Top rated cosmetic dentist dentist Marylebone London: Dental bonding involves the application of tooth-colored composite resin. Your dentist uses this material to cover up and conceal cracks, craze lines (hairline cracks), discoloration and other cosmetic imperfections. Dental bonding can change the shape of a tooth to make it longer, wider or more uniform. Dental bonding usually needs replacing every five to seven years. It doesn’t require the removal of natural tooth enamel either, which means it’s completely reversible. Porcelain veneers – Made of medical grade ceramic, porcelain veneers are thin, strong shells that adhere to the front surfaces of your teeth. Like dental bonding, veneers can conceal a wide range of cosmetic flaws, including chips, cracks and discoloration. Find even more details on teeth whitening Marylebone.

The whitening procedure works as follows: At your dentist: Your dentist will apply a whitening gel to your teeth. Concentrated hydrogen peroxide solutions in water may also be used. Some dentists will also use light to increase the speed and effectiveness of the bleach. The procedure may take between 30 and 60 minutes. At home: Whitening strips are applied to the teeth for a certain amount of time over days or weeks. How long to leave them on and the frequency of application varies by product. Whitening gels are also available over the counter; these are painted onto the teeth or applied using a special tray. Look for whitening products that are approved by the UK Dental Association.

They may be packed with disease-fighting antioxidants, but a glass of red wine, cranberry juice, or grape juice also stains teeth easily. That doesn’t mean you should give them up, but remember to rinse your mouth after you drink. These aren’t the only teeth-staining foods to be aware of. The deep color of these fruits and veggies gives them their nutritional punch. But blueberries, blackberries, and beets leave their color on teeth as well.

We place a huge emphasis on preventive dentistry which starts at the very beginning of each patients journey with their initial assessment. We like to educate patients with diet and hygiene advice so they can help prevent potential dental situations. We feel preventing new dental issues is our responsibility and take huge satisfaction in the knowledge that our beautiful dentistry could potentially last for the rest of a patients life. Discover even more details on

To floss properly, wrap the floss tightly around your finger and insert in the space between your teeth. Gently slide it up and down under the gumlines two to three times. If bleeding occurs, this is most likely due to gingivitis or gum disease. When flossing daily, the bleeding associated with mild to moderate gingivitis usually stops after about two weeks. If you just can’t stand flossing, try an oral irrigator. This device sprays water or mouthwash to remove plaque and food between your teeth and below your gumline.

A large number of cases involving headaches, muscle spasms and pain in the jaw are a dental problem. If your teeth don’t close together properly, are heavily worn, crowns are constantly breaking, you have ringing in your ears and difficulty in opening or closing your mouth, you may well be suffering from TMJ problems. The medical and dental profession are becoming increasingly aware of the intricate relationship between proper bite and the muscles and nerves of the jaw joint. A very delicate balance must occur in the chewing system for total harmony, comfort and stability.
