Shielding properties with strong wills during COVID-19 era? Making decisions based on emotion. Buying a house is a major life milestone. It’s a place where you’ll make memories, create a space that’s truly yours, and put down roots. It’s easy to get too attached and make emotional decisions, so remember that you’re also making one of the largest investments of your life, says Ralph DiBugnara, president of Home Qualified in New York City. “With this being a strong seller’s market, a lot of first-time buyers are bidding over what they are comfortable with because it is taking them longer than usual to find homes,” DiBugnara says. How this affects you: Emotional decisions could lead to overpaying for a home and stretching your budget beyond your means. What to do instead: “Have a budget and stick to it,” DiBugnara says. “Don’t become emotionally attached to a home that is not yours.”

Light is something people often take for granted but this is something you should maximize in your home. Lighting comes second to location and this is something every buyer wants in a home. When preparing your home for sale, do everything you can to let the sunshine in. You want to make the interior of your house as bright and cheerful as possible. Increase the wattage of your light bulbs, take down the drapes, change the lampshades, clean the windows, and cut down the bushes outside that block any sunlight from coming in the windows. More light makes your home more sellable.

Most will allow sales at the advice of the trustee, even if purchases or distributions of funds are not permitted while the application is in the courts. Where losses have occurred, tax advice will probably be needed to ensure that as much damage control as possible is carried out. In many cases it seems that the concept of remote working, meeting with clients by way of video calls, remote swearing of affidavits and even remote signing of documents have become more common place and accepted. However if there is a cautionary tale to be drawn it is that the underlying rules of professional expertise, client protection and trustee responsibilities have not changed, they are just being exercised somewhat differently. Discover extra information on Wills And COVID-19.

Electronic signatures and counterpart documents are not permitted and all sessions should be recorded if possible. A special ‘attestation clause’ explaining that the Will has been witnessed virtually is advised and further guidance is expected to follow from professional bodies. This more convoluted and long-winded process carries more risk of the Will being ineffective, e.g. if the will-maker dies before the process has been fully completed. However a Will is signed, the basic formalities must still be observed, ie the will-maker must understand what they are doing and not be unduly influenced by anyone; witnesses should also have the requisite capacity and must not be beneficiaries or spouses/civil partners of a beneficiary. Professional advice should ideally be sought in all cases.

Side Hustle to Make More Money: Are you happy with the amount of money you’re taking home each year? If you’re like most of us, a little bit of extra cash each month could go a long way. So, why not start a side hustle to supplement your income? Don’t worry. You don’t have to sacrifice all of your free time to start a successful side hustle. One of the big advantages of side hustling is that you can do it when you want and as much (or as little) as you want. The best advice I can give you is to start. Use any extra time you can find and make a little bit of progress every day. Soon you’ll be addicted to the side hustle lifestyle. So, how much money can you really make with a side hustle? Well, that’s the other awesome thing about side hustling, the income is virtually limitless. Since you’re not getting paid by the hour or a set salary, it’s really up to you to decide how much you want to earn. The more you feed your side hustle, the more it grows.

On balance, lenders have remained cautious in their analysis of MAE (which is very complex and fact specific) and the use of the current COVID-19 outbreak to squeeze better terms from borrowers or for that matter to call an event of default. However, as the situation unfolds MAE will be something to keep an eye on, as will the question of whether lenders will come under increasing pressure to invoke MAE (notwithstanding the potential relationship and reputational implications of such action). Based on our experience, in real estate financing transactions, if an MAE has occurred it is very likely that other events of default would have also been triggered under the loan agreement, e.g. LTV or DSCR covenant breaches, and a lender will rely on those breaches to accelerate the facility or renegotiate more favorable terms, rather than relying on an MAE. Find extra information at