Best social groups apps

Chat mobile apps: The app was created in Duke University’s Behavioral Economics Lab. It uses science to help you cultivate positive habits that support a more productive lifestyle: exercising more, eating healthier, or trying out meditation. To start, you’ll take a quick survey about your goals. Then the app will guide you to use strategies like integrated fitness programs, meditation sessions, and power-nap plans proven to help you stick with your new mood-, energy-, and productivity-boosting routines.

Streaks is a comprehensive app that allows you to track up to twelve tasks you want to complete each day, and your goal is to build a streak of consecutive days. You just need to add your habits, to-do list or goal with all the required details and the application reminds you automatically when you need to complete a task. With the help of this app, you can also create negative tasks to break bad habits. Streaks app features a highly customizable system with more than 45 different themes, up to 500 task icons to choose and choose how often a task needs to be completed or repeated.

Vervo is a private and group goal tracking app. It’s the only free app platform connecting you with a community of goal-setters to share your goals. If you find yourself struggling with finding inspiration/motivation to work on your goals, Vervo can absolutely help you with that. Vervo is based on scientific evidence to help you track, commit, get motivation and achieve your goals. Everything is free. No Ads. No Fees. Explore extra info at Goal tracking app.

Viber isn’t big in some parts of the world. However, it’s among the most popular messenger apps ever. It boasts a full experience, including messages, calls, a self-destruct chat, group chats, video messages, video chats, and more. It also includes some extras like stickers, worldwide news, and more. Most of the sticker packs cost extra, hence the in-app purchases. This is actually a fairly well-rounded chat experience. However, it is a little heavier than most chat apps. Those that want a cleaner, more minimal experience may want to avoid this one. Additionally, this one sees most of its popularity from countries outside of the United States. That’s not a big deal, but just a heads up.

Setting goals. Research shows that persistence and goal settings go hand in hand. That is, those who set high goals persist longer than others. Sharing can help: A groups’ shared belief in its conjoint capabilities to organize and execute a course of action towards a goal provides tremendous push towards accomplishment. Mental association: Vervo uses elements from psychological theories that have shown evidence of boosting people to accomplish their goals. Lets spread the love and help each other out anyway we can. If after reading this, you feel like you want to be part of this compassion-based journey, then pls don’t hesitate to download Vervo or write to us and let us know if we can help in any shape or form. See additional info at


Real estate IT consulting

Part-time CIO? Sales managers, do you micro-manage your sales teams from details in the CRM? If salespeople sense that entering all their leads and all the data points they know about every customer and deal in the CRM will bring down waves of criticism and micro-management FAR beyond what they would deal with just tracking their prospects in an old-school manual way (even including getting into trouble for not using the CRM!)… again – they will act in their own best interests. In this case, sadly, that self-interest will be completely opposite company-interest.

A key part successful digital transformation is assessing the needs and opportunities of organizations to ensure that the chosen strategy is the optimal path. Executives are justified in concerns about change, but with the pace of innovation being what it is in today’s economy, doing nothing is often actually more risky in many industries. Concerns about information security are legitimate, of course, but those countermeasures are table stakes in their own right, and many approaches to Digitalization do not raise security risks.

The real power comes when you know how a customer will best interact with YOU. Beyond understanding a customer or client generally, the real benefits come to companies who know how customer needs overlap with the company’s offerings, and to companies who can predict the timing of those needs more fully. This can be challenging when you’re not doing business with a customer yet, but to fill this gap myriad data brokers and aggregators offer data which can be harvested and combined for useful insights. One critical prerequisite for combining multiple outside sources (and later integrating internal data) is to identify a unique key for each record, which ideally can be obtained automatically from data generally complete and accurate in each source. Don’t be dissuaded if this step does require working through exceptions using outsource data cleansing services or temp/intern help. If you’re going to leverage multiple sources of data, it’s a critical step to develop and nurture this unique key; many companies who skip this step end up in a nightmare of duplicate records. Read extra details on CRM data insights.

Every business should want to have an IT consultant! Hiring a permanent IT expert is expensive, especially for a startup. IT consultants in Nottingham such as the Custard Group charge for their services based on the amount of work done for a company. A business may not require advanced IT services every month. For instance, a company may only require an expert to install a new system and train the users on how to use it. After the installation, the company can run the system and consult the expert when issues arise.

A trick every CEO should know about cybersecurity: Achieving information security compliance with one or more government regulatory standards for information security (i.e. ISO 27001, NIST 800-171, HIPAA, NYDFS, etc.) is good, but not sufficient to ensure real cybersecurity. Further, it is incumbent upon CEOs to learn more about cybersecurity to ensure their company is taking appropriate actions to secure their most valuable information assets. This does not mean that every CEO needs to become a Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP). Rather, CEOs should increase their knowledge of core cybersecurity concepts and leverage their own leadership skills to conceptualize and manage risk in strategic terms, understanding the business impact of risk.

Because we recruit experienced C-level IT executives as lead consultants, our team brings expertise and proven track records to these engagements. Our experts are comparable to anyone at the senior partner level at Deloitte, PwC, Accenture, E&Y, McKinsey, BCG or Bain, but we have four significant advantages these competitors cannot match: Our lead consultants remain fully engaged throughout the term of our consulting projects. When you engage one of the “Big 4” accounting firms or “Big 3” strategy firms, you may never again see the senior partner from the day the contract is signed. Explore a few more info at Finance IT experts.


Migration to Azure and AWS Cloud company in Denver

Cyber security services in Denver: Keep track of your digital footprint. When you monitor your accounts, you can ensure you catch suspicious activity. Can you recall everywhere you have online accounts and what information is stored on them, like credit card numbers for easier payments? It’s important to keep track of your digital footprint, including social media, and to delete accounts you’re not using, while ensuring you set strong passwords (that you change regularly).

Use Strong Passwords & Use a Password Management Tool. You’ve probably heard that strong passwords are critical to online security. The truth is passwords are important in keeping hackers out of your data! According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) 2017 new password policy framework, you should consider: Dropping the crazy, complex mixture of upper case letters, symbols, and numbers. Instead, opt for something more user-friendly but with at least eight characters and a maximum length of 64 characters. If you want to make it easier to manage your passwords, try using a password management tool or password account vault. LastPass FREE is a great tool for an individual. LastPass offers a FREE account and has a $2/month membership with some great advanced password features.

We provide managed IT Services to Denver businesses. We follow industry standard security practices to deliver top notch solution to our customers. Head in the right direction out of the gate. Take control of your security with our offerings. Securely connect remote networks into one seamless network. Connect privately and securely to the corporate network when out of the office. Monitor your networks. Monitor your applications. Monitor your systems. Monitor your services. 24/7/365. We offer Big Data Analytics with products like Splunk. Make sense of your data by gaining insight into your business with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Visualize your data and increase visibility to your business. Discover more info on Managed IT services Denver.

Install Anti-Virus Protection. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways you can keep your personal information, as well as company information, secure while traveling. In addition to using a trusted brand of security, make sure that you regularly update this software as new versions become available. Just like your anti-virus software, you should keep your operating system as current as possible. This also goes for apps on your phone; take special care to update apps that you regularly use to conduct financial or personal business.

Data backups ensure that if there is any data loss or theft, files can be recovered. You should always backup your data in a different location so hackers cannot access both areas and you should also backup your data regularly. Firewalls are designed to prevent unauthorized access from a private network. You can create a set of rules on your firewall so that it knows what to allow in and what to block out. A good firewall should monitor incoming and outgoing data.

Most of the time, the only cases of data breaches that make the news are breaches from huge companies like credit card companies or hotels. However, cybercriminals aren’t always targeting huge companies. In fact, they’re most often targeting small businesses, schools, and community groups. Knowing this, cybersecurity is incredibly important for businesses and also for individuals. It’s easy to get lazy when it comes to cybersecurity, but it’s important to be vigilant when it comes to protecting your private information. Discover extra details on Managed IT services.


Drones and humans jobs issues

Eradicating the dangers rescuers face is entirely not possible. It is part of the job description. But the coverage robots and drones provide during rescue operations increases the likelihood of rescuers finding survivals. The real-time information these technologies provide during a rescue operation is vital to decision making. It helps the rescue team (the command base and the field team) devise the best way to help the surviving victims while managing the catastrophe.

This study found that the group of seniors that interacted with Paro became less lonely. This wasn’t the case with the second group. The other group of seniors that participated in other interactive activities away from the retirement home became lonelier. Also, a living dog was brought to the home every day so that the seniors can interact with it. It was observed that these seniors were more interactive when it came to Paro as compared to the living dog. See additional information at this post.

The Intelligent Robots and Systems’ International Conference 2020 will hold in Las Vegas Nevada from 24th to 30th October. This event is a magnet for great minds and companies working towards the development of the new advancements in the field of robotics. The event has featured countless cutting edge innovations in robotics. The IROS 2020 is poised at highlighting new research works as well as promoting talks and idea-sharing experiences.

Developed by Boston Dynamics, Atlas is a bipedal humanoid robot designed to operate indoors and outdoors and participate in complicated search-and-rescue operations, operate powered equipment in hazardous environments, or performing tasks such as opening doors. Boston Dynamics is known for actively collaborate with military organizations such as DARP or the U.S. Department of Defense. Their robot prototypes are engineering works of art, mimicking human and animal movements. Unlike other robots, Boston Dynamics’ creations can work under harsh conditions, demonstrating extraordinary human-like stability and rough terrain mobility. If you want to meet the whole Boston Dynamics’ robotic family, check out the official website. Additional information at this article.

Kevlar is well known as bulletproof attire. It is made of strong synthetic fibers that can also withstand both hot and cold environments. It can keep the oil on your robots from freezing and melting. Making your robot wear kevlar attire enables it to go on harsh environments. Isn’t that what makes the robot heavy duty? Kevlar, as a fabric, makes your robot maintain its motion and function. Also, damaged Kevlar covering can be replaced without disassembling your robot. It’s just like making your robot wear protective clothes, increasing its durability in harsh environments. This material is used in various other industries such as the car industry. For instance, most of the presidential vehicles use Kevlar as protection from terrorist attacks and possible strayed bullets and other dangers. Speaking of which, if you want to make a robot that will withstand harsh conditions and certain threats from the outside, this is the material to go with.

Alex Shikany, the Vice President of Membership and Business Intelligence for the Association of Advancing Automation, who reacted to the statistics made available, in his chat with The Robot Report, said that a conclusion cannot be reached because the data made available are yet to be established.

Automated equipment – Automated warehouses are becoming more popular with drives, robotic arms and drones that will fill orders and pick up stock. There are also the likes of automated cranes that are able to move shipping containers and organize deliveries. 3D printing – Being able to make anything, at any time is going to help to revolutionize manufacturing. We have seen this with plastic 3D printing but recently we have seen other materials such as metal being used instead. The opportunities are endless. Discover extra details on this publisher site.


Brave browser main features and making money while surfing the web

Looking for Brave browser tips? Brave has also created much ease for its users by providing the on-swipe accessibility to the currently opened tabs of the browser. Just swipe left for the previous or right for the next opened tab on the address bar for viewing your desired web page. Sounds cool? Isn’t it? Another worth mentioning feature of brave’s android application is that you can preview all your opened tabs on a single swipe. Is this swipe right, left, up or down? Yes! You guessed it right. Just swipe down on your address bar for previewing your tabs.

Brave Software’s financial life is shrouded in privacy. However, the company managed to raise $35 million in just seconds by selling the BAT cryptocurrency to investors in their public ICO. However, they have other revenue streams. For example, they kept a third of the 1.5 billion BATs and as starter seed for browser users’ wallets (300 million BATs). At the current BAT value, Brave’s 200 million equaled just over $70 million. The money will be channeled towards establishing a better blockchain-based digital advertising system with a strong privacy inside it.

Other browsers claim to have a “private mode,” but this only hides your history from others using your browser. Brave lets you use Tor right in a tab. Tor not only hides your history, it masks your location from the sites you visit by routing your browsing through several servers before it reaches your destination. These connections are encrypted to increase anonymity.

Support your favorite sites with Brave Rewards! Turn on Brave Rewards and give a little back to the sites you frequent most. Earn frequent flyer-like tokens (BAT) for viewing privacy-respecting ads through Brave and help fund the content you love. Browsing the web with Brave is free: with Brave Rewards activated, you can support the content creators you love at the amount that works for you.

Brave Rewards: Once a month, Brave Rewards will send the corresponding amount of BAT, divided up based on your attention, from your local browser-based wallet to the sites you’ve visited. You can remove sites you don’t want to support, and tip creators directly too. All of this is anonymous: nobody (not even us here at Brave) can see who supported which sites. We can only count up the total support for each site and send the BAT their way. Content creators can use our partner Uphold to convert the BAT they earn into a currency of their choosing. Discover additional details at Brave Web Browser.

A note about tipping in the Brave Desktop Browser: When you tip a verified content creator, your tip is sent instantly to that creator’s Brave Rewards account. If you tip a creator who has not yet verified, your tip will be held locally in your browser until that creator verifies with If they verify within 90 days, your tip will be transferred. If not, then it is returned to your Brave Rewards wallet.


Manufacturing execution system (MES) crypto chain

Blockchain is the core technology behind parasite bitcoin and Ethereum. It reduces cost, efficiency and security of data storage by using cryptography, timestamp, distributed consensus, and economic incentives to provide decentralized peer-to-peer communication in an unreliable distributed system. It should be noted that blockchain technology itself is not a revolutionary technological innovation but an innovative model that is developed as a combination of multiple technologies.

Entrepreneurs can save on average 15 percent or more with the use of MES systems. The use of MES allows the preparation and timely adjustment of detailed manufacturing programs, which allows us to more accurately determine the actual manufacturing cost for each part and the entire product. An important feature of MES systems is the execution of programs. APS systems placed in the ERP planning contour creates production programs only if new products or work orders are included in the portfolio. It is very challenging to set them in real-time, which results in the use of APS systems in small-scale manufacturing. In these cases, MES systems operate more flexible and faster, recalculate and adjust programs for any deviations in manufacturing processes. Thus they increase manufacturing flexibility and dynamism.

The benefits of using MesChain become apparent immediately upon implementation. Each designated user receives private keys and funds that are available only to them. Even the company’s administrators do not have access to this data. An integrated escrow system assures user safety, with any issues quickly handled but the platform. MES is easily customizable with a simple interface that makes user operations comfortable and straightforward. It works on tablets, smartphones, and computers so that the features are immediately usable, even if someone is unfamiliar with blockchain technology. There is also the possibility of creating modules while keeping all of your information in one place. Find more details at Join Telegram Channel for Announcements.

Embrace volatility – Cryptocurrencies are famously volatile. The price of Bitcoin, for example, went from $3,000 down to $2,000 and then leapt up to nearly $5,000, all within three months in 2017. Whilst this means risk is high, it also means the potential for profit is great too. It’s always sensible to check the volatility of the exchange you decide to go with. Understand blockchain – You don’t need to understand the technical complexities, but a basic understanding will help you respond to news and announcements that may help you predict future price movements. It is essentially a continuously growing list of secure records (blocks). Cryptography secures the interactions and then stores them publicly. They serve as a public ledger, cutting out intermediaries such as banks.

How an enterprise leverages technology to manage and optimize the processes occurring at the shop floor level is critical to reap the full benefits and value offered by the Industry 4.0 concept. Digital Manufacturing requires a well-defined methodology for managing manufacturing operations and data coming off the plant floor. With the cost of raw materials on the rise, a highly competitive global market and increasing regulatory compliance concerns, companies that want to succeed need to cut waste, increase quality and monitor production processes while still increasing throughput. See additional info on MES Chain.


Tech and trade news in India

A lot of new tech gadgets, phones,watches in 2019! What to buy? You’ve already heard all about the Samsung Galaxy Watch, but what if you just don’t want a large version of its wearable? Samsung has shrunk down most of the tech available in the Galaxy Watch into this more sport appropriate package that’s slimmer, lighter and, arguably, more comfortable. The Galaxy Watch Active features a 1.1-inch 360 x 360 display that while being bright and beautiful allows for a smaller watch to be strapped around your wrist than a lot of the other devices in this list. It still comes sporting all of the top-end fitness features you’d expect from Samsung’s Tizen watch range, but it lacks the rotating bezel or an LTE option that you’d get from the top-end product.

If you’re looking for the best Android smartphone money can buy, stop reading and buy the Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus. Simply put, this is the fastest, most feature-packed and refined Galaxy smartphone Samsung has ever built. The Galaxy S10 Plus is the first handset to employ its all-new Infinity-O design with an AMOLED panel. And what an AMOLED panel it is! The screen is staggeringly good, with gorgeous colours and cavernous blacks. The Infinity-O design, which relocates the front-facing camera to a pill-shaped cut-out in the top right-hand corner of the display, has allowed Samsung to fit the S10 Plus with an expansive 6.4-inch AMOLED panel – that’s the same size as the Galaxy Note 9 – while simultaneously shrinking the physical size of the handset compared to the 6.2-inch Galaxy S9 Plus from last year.

The Huawei MateBook X Pro is our new pick for the best laptop money can buy in 2019, after years of this list being dominated by the (still excellent) Dell XPS 13, which is now in second place. While Huawei hasn’t been making laptops for as long as more established manufacturers in this list, it has absolutely knocked it out the park with the MateBook X Pro. This is a gorgeously-designed laptop with a stunning screen (albeit with a rather odd aspect ratio), and it comes packed with cutting edge components that allows it to perform brilliantly, and a battery life that runs rings around many of its rivals. It also has a very competitive price, giving you features, design and performance for quite a bit less money. Read more info at

Prepare for 5G in India ! Samsung launched two 5G phones at its Unpacked event this year. The Galaxy S10 5G looks almost similar to the Galaxy S10+, but it has a bigger 4500mAh battery, a faster 25W charging support, and an extra ToF camera sensor for better depth-mapping, enhanced low light shots, and faster autofocus. The Galaxy S10 5G will be exclusive to Verison in the US. S10 5G 8GB RAM+ 256GB is available in South Korea for 1.39M won (approx. Rs. 85032). Samsung has revealed that the US pre-orders would commence from April 18 and the handset will hit stores starting May 16. It will be Huawei’s first non-foldable 5G device. The phone will be first available with Swiss telecom network – Sunrise. The Mate 20 X 5G phone will have a new modem, slightly smaller 4200 mAh battery in comparison to the regular Mate 20 Pro. It has a smaller 4,200 mAh battery vs the standard 5,000 mAh one, but it compensates by bringing faster 40W Super Charge.

Tamilrockers update : Hours after the hottest Shankar- Rajinikanth- Akshay Kumar film 2.0 hit the screens worldwide, the infamous piracy group Tamil Rockers published the film on their site on Thursday. Lyca Productions took to Twitter on Thursday following the movie premiered, requesting people to see the film in a theatre, not succumb to pirated version of the film. “Hardwork of 4 yrs, crores of money, efforts of 1000s of technicians – all to give you a visual spectacle it’s possible to see, love and enjoy in THEATRES! Do not spoil the experience. SAY NO TO PIRACY! More latest tech news & technical topics ? Read extra details on Social Trade News in India.
