Driving lessons in Dublin, Ireland by Anewdriver
High quality driving lessons in Dublin, Ireland? Check your tires and brakes. Ensuring your tires and brakes are safe for travel is one of the best ways you can keep yourself safe on the road. As a general rule of thumb, you should not be able to see Abraham Lincoln’s head when you put a penny face-down between the tread of your tires. If you can, it means your tread depth is too low, and you need to replace your tires. Changing your brakes is equally important when considering car safety. If you hear a squeaking or grinding noise when pressing the breaks, you should check them immediately. Neglecting to do so could damage your rotors, which is not only extremely dangerous but also much more expensive to fix.
With car accidents being a major cause of stress, expense, and injury (or worse!), it’s always important to make sure you are driving as safely as possible. For me, driving is second nature but I want to make sure driving safely is second-nature too! So, here’s my list of safety tips to keep you out of trouble on the roads! We’re all busy these days, and that can often lead to running late to work or racing to pick up your kid from soccer practice. Hurrying your driving may seem normal to you but it’s definitely more dangerous and stressful than driving when you know you have enough time to get from point A to point B. In fact, if possible, it’s always best to have a little extra time, just in case you run into traffic or have to circle around unexpected construction. After all, saving a minute off of your commute is hardly worth causing an accident or getting a ticket.
If you need to make an emergency call, make sure that you pull over to a parking lot, or at least the side of the road, before you use your cell phone. Pay attention to all traffic signs: This is something that many drivers get out of the habit of doing, and they end up speeding or going the wrong way on one-way streets. If you are paying attention to all road signs, you will know what the posted speed limit is, and you can stay within it, which is a big part of defensive driving. Whatever you do, don’t follow what the driver ahead of you is doing. After all, he or she may not be following the rules of the road, and you will not be either, which can lead to an accident pretty quickly. Make sure that you obey all traffic lights as well. One wrong turn at a signal light could end up in a really bad accident. Find additional info at driving instructors Dublin.
Don’t assume other road users are good drivers. Part of driving defensively is also not assuming that every other driver is perfect and that they know or will stick to the rules of the road. You need to be ready for other cars to turn suddenly without using their indicator lights, to brake sharply or otherwise make unexpected or erratic movements. Most drivers on the road are competent but some are not – since you can’t know who is a good driver and who isn’t, make sure you give everyone plenty of space so you have time to take action if somebody else does something dangerous.
Park guided by your windows and mirrors. When perpendicular parking, stop once you see the curb under the side mirror. This way the distance between the car and the curb will be minimal, and you won’t scratch the bumper. When parallel parking, make sure you don’t scratch the hubcaps. Stick a piece of colored duct tape to the bottom of the windshield. Stop once the mark matches the curb line. It’s better to parallel park in reverse: this way, the curb is visible in the side-view mirrors, so you won’t be too close to it. See even more info on https://www.anewdriver.ie/.