Oral surgery dental services London: Also called “teeth bleaching,” teeth whitening treatments can be done in your dentist’s office or at home using whitening products. Not everyone’s teeth can be bleached, so it is very important to check with your dentist before trying at-home whitening products. Teeth whitening treatments typically contain carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide. Whitening products manufactured for use at home usually contain a smaller amount of these ingredients. Depending on your sensitivity and the size of the veneer, you may be given a local anesthetic during the procedure. There are two different types of dental implants: Endosteal implants: These implants are surgically placed into the jawbone. Subperiosteal implants: These are placed under the gum tissue above the jawbone. They are usually used to replace multiple teeth. Discover extra info on dental implants.

What are examples of cosmetic dentistry? Cosmetic dentistry aims to create a more balanced, symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing smile. Common cosmetic dental services include teeth whitening, dental bonding, veneers, and tooth and gum contouring. Teeth whitening – Over time, dark-colored foods and drinks (like coffee, tea and berries) can stain your teeth. Professional teeth whitening can dramatically and safely lighten the shade of your teeth and brighten your smile. Many dentists offer both in-office and at-home teeth whitening. In-office whitening takes about one hour to complete. At-home whitening usually takes a couple of weeks.

We place a huge emphasis on preventive dentistry which starts at the very beginning of each patients journey with their initial assessment. We like to educate patients with diet and hygiene advice so they can help prevent potential dental situations. We feel preventing new dental issues is our responsibility and take huge satisfaction in the knowledge that our beautiful dentistry could potentially last for the rest of a patients life. Find additional info at Harley Street dental.

Get dental treatment in a timely manner. Dental conditions never correct themselves on their own. Tooth decay left untreated can easily transform a small cavity into a large tooth abscess. Where a tiny filling may have been all that was needed, it may now require a root canal and a crown. Treating your tooth decay early means you’ll need smaller and less invasive dental restorations. This helps maintain the structure and stability of the tooth and keeps treatment costs lower. If left untreated, decay can spread to other teeth and may cause infections throughout the rest of your body.

The antibiotic tetracycline causes gray teeth in children whose teeth are still developing. Antibacterial mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine or cetylpyridinium chloride can also stain teeth. Some antihistamines, antipsychotic drugs, and blood pressure medications cause tooth stains, as can iron and excess fluoride. If bleaching doesn’t help, ask your dentist about dental bonding, in which a tooth-colored material is applied to teeth.

Teeth that are damaged or decayed will need to be restored. Your ability to chew properly will be compromised if the problem is not addressed. In some cases, a filling can protect against further decay, but this option may not provide the necessary protection your case needs. It is also possible the tooth is still relatively healthy, which means a full dental crown is not required. At 75 Harley Street, we provide patients a number of options to restore teeth that look natural whilst providing strength and stability. Inlays and onlays, also known as partial dental crowns, are usually made from a strong ceramic material. The result is an almost invisible restoration that can last for many years.
