Brand awareness marketing solutions by Edan Gelt right now: Emails with video have a much higher click-through rate than those that don’t. If you share your video in email, ensure the word “video” is in the subject line; this boosts open rates by 19% and reduces unsubscribes by 26% (Hubspot). YouTube is one of the largest social media platforms but to use this platform correctly, you need to engage visitors and build a community by being consistent in your uploads. This means posting at least two videos a month at minimum. But, sometimes that isn’t enough. In order to be ranked, your video title and description also need to contain your keywords (no different than a blog). Your description must also contain the URL where a visitor can learn more information, and your phone number. Finally, adding tags relating to the subject will attract new viewers. See more details at Edan Gelt.

Word of Mouth Marketing: Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools. This is successful when people spontaneously talk about your product, service or brand. There is no better way to do this then with the power of free. Happy users or customers are more likely to sing a company’s praises and refer their friends and family. When people tell others about your product they are referring new customers, free of charge your way. When you reach potential new customers with your free sample they are likely to talk about it with their friends, family and coworkers. These conversations are where your product will gain reputability.

Free is one of the most powerful tools available for customer acquisition if done correctly. By offering a free sample, businesses get customers to try a product without putting up a price barrier, while the customer gets a ‘free’ item while not having to gamble a portion of their budget on a product they may not even like. Knowing this, brands should happily eat the costs associated with free. For more social media and brand communication tips – follow Communication Strategist Edan Gelt and her recent blog series –

When posting, make sure to take advantage of the hashtags (Instagram allows for a maximum of 30 and I recommend you use each one to create a wider reach on your post) but each hashtag must be relevant to your brand and niche so it lands with the correct audience. Each social media post should always have a call to action, regardless of what platform you are using. This means you should ask your audience to share, comment or vote. The more engagement a post has the more likely the platform’s algorithm will kick in and allow you to gain a wider reach to new audiences with similar interests. Find even more details at

This is where you decide what type of video content you are going to create. This depends on the type of business you are branding. Are you a lawyer? Feature yourself or maybe a client and speak to the value and/or services you provide such as closings, litigation, bankruptcies, etc. Since we are in a pandemic, possibly address the current landlord/tenant laws and how to mitigate them. Follow-up videos could explore samples of cases you’ve handled or complex transactions.

Turn on the message app in GMB – it may be painful to answer sometimes, but this is a great way to capture leads. By engaging in messaging this gives you the power to talk to your audience in real time. These conversations are what can help your business stand out because it shows you are a real person rather than a bot or a corporate conglomerate company, that personal touch goes a long way. Don’t let the fact of being ‘live’ scare you away from messaging through your GMB. There are settings that allow an automated response so if you don’t want to be monitoring your messaging 24/7 this initial response will give your customers the response they want while you can get back to them with their exact answer the next day or during business hours.

Partner: Double your reach and budget by partnering with another complementary brand that targets a similar audience. If you engage with a brand that already has established trust with your clients, they are more likely to trust your brand. Make the most of your partnerships by finding businesses with similar but non-competing target markets and co-market. Be a Guest: Appearing on someone else’s platform, such as a podcast or blog, exhibits your initiative and your intelligence. Podcasts and blogs are all the rage and being featured on one gives you the opportunity to get in front of new clients. It also positions you as an industry expert. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to increase your brand awareness. Just try some of the tactics here to discover works best for increasing your brand awareness on a budget.

Reviews Make it or Break it: Did you know that 90% of consumers research online and rely on review sites before making a purchase? Google reviews make it or break it for your business. We live in a world where everybody Googles everything, and ratings can make or break your business. Just a half star increase in your rating is equivalent to a 9% increase in revenue per Harvard Business Review. If your business was a restaurant, Berkley economists found that a half star improvement makes it 30-49% more likely that a restaurant will sell out during peak hours. Find more details on Eden Gelt.

These are examples that have an obvious mechanism toward the building of trust. Consumers have long memories and acts like this will serve these companies well for years to come. But, there are more subtle examples. In the Philippines, the CEO of the McDonald’s operation in that country created a video. This video details the safety measures McDonald’s is taking to protect both consumers and their staff. This might seem like an obvious approach. However, at the same time other companies are portraying their staff as ‘heroes.’ This approach is being criticized for ignoring the fact that the employees are in as much need of protection as the consumers are.

Entertainment venue? Share the experience. Make your client’s hearts race or minds open. Give them a first-hand glimpse of riding a water slide or snippets of an attraction, show or new game. Let them feel the excitement of your brand. During the pandemic guests may be cautious to return – show them what you’re doing to keep them safe. Consultant? Give out free tips and tricks, a how to guide or case studies – have you seen my Edan Gelt vlog yet? I not only recommend vlogging, I also practice it.
