teeth whitening. Use Activated Charcoal: Activated charcoal is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to naturally whiten your teeth. Crush up one charcoal tablet into a powder. Dip your clean wet toothbrush into it, and brush your teeth as you normally do.

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you. A healthy smile isn’t always achieved overnight, but takes a variety of methods to help create and maintain. Here are 10 easy things you can do to help improve the appearance and health of your teeth. Flossing removes plaque between teeth and out from under the gumlines, where a toothbrush can’t reach. Daily flossing helps prevent tooth decay and gingivitis. When left alone, plaque and tartar build up under the surface of the gumlines. This can cause periodontal disease, which leads to bone destruction and tooth loss.

Stained teeth can occur as we age, but some common foods, drinks, and even mouthwashes can stain teeth. Do-it-yourself remedies can help whiten teeth, and avoiding substances that stain teeth can stop further discoloration. Use these secrets to whiter teeth to restore your bright smile.

Teeth that are damaged or decayed will need to be restored. Your ability to chew properly will be compromised if the problem is not addressed. In some cases, a filling can protect against further decay, but this option may not provide the necessary protection your case needs. It is also possible the tooth is still relatively healthy, which means a full dental crown is not required. At 75 Harley Street, we provide patients a number of options to restore teeth that look natural whilst providing strength and stability. Inlays and onlays, also known as partial dental crowns, are usually made from a strong ceramic material. The result is an almost invisible restoration that can last for many years.

We are a long established dental practice since 2001, with our current team of expert and caring dentists being the third generation of dentists working from these beautiful suites at 75 Harley Street, London. Our team have achieved the very highest accolades and qualifications for their specialities and their academic levels are recognised internationally. All the team have an amazing passion for dentistry with continued learning by being involved in teaching and lecturing, holding or having held posts in the most respected academic establishments as lecturers and researchers. Our team combines the best current research with proven knowledge and years of clinical expertise which allows them to combine their skills when offering our patients the very best dental solutions. Find additional information on
