Meet Patricia Jamelska and some of her autonomous solutions achievements

Meet Michaela Jamelska and some of her autonomous solutions ideas? Working in the deep-tech industry with the focus on smart cities, autonomous solutions and IoT. Patricia Jamelska studied master’s degree at King’s College in London and did a program at Berkeley University in California. Patricia Jamelska is also a former professional horse rider and currently actively works with expanding start-ups, innovative companies and public bodies. Michaela Jamelska studied at Roehampton University in London and successfully finished program at Stanford University in California. Michaela Jamelska is successful serial entrepreneur and human rights advocate.

Michaela Jamelska about the innovative 5G trial to boost business : A project led by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA). 5G products and services will be developed to support operations at Bristol Port, demonstrating a smart and dynamic smart port environment. The initiative will focus on security, traceability, and tracking of goods within and across extendable virtual boundaries. Mission is concentrated on the development of two different use cases: 1) The deployment of 5G enabled autonomous drones for security and surveillance; 2) Drone-based traceability and real-time tracking of goods combining both public and private networks, in close cooperation with the University of Bristol. Moreover, 5G LOGISTICS project will demonstrate how 5G private network capabilities can improve the efficiency and productivity of the logistics sector. By testing the potential of 5G in a port scenario, the West of England Combined Authority is driving innovations that could bring economic benefits to the region and beyond. The outcome would bring an innovative way to support businesses and communities creating a connected and sustainable future for the region.

How 5G is crucial for autonomous multi-robots fleets and connected smart cities. Our CEO has set the vision for AI, Autonomy and 5G and will share this with an audience of more than 7000 participants from different countries in Asia. As he points out “We see growing demand for SG private / campus networks enabled autonomous services for smart manufacturing, factories, retail, logistics and supply-chain as well as 5G public network enabled rapid emergency response, comprehensive surveillance and inspections and robust live content streaming from mega public events.

Unmanned Life brings its 5G-native Autonomy software to Asia: Unmanned Life team, conducted by its CEO Kumardev Chatterjee and Global Business Development Director Michaela Jamelska and Global Partnerships Manager Patricia Jamelska will attend one of the leading global 5G events in Singapore: 5G Asia. This will be the occasion to demonstrate how our autonomy-as-a-service AI software will unleash the potential of 5G by enabling multiple autonomous robotic solutions in supply chain logistics and telecommunications. With several meetings with the leading Asian Telecommunications are already planned, the highlight of the week will be our CEOs keynote on how 5G is crucial for autonomous multi-robot fleets and connected smart cities.

Patricia Jamelska on the future of Air Mobility in Europe: “Current changes in drone technology hold enormous promise for the future use of airspace with the rapid expansion of digital transformation. This requires implementation of U-space and integrating unmanned and manned aviation for their safe coexistence. GOF2.0 project enables for all participants to obtain a better understanding of current challenges and opportunities implementing U-space. Unmanned Life brings to the project valuable expertise by integrating their Autonomy-as-a-Service software platform with U-space infrastructure to demonstrate how future commercial autonomous drone applications might function in a shared airspace.” Maria Tamm, Project Manager GOF 2.0


Top destinations in Dubai and Expo 2020

World expo 2020 and Dubai travel attractions! If you didn’t see Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) yet then you should plan to do it very soon. This is a city that any traveler should not miss, a “must see” place it’s how i like to call it. Dubai is know for it’s fantastic architecture , with many spectacular building being built every year but also known for the vibrant nightlife and luxury shopping. What can you see in Dubai ?

The Dubai Opera, situated in the new Opera District in the heart of Dubai, offers an enticing schedule which can be likened to that of London’s West End or Manhattan’s Broadway. With views of the Dubai Fountain and next to the Burj Khalifa, the building was inspired by the shape of Arabian dhow ships and is sure to catch your eye. While the rear of the building arches upwards like a hull and is used as a foyer, taxi rank and car park, the stage area is designed in such a way that it can easily be converted into three different event platforms: theatre, hall or concert hall. Want to know what’s on while you’re holidaying in the city? Visit Dubai Calendar.

Dubai ranks among the top three cities in the world that receives the most number of tourists in comparison to its population size. Being the world’s most popular holiday destination, this city has established itself as a force to be reckoned when it comes to travel and tourism. From an ordinary fishing village community to one of the most expensive cities in the world, Dubai has drastically evolved into an exciting tourist destination. It is now a mesmerizing city that has a lot of wonders beyond your imagination. Dubai not only offers an extravagant experience to the adults but also has ideal spots for kids to have entertainment. The unlimited entertainment option and enticing tourist destinations make it hard for us to curate the best things to do in Dubai since the list will run down to a few hundred pages. Discover a lot more information at Holidays for solo travellers in Dubai.

Dubai’s architectural, cultural, and maritime heritage is showcased at the Heritage and Diving Village, with displays related to pearl diving and dhow building — two of old Dubai’s historic economic mainstays. There are also recreations of traditional Bedouin and coastal village life, with Persian homes, a traditional coffeehouse, and a small souk where potters and weavers practice their handicrafts at the stalls. Local music and dance are performed from October to April, and visitors can get advice from practitioners of traditional medicine. One of the city’s top tourist attractions, the Dubai Aquarium houses 140 species of sea life in the huge suspended tank on the ground floor of the Dubai Mall. As well as free viewing from the mall, if you enter the Underwater Zoo, you can walk through the aquarium tunnels.

Another important reason to visit Dubai is the World EXPO 2020. That will be a sight to behold! It’s all happening in the Dubai South district, near Al Maktoum International Airport. There will be a lot of dedicated transport heading to the site 4.38 sq km site, and a metro station is being built that can handle 44,000 passengers per hour. With an influx of international visitors expected, Dubai International Airport is also working to upgrade its runways, while new hotels are springing up near the Expo 2020 site. Find more information on


Mejor lavado de alfombras en ñuñoa

Lavado de alfombras en Vitacura ahora mismo? Sabemos que cada Alfombra es una inversión importante, por lo tanto, nos tomamos el Lavado de Alfombras Retiro a Domicilio muy seriamente. Combinamos elementos básicos como el agua y el aire para personalizar un proceso de limpieza exhaustivo dependiendo de las necesidades de cada usuario. Sabemos que muchos se preguntan cómo Lavar Alfombras de Casa o lavado de alfombras near me sin tener una respuesta clara, por este motivo, el servicio de lavado de alfombras Ñuñoa y Stgo Oriente es el más eficaz.

Debido a sus especiales características, este tipo de tapetes requiere de una limpieza con un equipo determinado y especializado, de igual manera, nosotros brindamos este servicio de lavado de alfombras en Las Condes. Es necesario tener cuidados especiales con estos materiales, por ejemplo, es preciso exponerlos al secado natural después de asearlos, de esta manera se conservan los detalles, diseños y tonalidades intactos.

Usualmente, esta clase de limpieza se hace y es recomendable para aquellas alfombras con un nivel de suciedad alto, de manera que, para este Lavado de Alfombras en Vitacura, iniciamos con una limpieza tradicional como explicamos anteriormente. A esto lo sigue el uso de una máquina lava alfombras, esta se utiliza inyectando el agua y el producto limpiador en la superficie y también de manera profunda, la diferencia es que se hace usando presión, entre mayor sea, más penetrante será el alcance de los jabones y shampoos. Finalmente, después del debido enjuagado, viene la parte del secado, de igual manera debe cepillarse y utilizar un extractor de agua para retirar el exceso de esta y que el tiempo de este último paso se reduzca en lo más mínimo. Leer extra detalles en

Nuestros equipos de Lavado de Alfombras en Las Condes son altamente reconocidos debido a que utilizamos productos amigables con el ambiente, ya que no cuentan con componentes tóxicos, ni dejan residuos de jabón. Nos preocupamos por cuidar cada fibra durante el lavado de alfombras en Las Condes, por eso nuestro servicio tiene garantía, de manera que nuestros clientes podrán sentirse a gusto con óptimos resultados. También prestamos servicios más especializados en Lavado de Alfombras en Las Condes que sean más delicadas y difíciles de limpiar como los persas, de seda y lana, nos encargamos de optimizar la vida útil de las fibras durante la visita, de manera que resalten positivamente y se luzcan dentro de cualquier ambiente en el hogar u oficinas.

Nuestra experiencia en el lavado de alfombras lo dejará con la sensación de recuperar un producto “como nuevo”. Los años de servicio en la limpieza de alfombras nos avalan. Donde necesites en Ñuñoa y sector Oriente de Santiago podrás contar con Lavado de Alfombras. Cuidamos tus Alfombras como si fueran nuestras. Podemos todo nuestro esfuerzo en la limpieza cuidadosa. Utilizamos insumos de primera calidad para la Limpieza de tus Alfombras. Encontrar adicional información en


Automobile A34 motorway recovery companies in Berkshire

Professional auto M4 motorway recovery services in Winkfield? A shovel that can dig the dirt or snow away from the front of your tires is the single most useful tool for getting a vehicle unstuck. Any item that can dig and scoop can be used including your hands, but a shovel gets the job done quickly. When all four tires are stuck, your hands and back will be grateful you brought a shovel. A proper D-handle shovel is always the best bet as it’s the least back-breaking option. However, if space is at a premium, you can opt for a foldable shovel or cut the handle down on a regular garden shovel so it fits in your car.

The tow strap will then need to be secured to the anchor. This can be done by threading it through the center hole in the hub and running a rod like a lug wrench through it on the back side to secure it. You will then bury the spare tire in the hole and secure the tow strap to the tire, where it will wrap around it during acceleration, causing a winching effect. This will essentially pull the vehicle out of its position. Some considerations regarding this method are going to be whether the vehicle is front-wheel or rear-wheel drive, as that will determine the direction of recovery and where the anchor will need to be placed.

If your vehicle had some serious accidents, then our professionals will guide you with the best solutions that will help you in following the best practices. At the time of road accidents, professionals will help you along with your vehicle in recovering without having any kind of injuries to the person along with drivers who are driving the vehicle. Car towing services: This is one of the main services that is provided by the M3 Motorway Recovery. It is available for all 24 hours so that clients can avail their services anytime and anywhere. Find additional info on A34 recovery services.

Have you ever been stuck in a place you would rather not be? Well, car breakdowns can catch you by surprise, and as you wait for the breakdown services to get to you, you could be playing that “regret” game. “I just skipped the routine battery check,” but the regrets don’t help. Some concerns such as driving into a ditch or getting stuck in the mud are hardly unavoidable, but luckily, breakdown services Liverpool offers the convenience you need to get back on the road. Some aspects, however, can be mitigated by following practical yet straightforward steps. Here is a look at a few tips to keep your car running smoothly and avoid regular breakdowns.

It is a very scary situation indeed when your vehicle breaks down at a stranded place where no repair shop or mechanic is nearby especially if you are stuck on the Motorway. There may be a hundred instances like the car getting overheated, or there may be a problem with the engine or the radiator. Now not everyone is an expert mechanic, and most of us will feel very helpless as we will fail to restore the car into a functional position. This situation can get worse if it is an odd hour of the day like early mornings or late nights. This is where a 24-hour vehicle recovery company in Berkshire can come to your rescue and can really save the day.

We think this is the most appropriate method of offering breakdown service to our esteemed customers, and they are able to reap the best from us. We rank among the top in a range of surveys for the UK customer satisfaction.Contact Information. For more inquiries about the car recovery services company, you can reach our dedicated customer care desk through the live chat available on our website.

If you ignore a problem such as warning lights, or strange noises coming from your car you’ll only make the issues worse if you don’t take any action. A quick visit to your local garage where you can explain how your car is driving differently will avoid more costly repairs in the long term. You can get a quote online from experienced mechanics prior to your visit so you have an idea of the price. Discover more details at

Preparation for breakdowns in winter. Maintain some hot clothes and a blanket while traveling in winter and some chocolate bars in the vehicle. This helps you to remain hot and fed while waiting for breakdown assistance. Keep boots walking in the vehicle. If your car breaks off along the road you probably don’t have to wait or go to a high heels petrol station or a couple of beautiful leather shoes. For points 5 and 6, your vehicle should already be fitted with a reflective jacket, a red triangle, a safety medical kit and a fire extinguisher as required by law if you are a European. Before establishing these 8 safety measures, the list should be verified.

Auto and Vehicles

Nose job doctor in Santa Barbara today with nose job guides

High professionalism rhinoplasty clinic in Santa Barbara with rhinoplasty guides? This rule applies both before and after rhinoplasty, as UV light can damage your skin and cause healing problems. Do Not Eat or Drink Anything After 12 the Night Before Rhinoplasty surgery Another self-explanatory rule – but bears repeating nonetheless, that you should make sure you do not eat or drink anything at least 8 hours before surgery or after midnight the night before your rhinoplasty. In addition to Aspirin and Coumadin, there are several other medications you need to avoid unless the specialist tells you differently, including: Vitamin E – apart from being included in a combination multivitamins supplement, you should stop taking Vitamin E in the week leading up to your procedure. Clopidogrel – it is best to discuss whether you should stop using this medication with the professional who prescribed it to you. Celebrex – stop this at least one week before you are due to have your surgery.

You should thoroughly research your surgeons policy on revised procedures. There are many times that surgeons botch procedures, and you have to pay a ton of money to get corrective surgery. Look for a surgeon who will correct any problems for free for a certain amount of time after your surgery. Find out where the surgery will take place in advance. You can do some research about this location. Make sure your surgeon has selected a licensed, and accredited location. Check that his or her office has been inspected, and accredited. If your surgery will be done at the surgeon’s practice.

Some patients may decide that they are simply seeking a more youthful appearance. In these instances, Botox and fillers (which are non-invasive procedures by nature) can be added to the equation so that the patient receives the exact look they are hoping for. The factors that are responsible for influencing the results and the procedure are also explained. The structure of your cartilage and nasal bones, your expectations, your age, the facial shape and the elasticity and thickness of skin are examined in depth. The techniques that will be used are discussed and so are the anesthesia options. The costs that are involved and the location where the surgery will be performed are covered during this step as well. Discover more information on Physical Examination – A physical exam is conducted including facial features, the inside and outside of your nose and also any necessary blood test and laboratory tests. Photographs – To document your transformation, you’ll have multiple photos taken of your face and nose from different angles. Open Discussion – During your consultation, being open and honest about your reasons for getting the surgery will help the surgeon understand exactly what you are looking for. Consultations are also held to help individuals attain realistic expectations on the outcome of the procedure.

Rhinoplasty is a bit risky for heart patients. It all depends on the extent of your heart disease. If you have cardiovascular disease, you can have rhinoplasty without any worries under the supervision of your cardiologist. The nose is the focal point of our face, so having a beautiful nose will definitely be one of the reasons for feeling better and more confident in your appearance. Because your airway was probably just ”perfect,” any incremental reduction in it would cause airway obstruction. That is why it is important to be evaluated by a physician who is trained in otolaryngology, or a plastic surgeon who specializes in nasal surgery so that you can get a good-looking nose that functions well.

A healthy diet will always contribute a little or even a lot to the success and experience of your surgery. Eating healthy also contributes positively to your mental health. Having stable mental health going through a process that can be strenuous on the mind and body is essential. If you are a smoker, you should definitely consider either quitting or taking a break a month around the surgery. Smoking can slow down the healing process.

Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is one of the most common and transformative plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Sheffield of SB Aesthetics is a specialist employing all of the latest techniques with the idea of creating a natural looking result. The popularity of this procedure for most patients is relatively simple to explain. The nose is what defines a person’s symmetrical facial appearance thus creating balance. By refining this profile, the harmony of a person’s facial features is altered for the better. The size of the nose is a common complaint and this surgery will address that issue. The shape of the bridge or tip can be changed as well. The nostril span is narrowed and the angle between the upper lip and nose is corrected.

Healing after rhinoplasty takes time. You should block off 7-10 days after your procedure. Even if you feel great, limit your activity and rest frequently. This allows your body to assign maximum healing resources to your face, while reducing the risk of injury. Two weeks off work may seem like a long time after rhinoplasty, particularly if you’re feeling good. However, it’s essential to take it easy after surgery to sidestep potential complications. Trying to go back to work too soon can extend your recovery time. Find extra information on


The growth of a travel attractions leader : Gregory Walker Philadelphia

Meet Greg Walker Philadelphia and some of his travel destinations achievements? Portugal is a brilliant country to visit for a number of reasons. If you are planning a sailing holiday, then Portugal becomes even more desirable. This country has a stunning coastline and some world-class islands. With a rich history, delicious food, and plenty of historic sites. Portugal is always a good idea. Some top cruising destinations in Portugal include Madeira (one of Europe’s best islands) and Lisbon (the capital city). Between these, there are many other worthy places to visit.

Sailing around Oceania: Just like Europe, Oceania features a huge variety of landscapes that are sure to take any sailor’s breath away. The Whitsundays in Australia is a series of 74 tropical islands nestled in between the coast of Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef. Here, charterers can witness the huge diversity of ocean life that call the reef home, as well as the pristine white sand of the islands themselves. Not too far from these islands, Thailand offers untouched beaches replete swaying palm trees that will invigorate anyone sailing through. It is for these reasons that popular culture has tried to capture the beauty of these locations – the renowned Phi Phi islands have notably featured in a Bond film, while Maya Bay was featured in “The Beach.” Although it might seem like a headache to plan these kinds of monumental trips, it’s actually much simpler than you might think – regardless of where you are in the world or where you want to travel, digital charter platforms like Ahoy Club can help connect you with a yacht owner in minutes.

Gregory Walker Philadelphia‘s guides on choosing the best destination for your holiday: Yachting tip of the day: When I was looking to buy a used boat a few years back, I was horrified at the state of many of the yachts I came across. Do people try to sell their homes with a pile of rusty motor parts strewn around the front room or a heap of soaking bedding moldering in the master bedroom? Speaking with brokers about this, the better ones refuse to keep boats in slum condition on their books. Others, however, don’t seem to care. Presentation matters if you want to get anywhere near your asking price. Even if you can’t be fussed to have varnish looking like the hatch pictured above, at least spend a weekend tidying up. Buyers will think you seamanlike, and your boat will both have a flying start and shift every time in preference to that same model in the next berth offered by the Dumpsters’ Union.

Greg Walker Philadelphia and Kenya: Kenya is the country where you must come to discover the richest African wildlife. When you get to Masai Mara National Park, you just have to turn your head and immediately you will encounter an antelope, a giraffe, a zebra. But Kenya has many more national parks that are not the same – each with its own specificity. The coasts of the Indian Ocean have that fine white sand and big, green phosphorescence that every European dreams about, especially when in the old continent it is cold and sad. Along the coast (as in Tanzania), an extremely rich civilization developed from the contact between Arab merchants and locals of color. The historical traces can be found in Mombassa, but especially in Lamu, this traditional small town, isolated for centuries on an island not far from the border with Somalia.

Africa is a fascinating location if you are searching for raw nature exploration says Gregory Walker Philadelphia. The Kruger Park covers almost two million hectares of protected bush, and is home to almost 150 species of mammals, nearly 120 different reptiles and over 500 bird species. It’s wild, wonderful, and easily accessible from Johannesburg. Spend a couple of days exploring Kruger’s vast array of habitats and wonderful wildlife, before setting off into Zimbabwe, where you can marvel at the intricate, ancient, Zimbabwe Ruins and the scenic Matobo National Park, with its impressive boulders. At Hwange National Park, you’re sure to see elephant by the dozen and, if you’re lucky, the rest of the Big Five. Then it’s off to the magnificent, thundering Vic Falls with all of its beauty, and pretty much any adventure activity your heart could desire!

UK destinations with Greg Walker Philadelphia: The pleasure palace of the infamously extravagant Henry VIII sits on the banks of the Thames in west London. Originally the home of Cardinal Wolsey in the early 16th century, Henry transformed it into a grand Tudor palace. In the heart of the palace lies the magnificent Great Hall, with its towering hammer beach roof and fine tapestries decorating the walls. Alongside the Great Hall, there are the impressive Great Kitchens which once served up to 1,600 meals a day and the palace’s gorgeous gardens. Stretching across the Humber estuary, this impressive bridge gained Grade I-listed status in 2018, 36 years after it opened. The 1.4-mile-long (2.2km) structure, that links Lincolnshire and Yorkshire on the A15, opened in 1981 and was the longest single-span suspension bridge in the world for 16 years.


Beste studenten und unternehmen kooperationen im jahr 2021

Ausgezeichnet unternehmen und studenten arbeitslinks 2021? Innovative Unternehmen mit komplexen Problemstellungen – aus diesem Inhalt lassen sich hervorragend aktuelle und zukünftige Lehrbausteine ableiten. Bei Academic Solution entfällt die aufwendige Recherche für Fallstudien oder Arbeitsthemen. Unsere Plattform ermöglicht eine zentrale Themenorganisation, um schnell und unkompliziert die verschiedenen Angebot der Unternehmen zu finden.

Wie kann ich mir den Ablauf vorstellen? 1. Sie als Unternehmen schreiben Ihre Projekte in Form einer Problemstellung inkl. Budget bei uns auf der Plattform aus (siehe Button „Jetzt Projekt ausschreiben“). Dabei handelt es sich um B-Projekte, die abgearbeitet werden müssen, für die aber weder Ressourcen noch Zeit vorhanden sind. 2. Unsere Studenten evaluieren Ihre Problemstellung, setzen sich direkt mit den Verantwortlichen Ihres Unternehmens in Verbindung und arbeiten anschließend innovative Lösungen für Sie aus. 3. Vorteile für Sie als Unternehmen sind fertiggestellte B-Projekte und ein frühzeitiger Zugang zu Talenten. 4. Abgerechnet wird auf Projektbasis. Es handelt sich dabei nicht um Werkstudenten, Praktika oder Abschlussarbeiten.

Wie fit sind denn die Studenten für mögliche Projekte in meinem Unternehmen? Je genauer Sie das Projekt definieren können, desto besser können wir Ihnen die passenden Studenten zuordnen. Wenn Sie es noch nicht konkret definieren können, definieren wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen Lösungsvorschläge. Wann können die Studenten für mich arbeiten? Dies wird gemeinsam mit dem Studenten abgesprochen. Ob dies unter der Woche passiert oder am Wochenende, erfolgt nach Absprache. Lesen meht information auf Beschreiben Sie Ihr Projekt & erhalten Sie Know-how und Lösungen von Studenten.

Johannes Peter, Geschäftsführer bei Mues Werkzeugbau GmbH: “Professionell, zuverlässig, eloquent, blitzblank, so darf ich die Arbeit Ihres Teams zusammenfassen. Ihre Präsentation dient uns als perfekte Vorlage für eine Richtlinie und entsprechende Arbeitsanweisungen. Projekte entstehen ständig und ich habe jetzt immer Ihr Team im Hinterkopf.“ Andre Kube, Geschäftsführer Vertrieb bei Dämmisol Baustoffe GmbH: „Externe Expertise auf partnerschaftliche Basis, mit jungen kreativen Köpfen“.

Academic Solutions schafft Verbindungen zwischen Unternehmen und Studierenden. Mit dieser Initiative aus der Pandemie hervorgehend fördern wir die Zusammenarbeit und den Austausch zwischen diesen beiden Interessengruppen und bieten so Mehrwerte für alle Beteiligten. Wie das geht, zeigen wir Ihnen gern! Sehen extra einzelheiten auf Academic Solutions ist davon überzeugt: Erhalten Studierende die Möglichkeit, ihre erlernten Studieninhalte mit der Praxis zu kombinieren und dort einzusetzen, entwickeln sie ein tiefgreifenderes Verständnis für wirtschaftliche Gesamtzusammenhänge. Natürlich sammeln sie darüber hinaus wertvolle Erfahrungen für ihre zukünftige Berufspraxis. Profitieren Sie von unserem Netzwerk.


Excellent Mediterranean yacht sailing places 2021

Excellent Mediterranean yacht cruises places today? The beautiful waters of Croatia prove a popular draw for visiting yachts with more than 1,100 miles of coastline, 1,200+ islands and a comprehensive set-up of over 60 marinas. The Adriatic is a gentle sailing destination with a pleasant Mediterranean climate; average sea and air temperatures in the summer range from 24 to 28 degrees Celsius,high tides are usually less than 1m and currents are mild. A favourable breeze blows regularly during summertime and the most common are thermal winds from 10-25 knots that deliver ideal sailing conditions. Additionally, there are plenty of sheltered locations making this a popular spot for family sailing holidays. Croatia offers an endless choice of beautiful anchorages in tranquil coves and bays amidst a backdrop of natural beauty, giving an off-the-beaten-track experience. Charter a sailing yacht in the Kornati Archipelago with 89 islands to explore, where a multitude of picture-perfect bays are sheltered from the wind.

If you are planning a summer holiday in Europe, then it doesn’t get much better than a sailing trip around the continent’s pristine coastlines. There are plenty of destinations here that offer unspoiled beaches, quiet islands, sparkling blue waters and the prettiest port towns that you could imagine. So pack your sailing gear, pick a destination, and get out there! Sailing around Greece is the kind of holiday that everyone fantasises about – so why not make it a reality? Whichever destination you choose from the list above will be sure to provide an exciting and completely unforgettable experience.

You’d be forgiven for mistaking Sardinia’s sugar sand and pellucid blue sea for a slice of Caribbean paradise. Set adrift from the Italian mainland, this island has it all; come for the luxury retail, stay for the swimming, snorkelling and beachside bliss. Visiting superyachts make a beeline for Hotel Cala di Volpe, a celebrity-approved hotel on the waterfront with private moorings available for the ultimate convenience. Enjoy a relaxed lunch on the terrace or an evening meal alfresco; the service is slick, the staff are friendly, and if you choose to spend a night on shore they’ll be more than happy to accommodate you. Down the eastern coast of the island is where you’ll find most of the island’s famed beaches. Consistently voted among the best in Europe, they’re all simple and straightforward to access from your yacht, and promise a relaxing day of swimming and soaking up the sunshine. Among the best is Cala Goloritze.

Whether you have been to heavenly destinations such as Greek Islands, the French Riviera, and Amalfi Coast before or not, these beautiful sailing spots in the Mediterranean will call you to come back over and over again. So, why not indulge in the opportunity to discover hidden natural gems, new local dishes, traditions, and people each time you visit the Mediterranean? Here are a few useful sailing yacht cruise tips to help you plan your unforgettable summer holiday in Europe’s fanciest location. Read additional details on As one of the countries with the longest Mediterranean coastlines and countless sailing spots and hidden gems, Italy is one of the top sailing destinations in the Mediterranean. This beautiful European country is home to some of the most popular Mediterranean destinations such as Sicily, the Amalfi Coast, Capri, and Sardinia.

The base charter fee in essence refers to the hire cost of the yacht itself, with all equipment in working order in addition to the cost of food and wages for the crew during the entirety of the charter. This is essentially all the base charter fee covers with additional expenses often applicable on top. The base charter fee will vary from one yacht to another and this may be down to any number of reasons from size and on board amenities to the charter season. For instance, the base rate of a charter yacht may increase in “high season” and reduce during the “low season”. “High season” and “low season” refers to the busiest and slowest periods for yacht charters though this may appear misleading, as these peak times refer to periods of weeks as opposed to full seasons. In addition, you may find that a yacht is also more expensive during special events such as the Monaco Grand Prix, Cannes Film Festival and America’s Cup. Unless you are keen to charter a yacht for a particular “high season” event, choose your dates carefully as although a “high season” rate will be more expensive than the “low season” the two can sometimes share much of the same weather conditions. Knowing the base price of your charter is just the starting point, however, depending on the location, which often governs the terms of the contract, more or less may be included in the base price of your charter. Bear in mind that every charter yacht, because they are privately owned and the owner sets the rules, is slightly different. One yacht may include a “standard” selection of wines with every meal and charge only to upgrade the vintages, while on another yacht the wines are a la carte.

Another beautiful Greek sailing route takes you through the less famous Sporades islands which are located off the East coast. There are eleven islands in total but if you start at Volos or Skiathos, you’ve got a good chance of visiting quite a few. Known as the emerald of the Aegean, expect rich vegetation, unspoiled green-blue waters and a more traditional way of life. Highlights include the picturesque island of Skopelos, the party-island Skiathos and the Marine Park of Alonissos which is dotted with secret coves.

And remember, before or after staying in Ibiza, take the chance and spare some days for a visit to Spain’s mainland cities. Ibiza offers several daily flight connections with Madrid and Barcelona, just 40min away from the latest. Bachelors and singles will enjoy big city life, with good nightlife, shopping, restaurants and fun experiences. Couples and honeymooners may like to extend the trip and immerse in Spanish culture and heritage. Start with Barcelona and continue afterwards to the south, where charming Andalusian cities are waiting with incredible monuments and cosy old towns. Madrid can be the departure city, easily connected from Sevilla, Córdoba and Málaga by fast train. Families may prefer to extend the stay in the fantastic beach resorts and end with a short visit to main capitals before heading back home. The Spanish island of Ibiza boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Whether you’re into snorkelling in isolated coves, bathing in waters that redefine the word turquoise, or hanging out with celebrities in famous beach bars, there’s something here for everyone. Read on for the ten best beaches on the White Island.

Sailing tip of the day: Do yourself a favor and mark your boat’s lift points: How many times has a crane or travelift driver who doesn’t know my boat asked me where I want the slings when he’s about to lift her out? Next time you’re successfully hauled, make a note in the back of the log book of where the slings landed. This might be in relation to stanchions, rigging or any other immovable reference point. When the time comes around again for the crane, stick an inch or two of masking tape at the right spot. The driver will be grateful, and you won’t end up with a bent prop shaft and heaven knows what else in the way of collateral damage. Read additional info at

Best swimsuit fashion tips in summer right now

Premium swimsuits fashion tips for summer today? With summer right around the corner, you’ve most likely been emptying your wallet on inflatable floats, the highest SPF sunscreen and trendy beach blankets. But with new swim styles debuting each year, does it make sense to spend top dollar on a designer suit? Not necessarily. There are a bunch of affordable options that are trendy and functional and will also make you feel relieved that you are not breaking the bank. Putting on a swimsuit always feels a little intimidating — especially after spending 2020 inside — so we are breaking down all the trends to help you feel more confident as you relax poolside. Keep scrolling for a 2021 budget-friendly swimsuit roundup you don’t want to miss!

Leisurely, unplanned shopping trips are great if you’re strolling through a flea market or browsing the racks at a vintage store. But if you’re looking for a swimsuit, you need a game plan: Do you want a bikini or a one-piece? A neutral or print? Padded or not padded? Halter or bandeau? Barely there or conservative? Few designers meet more of those needs than Giejo’s Gabby Sabharwal, who offers everything from string bikinis and high-waisted briefs to sporty tanks, retro maillots, and cutout bralettes, all in eye-popping prints.

Shopping for swimwear can often be a frustrating and uninspiring task. Due to our lack of sunshine and summer in general, there’s not much of a market for beautiful bathing suits on this side of the water. As such, more and more people are looking to US brands for their holiday attire, where the choice and designs are much more wide ranging – and beautiful. Here are seven of the best US swimwear brands you need to know about this summer. Cute but not cutesy, Reformation’s dose of gingham, stripes and candy hues are right on trend whilst the high waists, low backs and tie fronts are more reminiscent of the coquettish Fifties, helping you to cut a Marilyn- esque figure on the beach. Hailing from downtown LA, this eight- year- old brand is focused on producing swimwear that’s ethically sourced and produced. Find extra details on woman swimsuit for plus aut.

For a hip hop class, go for slouchy-skinny sweatpants over shorts—trust us, you’ll feel a lot less self-conscious breaking it down if you dress the part. Amp it up with a striped snapback, patterned high-tops, and an oversized tote to make getting to and from class simple and chic. And don’t forget your attitude. Easy layers will have you zen-ready in no time. A flexible bra, short shorts, and a form-fitting tank are staples. When you add accessories like a mat, skid-eliminating towel topper, low-cut socks, and an app of positions, you’ll be prepared for just about any class on the roster.

What does the collection represent to you? Everything that is missing in the swim market. I tried to address what my friends and I were looking for, because, honestly, the giejo girl is me and all of my girlfriends, too. I thought of spring break and how I would rather die than be caught on the beach in the same suit as another girl. I was also very price-conscious (I’m so sick of having to hit the sales to get designer attire). Girls today don’t wear head-to-toe designer and usually wear a mix of high and low, so why don’t we have that option with our swim? Where do you see your line going? What’s next? I love one-pieces. There’s something about them that looks so chic. I’m hoping to do something really creative and different with a one-piece as well as a few more transitional cover-ups. I’m also going to experiment with creating my own prints and layering fabrics. See additional details on best swimsuits for women apple shape.


Spa facial clinic in Santa Barbara, CA today

Facial rejuvenation clinic in Santa Barbara? Exfoliate. Remove dry, dead skin flakes by gently brushing your lips with a wet, soft toothbrush or washcloth. I do this about once a week, usually on a weekend morning when I’m not planning on going outside right away since it makes my lips a little sensitive. Hydrate. Unlike the rest of your skin, lips tend to dry out and become chapped easily since they do not contain oil glands. Drink lots of water to keep lips from drying out, and avoid licking your lips (it took me years to break the habit!) which also saps moisture.

A healthy diet will always contribute a little or even a lot to the success and experience of your surgery. Eating healthy also contributes positively to your mental health. Having stable mental health going through a process that can be strenuous on the mind and body is essential. If you are a smoker, you should definitely consider either quitting or taking a break a month around the surgery. Smoking can slow down the healing process.

People that found it difficult to eliminate stubborn fat in certain areas of the body. Also, some other conditions like: Abdomen, thighs, necks, and arms with stubborn deposit fat don’t disappear after diet or exercise. Good skin elasticity with low excess skin; if you plan to go for surgery but don’t have any of these conditions, your overall result won’t be aesthetic. Excess skin is a contraindication for this procedure. If your main concern is cellulite, this might not be the procedure for you; other minimally-invasive treatments can be recommended to address this concern. If you want to improve your body shape but you don’t have over 20 pounds overweight.

Your face is precious after all and you will have with you for life, so before deciding on having the rhinoplasty procedure, you should definitely weigh your options, do your due diligence and be sure to ask your plastic surgeon plenty of questions to determine if this surgery is right for you. Your nose is the center of symmetry in your face and even subtle alternations can dramatically change your appearance. Expectations are a critical component when selecting candidacy. The best candidates have a desire to enhance the profile of the nose, but there is not a perfection obsession. The ideal candidate is a person who does not seek a rhinoplasty to make them a happy person, as they are already happy with their daily life and are simply seeking an enhancement to self-confidence and self-esteem. It’s important to be realistic in terms of goals for your rhinoplasty results and it is critical to discuss all of your expectations and concerns with Dr. Sheffield to ensure that the outcome is in line with the surgical possibilities.

Medical facials also provide a safe and effective method for complementing various non-surgical treatment options, such as laser resurfacing or injectable dermal fillers. The skin receives the additional preparation that it needs and post-treatment results are improved. It also helps your cosmetic doctor to coordinate with a medical aesthetician to create a top-notch game plan. With a wide range of products, tools, and methods available, a medical facial should be customized to accommodate the specific needs of each patient, whether they are looking to restore skin that is aging, sun damaged, dehydrated, sun damaged, or prone to acne. Read more details on facial in santa barbara.

Dr. Sheffield will give you specific guidelines to prepare for the mini facelift under local anesthesia procedure. Smoking, drinking, eating and medication schedules are given at this time. The surgery will go more smoothly if these instructions are followed. Smokers must stop at least one to weeks before the procedure so that blood flow to the skin is not inhibited and incision areas can heal. Patients will typically need a ride home after the procedure whether it is performed on an inpatient or outpatient basis. They may also need their friend or loved one to assist them around the house for 24 to 48 hours after the procedure is complete.

Feeling ‘frozen’ can actually feel good. If there’s one thing everyone seems to fear about Botox, it’s looking like an expressionless robot. Isn’t it freaky not to be able to move certain parts of your face? In my experience, no. The inability to knit my brows together when my husband makes a snarky comment or my kids grind couscous into the carpet has actually been a kind of relief. The faces we make carry emotional weight. You’ve probably heard that simply smiling more can make you feel happier — and it turns out that not frowning can have the same effect.

Very often patients come to see me to fix the external part of their nose. They either don’t like their nose because they have a very bulbous tip or they have a bump. To correct these problems, the nose is going to be reduced in size, and therefore there will be less space inside for the patient to breathe properly. Your doctor probably examined you and saw that you had a deviated septum, which means that part of the mid-line partition of the internal part of the nose is pushed over to one side. In addition, sometimes there are structures called turbinates, which are enlarged. The structures must be addressed at the time of surgery. Find extra info at What is a Botox injection used for? A Botox injection is used for a variety of different things. Your Santa Barbara plastic surgeon can discuss with you the main uses as pertaining to your specific case. In general, though, these are the areas it is most commonly used for: Frown Lines. These are the lines that appear between your eyebrows and above your nose. They can be highly pronounced because people use them a lot when talking. This puts stress on the tissue and forms wrinkles in the area. Botox for frown lines is one of the primary non-surgical approaches of reducing the expression of tension or anger. Even just a slight reduction in the noticeability of the frown lines between the eyebrows will create a more refreshed and positive outward appearance.


Management and integration services solutions by ECHL Eric Charn Hung Lew & Partners right now

Web based security solutions from Eric Charn Hung Lew Aurora today? ECHL will help create your own online brand from scratch. We provide design services, management services, and e-commerce as well as web security services. ECHL helped install several security updates to our web server and wordpress installations. Thanks to these services we were able to launch our new product seamlessly.

What are the advantages of investing in top quality Web Design Service? Eric Charn Hung Lew Aurora answers: As a business owner, you want to distribute your time and resources effectively to maximize your profit. If you are spending your time to learn and build a website when you could have utilized those time to develop better business strategy and bringing in more sales into the company. then why bother with the cost of a website? As I said, investing in a professionally designed website is a short-term cost that will generate long-term values. If you choose to hire a professional to design your business website, you will never regret this choice you made in the future. (Use a more neutral tone, the current paragraph is too one sided, trying to sell to people.)

Pay-per-click is a model of advertising where marketers pay a fee every time people click on their ad. Basically, it’s the process of buying visits to your site, as opposed to getting them organically via SEO or other types of digital marketing. PPC is one of the types of paid search. It’s similar to SEM (search engine marketing) but can also include display advertising (cost-per-click based), and affiliate advertising. Affiliate marketing is one of the popular ways people make money online these days. If your affiliate program is successful, you might earn quite a decent passive income. Basically, affiliate marketing is a type of digital marketing where a person partners up with other businesses in order to receive a commission for the traffic s/he generates for this business. Imagine this: you put a link to an external website on your own blog or website. Every time a user proceeds to this external website and makes a purchase, you receive a commission.

Eric Lew Aurora and Company collectively has over 7 years in legal practice in all forms. Our specialization is in online theft and crimes commited online through the internet or other means. Such cases we handle include but not limited to online scams, identity theft, online or computer hacking cases, and more. With this skill set and experience we have started a web hosting service where we cater to those sites that are in the moral grey area. Where it is not illegal but is frowned upon in their respective jurisdictions. See additional info on

Business owners want to make money, but far too many spend money unnecessarily. In fact, according to Business Insider, 82% of all businesses fail because of cash flow problems.. The easiest way you can reduce business costs is by recognizing the necessary from the unnecessary. If you’re paying thousands to a social media expert but have the highest and most positive social media presence then that’s a market differentiator. However, if you’re paying tons to an automated service line then you’re looking at a place to start when cutting costs.

GMB works by connecting you with people in your area. When searchers go looking for a service your business can provide, your listing will be active in both search and maps. Ensuring your information is up to date is crucial to the success of your GMB listing. If users receive incorrect or contradicting information, this will decrease the trustworthiness of your site. A tool offered by GMB that is constantly overlooked, is Google posts. Your GMB account allows your business to provide recent and relevant content to your listing to users searching your business. Google posts provide an opportunity to publish relevant and fresh content with insightful information to the local area.


Awesome computer optimization tips 2021

Premium computer CPU speed guides in 2021? To do it, type defrag into the search box and press Enter. From the screen that appears, select the drive you want you want to defragment. Click the Optimize button to defragment it. Select multiple disks by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking each you want to defragment. If you want to have your disk or disks defragmented automatically, click the Change settings button, then check the box next to “Run on a schedule.” Now select the frequency at which you want the disk(s) defragmented by clicking the drop-down next to Frequency and selecting Daily, Weekly or Monthly. (Weekly will be your best bet.) From this screen you can also choose multiple drives to defragment. You can set Windows 10’s built-in disk defragmenter to run automatically on a schedule.

While the entire laptop category has gotten slimmer, there’s still a market for larger “classic” desktop-replacement laptops that blend premium design and function. Desktop replacements aren’t quite as easy to cart around as smaller ultraportables, but these 14- and 15-inch laptops offer everything you need in a day-to-day PC. They have bigger displays, as well as a broader selection of ports and features, and are one of the few categories that still offer optical drives. Screen resolutions run the gamut from 1,366 by 768 for budget systems to the more mainstream 1,920-by-1,080-pixel resolution, up to the 3,840-by-2,160-pixel resolution found on high-end multimedia laptops intended for graphics professionals.

Fix Service Host SysMain Issue In Windows 10? SysMain’s primary function is to read or learn the user’s system usage patterns and effectively manage the system for faster loading of applications and faster boot time. It is not really a required service but is there for optimal performance of the system. If you want to turn it off, you can easily do that by following the methods. Way 1: Stop the SysMain service using Command Prompt Follow the below steps to stop the service host SysMain using the command prompt. Follow the steps given below. Find extra information at

The upgrade to AMD’s Ryzen 4000 series processors is the single biggest component difference between the Alpha 15 and the Bravo 15, and it’s a big difference maker, too. The six-core, 12-thread Ryzen 5 4600H (3GHz base, 4GHz boost) in the base model is plenty fast to take on Intel’s same-core-and-thread-count Core i7-10750H, but my test unit’s eight-core, 16-thread Ryzen 7 4800H (2.9GHz base, 4.2GHz boost) hits far above it in overall performance. The GL65 is hardly the only 15.6-inch gamer to retail for under a grand with a quad-core CPU and a 4GB GeForce GTX 1650, but it’s further under that mark than most. As a matter of fact, as I type this, the system I’m reviewing (model 9SC-004) is an unbeatable deal. A Lenovo Legion Y545 with comparable hardware rings up at $849 with only half the storage (256GB). The Dell G3 15 (3590) is in similar straits, costing $100 more than the MSI although that price buys you both a 128GB SSD and a 1TB hard drive. Another option is the Asus TUF Gaming FX505 series (a technology refresh of the TUF Gaming FX504G), but it’s also more expensive when outfitted with a comparable AMD Ryzen 7 3750H processor.

Powerhouse processors: For unparalleled performance, Ryzen 7, Intel Core i7, Intel Core i9 and Intel Xeon processors are what you need. These processors allow you to unleash your creativity and are perfect for photo editing, video editing, CAD/CAM, 3D rendering and high-end gaming. SSDs are much faster than a hard drive, meaning faster boot and loading times, but don’t offer as much storage as a standard hard drive. They use less power too, which helps on battery life. They also have no moving parts making your laptop significantly quieter – and, if you’re prone to dropping your tech, this makes it harder to break. Find more info on

Computer Science

Facelift doctor in Santa Barbara, CA and beauty advices and health recommendations

High professionalism facelift doctor in Santa Barbara with a few beauty tricks? Those who are considering a nose job in the Santa Barbara area would do well to learn more about discovering how the SB Aesthetics surgeons can assist them. Achieving more balanced facial aesthetics and receiving a more aesthetically pleasing profile and balanced facial aesthetics are both goals that are well within your grasp. The top candidates are patients who are in search of an improvement when it comes to the way that their nose looks. Perfection is not promised nor should it be expected. A physically healthy patient who is realistic in their expectations and psychologically stable is the most ideal candidate. A good candidate for nose reshaping surgery could be someone who was born with a nose that makes them feel self-conscious or unhappy with their outward physical appearance. Other candidates may have dissatisfaction by how the shape of the nose has transformed with the aging process. Even the slightest augmentation of the nasal structure can have a huge impact on the personal appearance and related social interaction. Plastic surgery can reshape the bridge of the nose, the tip or other structural issues to restore balance to the face.

With our years of training, experience and extensive education, the surgeons who will perform your position have all of the tools that they need to help you achieve your objectives. Each procedure is approached artfully with an eye towards lasting results. The initial appointment offers patients the perfect chance to ask any questions that they may have. Our board-certified surgeons are always more than happy to address any concerns that take place. Quality communication allows you and the surgeon of your choice to establish a strong relationship. All of the needs that you have will be met throughout the process. The consultation is when the patient speaks to their surgeon and answers their questions about the finished product should look like. The facial and nasal structure is evaluated and further cosmetic possibilities are discussed.

A mini facelift, or short scar facelift, is the most common facelift procedure performed today, and is designed to remove the visible signs of aging in the lower face and neck region. This procedure in known by a number of names, such as the mini lift, limited incision facelift, short scar facelift, s-lift or baby boomer lift. Patients in their forties and fifties are the top candidates for this procedure who are seeking a moderate enhancement without the need for a full facelift. This is an appropriate alternative cosmetic procedure for patients with signs of lower face aging such as sagging jowls, drooping skin in the chin and neck area and excess skin around the lower region of the face. Using short incisions around the ears this procedure restores and defines the chin by trimming excess tissue and skillfully tightening the remaining skin creating a refreshed look. Dr. Sheffield is a highly skilled plastic surgeon who can create a more your youthful appearance which can enhance the patient’s natural beauty and boost self-confidence. Discover even more info on

You should thoroughly research your surgeons policy on revised procedures. There are many times that surgeons botch procedures, and you have to pay a ton of money to get corrective surgery. Look for a surgeon who will correct any problems for free for a certain amount of time after your surgery. Find out where the surgery will take place in advance. You can do some research about this location. Make sure your surgeon has selected a licensed, and accredited location. Check that his or her office has been inspected, and accredited. If your surgery will be done at the surgeon’s practice.

What is a septoplasty? A septoplasty is often done with a rhinoplasty and it is called a septorhinoplasty. Septorhinoplasty is an operation that corrects the inside of the nose while correcting the outside. Unfortunately, I see patients who have had rhinoplasty without a septoplasty and now can’t breathe properly. When you are evaluated, ask your doctor if there are any functional problems inside your nose so that they can be corrected at the same time. If your doctor is unable to correct them at the same time, you should probably seek another opinion. Read extra details at


Waxing and laser hair removal doctor in Santa Barbara today and beauty guides

Laser hair removal services in Santa Barbara, CA and beauty tricks and several beauty advices? A medical facial tends to be far more vigorous when compared to classic European Facials and is much less relaxing. The results are more than worth it, though. A quick consultation with an aesthetician takes place before the skin is cleansed, steamed, exfoliated and massaged. Other treatments are incorporated, such as a chemical peel, photo rejuvenation (also known as IPL), dermaplaning, microdermabrasion, LED light therapy, microcurrent, that are best suits to the needs of the skin. A medical facial Santa Barbara should only be administered by a licensed aesthetician or a board-certified dermatologist. The supervision of a trusted cosmetic physician is also recommended. The aesthetician will need to be licensed in the state they have chosen to practice in.

Do’s and Don’ts of Waxing: Beforehand: Exfoliate treatment area before the appointment, Hair must be at least 1/4 of an inch for proper removal, No waxing during menstrual cycle because of increased sensitivity for certain treatment areas, 1 or 2 Advil may be taken prior to your treatment to increase the comfort level. After: Make sure all treatment areas are moisturized, Exfoliate for 48 hours after the treatment is complete, Avoid direct sun exposure to the treatment area for at least 24 hours, Use topical cortisone to for reducing any swelling and/or redness. See even more information on Botox is not just for celebrities. Judging from the flat foreheads of most Hollywood A-listers, Botox is a given among celebrities. While weighing the decision whether to get it myself, I tried casually bringing it up in conversation in my own social circle. In doing so, I was surprised to learn how many of my friends and acquaintances had already had it. Apparently (at least in my age and financial bracket) it’s really not that uncommon. Though Botox injections are certainly costly, they’re nowhere near the pricing realm of plastic surgery or even injectable fillers like Juvederm or Restylane. At around $10 to $15 per unit, you can expect to pay between $200 and $300 for the 8 to 20 units of an average forehead treatment. I paid $260 for the injections to my forehead and between my brows. Expensive, yes, but not Oscars-red-carpet expensive.

What are the benefits of this tumescent technique? This technique offers some benefits over older liposuction techniques, avoid the use of sedative drugs or general anesthesia, changing this for local anesthesia instead, and reducing the risk of bleeding even after the procedure due to the epinephrin application directly into the subcutaneous fat that will be removed. When was this technique developed? This tumescent technique was developed in 1985 by Dr. Jeffrey A. Klein, a dermatologist in California, and published two years later in the American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. The first liposuction technique was developed in the late 70’s in Europe and could only be performed under general anesthesia, and blood loss was an issue. This led to Dr. Klein developing this technique where the downtime is minimal, there is no need for general surgery, and blood loss is kept to the minimum.

Tobacco smoking affects the duration of results and could compromise healing but this wouldn’t stop most plastic surgeons from attending to such patients. For people with autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, it is advisable you let your surgeon know about it before he commences treatment. Also, any form of allergy to medication should also be clearly stated out. Lip Enhancement Using Lip Fillers: Initially, aesthetic lip injections were ideal and attracted people of aged 65 and above, nowadays it caters to a wider clientele of individuals of different ages and background. Anyone can benefit from this procedure, the only criteria are that they must be healthy. Whatever is your concern; be it thin or thinning lips, asymmetrical mouth or lack of definition, as long as you are healthy, of age and of sound mind you can benefit from lip augmentation.

How Much Do Lip Fillers Cost? Lip injections are not covered by most insurance since it is a cosmetic procedure. Clients will have to pay out of pocket. Pricing varies depending on factors such as the location of treatment, the particular procedure you want to be done, the number of units needed, and the individual going rate of the surgeon you have chosen. In Santa Barbara, the average cost of lip fillers ranges between $400 and $800 per syringe. But for semi-permanent and permanent procedures, the cost is much higher than that. Comparatively, lips implants require more intensive work and can cost as much as $1,500 and $3,000 for just the upper lip only. For upper and lower lip grafts, patients may have to pay as much as $6,000. Due to the high cost of most of these procedures, many plastic surgeons will allow patients to pay in installments.

Horizontal forehead lines. This is another result of facial movements. If you’re a chronic brow furrower than this is likely an unwanted result. Botox can treat this area by relaxing it. The benefits Botox injections in the forehead lines, of 11’s lines, can significantly increase self-esteem and restore youthfulness. When perform by an aesthetic plastic surgeon, Botox can gently reduce dynamic 11’s lines thereby relaxing the muscles which create the lines. This will result in a fresher more youthful look. Using Botox for forehead lines can help with the aging process and decrease the overall impact aging can have over time. See even more info on Dr. Sheffield will give you specific guidelines to prepare for the mini facelift under local anesthesia procedure. Smoking, drinking, eating and medication schedules are given at this time. The surgery will go more smoothly if these instructions are followed. Smokers must stop at least one to weeks before the procedure so that blood flow to the skin is not inhibited and incision areas can heal. Patients will typically need a ride home after the procedure whether it is performed on an inpatient or outpatient basis. They may also need their friend or loved one to assist them around the house for 24 to 48 hours after the procedure is complete.


High quality computer cooking games in 2021

Top PC cooking games today? Featured as one of our best idle games for PC, Cookie Clicker does what it says on the tin. If you’re into your baked goods and want to spend some time clicking a giant cookie to gain awards, Cookie Clicker is a click away. This baking game relies solely on your clicks to progress, with each click earning you a cookie, the further your progress you can hire cookie making grandmas or sow fields of cookie seeds. There’s only one real goal – cookie. The realistic baking game, Bakery Simulator, will require you to master all the skills it takes to be a virtual master baker, including painstakingly measuring out ingredients, operating potentially deadly appliances, and trying to navigate a volatile physics engine. Operating slightly differently to a restaurant management game, Bakery simulator will task you with sourcing ingredients, learning how to make an assortment of breads, and – naturally – avoiding death by fire.

In Cookie Clicker if you achieve certain goals you’ll get achievements badges and each one of them increases the amount of milk. There are 378 Normal Achievements and 13 Shadow Achievements plus 4 Dungeon Achievements but they are only obtainable in the Dungeons Beta. Normal achievements increase your milk percentage by 4% each to a maximum of 1,512% milk. Shadow achievements do not affect milk. The numbers shown on the tables below represents the normal achievements, which are counted by default. Shadow achievements are uncounted until they are earned, and are then shown as +1. Discover additional details at

One of the most popular cooking games out there, World Chef lets you try out cooking from all over the world. You get to try out cooking from about 20 nationalities. This is a truly international game and brings together several cuisines under one app. The idea behind the game is to give you enough experience to run your own restaurant. Sure, playing a game will definitely not give you all the experience needed to open your own restaurant, but some of these tips will surely come in handy. It’s a training wheels like thing for real world obstacles. The game is consists of servers, chefs, and welcoming VIP guests to your restaurant. Players will have to keep leveling up in a competitive environment, thus ensuring prolonged usage. You can make your own decorations too, which is definitely a nice touch. Naturally, the service that you offer at your restaurant should be perfect, ensuring VIP customers keep coming. If you have these points covered, you have everything you need to play World Chef. The best cooking game app follows a freemium model, which means that although it’s free to download, you have a bunch of in-app purchases within the app, allowing you to progress your journey quicker. You don’t need a powerful smartphone to run this phone, and any phone with Android 4.0.3 on board will work just fine with the game. Visit Google Play App Store to download and install the app.

In Overcooked 2 you play as a cartoon chef with the sole aim of fulfilling customer orders by following recipes using the various ingredients, utensils, and gadgets around the kitchen. Simple, right? No. Overcooked 2 ramps up the difficulty with each new level, starting out with one ingredient sushi recipes in a standard kitchen, to careering through the clouds on a burning hot air balloon while managing multiple pizza orders. It also means a lot of teamwork, and communication – so a stack of dirty plates doesn’t build up and cost you precious points. Overcooked 2 doubles down on the platforming elements of the first game, with levels boasting moving sections of kitchen, jumping puzzles, and even conveyor belts. Plus, you can throw ingredients around this time, which saves on time – thank goodness Onion Kingdom doesn’t have food hygiene ratings.

Ever since the launch of Fruit Ninja, which has reached upwards of 300 million downloads to date, the iTunes App Store has been overrun with food-related games. Yes, these include plenty of goofy, generic stacking games that simply use food as a graphic when the developer could have just as easily used another non-food item. But there are also borderline-educational virtual-reality cooking games, and games that teach the value of money and time management when running a small business. The complexities of these games are astounding: the tutorials, the locked levels, the customer service, the ‘tap to eat’ feature—it’s all so meticulous. We’ve spent exorbitant amounts of time downloading food games and playing them as research, and we’ve come up with a decisive list of the ten best food games offered at the App Store. From stacking burgers sky-high to learning the fundamentals of becoming a street food tycoon, these games span a variety of cuisines, cooking techniques, and classically addictive game features. Find even more details on

Video Games

Олекотени завивки от вискоза онлайн магазин

3D мотиви онлайн магазин? При избора на спално бельо ще се спрем на няколко основни фактора, който са от основно значение за информирания избор. На пазара в момента е претъпкано от материи, десени, модели и размери. Ако нямате опит или купувате за пръв път спално бельо е добре да прочетете и проучите малко преди на направите покупката. Дори 15-20 търсене в интернет ще ви спести огромни главоболия и некомфортност за дълго време и евентуално от повторна покупка. И така нека опишем на кратко основните фактори, определящи избора!

Красиво спално бельо вдъхновено от Американския футбол в маслено зелен цвят от органичен памук и 3Д принт върху качествен миркофибър. Насладете се на уникалния дизайн и безупречното качество. Предлагаме ви този спален комплект в 4 размера, които можете да разгледате описани подробно отдолу на страницата. Размерите са: за Единично легло, малка спалня, голяма спалня и голяма спалня (комплект съдържащ 5 части). Може да изберете цветовата комбинация на плика и чаршафа. Моля пишете желаната комбинаца в коментара към поръчката.

Използвайте студена вода: Винаги използвайте студена вода, когато премахвате петна от кръв от чаршафите. Топлата вода може да вкара петното допълнително в материята и да затрудни отстраняването му. След като забележите петното, махнете чаршафите и поставете петното под течаща студена вода. Това ще помогне за измиване на излишната кръв. Намажете петното Вземете студена, мокра кърпа и намажете оцветеното място – никога не го търкайте. Разтриването на петното може да разпространи кръвта и да доведе до по-нататъшното му влизане във вашите чаршафи. Намазването на петното може да помогне за премахването на излишната кръв, която все още не е попила. Накиснете в студена вода След като намажете петното, накиснете чаршафите си в студена вода. Можете да направите това във вана или леген. Оставете чаршафите да киснат за около 30 минути. Използвайте препарат за петна След като накиснете чаршафите, е време да вкарате големите оръжия и да използвате мощен боец ​​за петна. Има няколко домакински опции, които можете да използвате, които изброяваме по-долу, но препоръчваме да използвате водороден прекис и вода. Това работи особено добре за бели или по-светли чаршафи. Ако имате по-тъмни чаршафи, изпробвайте използването на водороден прекис върху малка част, за да сте сигурни, че няма да избели вашите чаршафи. Повече ▼ подробности на сайта спално бельо.

Намалете тоновете в спалнята си до естествени цветове и материи. Спално бельо от естествени материали е особено подходящо за спокоен и лек сън. Спалното бельо, изработено от органичен памук и спално бельо в нежни тонове, ви позволява да се отпуснете и да се насладите на заслужената си почивка. Спокойно може да комбинирате текстури и тонове помежду си – памучно шалте в мъгливо сиво осигурява приятна основа за спално бельо от чисто бял памук. За по-меко усещане можете да използвате деликатно спално бельо от фланел, което също ще ви придружава и през зимата. Естествените цветове се считат за успокояващи, луксозни и елегантни – прекрасна комбинация за хола. Използвайте леки приглошени тонове, за да създадете светъл и привлекателен хол, който ви посреща с спокойствие и хармония в дъждовните дни. По-дълбоките бежови тонове като необработени кошници от ратан или морска трева създават вълнуващ контраст на светлите екрю тонове, докато можете стилно да се увиете в сиво поларено одеяло.

Предимства и предизвикателства на рециклирания памук. Ще изброим предимствата и предизвикателствата, които възникват при използването на рециклиран памук. Ползи: Той има потенциал да намали значително потреблението на вода и енергия в текстилната индустрия. Необходимото количество вода е по-малко от количеството, използвано за отглеждане и генериране на необработен памук

Добре дошли в нашия онлайн магазин! Имаме удоволствието да ви представим новия специализиран онлайн магазин за спално бельо, олекотени завивки, одеяла, шалтета и кувертюри, хавлии, халати и детски текстил. е представитеен сайт на фирма Жаки 3000 ЕООД. – онлайн магазин, в който ще откриете най-добрите и специано подбрани продукти от категорията домашен текстил! Основната цел на онлайн магазина е да подкрепя и насърчава родното производство на домашен текстил. Българските производители на спално бельо не отстъпват по качество и изработка на чуждите, а напротив. България е била един от световните лидери в леката промишленост и ние искаме да покажем, че това отново може да бъде така. допълнителен подробности на сайта


High professionalism spa facial surgeon in Santa Barbara, CA and a few beauty recommendations

Top quality medical facial surgeon in Santa Barbara and beauty advices? I’ll admit it: I let myself go a little bit in the winter time. Despite my earnest moisturizing efforts, my hands and face are dry. I can’t remember the last time I had my nails done. The thought of going out in the cold for after work salon appointments when I can instead hurry home to my sweatpants and Netflix account…pass. But when it comes to my lips, I never slack off. I can’t stand having dry, cracked lips. That’s why I’m sharing our best tips for getting beautiful, healthy and kissable lips, just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Understandably, our physical appearance can be a hard thing to discuss, but at Cosmetic Avenue, our team is there to listen attentively with one objective in mind; giving you the best possible experience and outcome. Some medication increases bleeding such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen; you must avoid these drugs two weeks before, and after your surgery. Your doctor will give you any necessary prescribed medication and instructions on how and when to take them.

What are the benefits of this tumescent technique? This technique offers some benefits over older liposuction techniques, avoid the use of sedative drugs or general anesthesia, changing this for local anesthesia instead, and reducing the risk of bleeding even after the procedure due to the epinephrin application directly into the subcutaneous fat that will be removed. When was this technique developed? This tumescent technique was developed in 1985 by Dr. Jeffrey A. Klein, a dermatologist in California, and published two years later in the American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. The first liposuction technique was developed in the late 70’s in Europe and could only be performed under general anesthesia, and blood loss was an issue. This led to Dr. Klein developing this technique where the downtime is minimal, there is no need for general surgery, and blood loss is kept to the minimum.

The mini facelift under local anesthesia is customized for each individual patient. Dr. Sheffield evaluates the patient’s skin, face and underlying bone structure during the initial consultation. He will also speak with patients regarding their surgical goals and ultimately set the correct expectations. Medical conditions that could lead to complications during or after surgery are discussed as well. Patients who have blood clotting problems, high blood pressure, and excessive scarring must tell their surgeon about these issues. Medications and drug use also need to be spoken about in an open forum because of their potential effect on the procedure. Discover extra details at Dr. Robert Sheffield, the Med Spa Director issues an important warning. He cautions those who take Accutane, have severe acne or chronic rosacea to avoid these facials and consult with their chosen dermatologist first. Women who are pregnant, patients who are on blood thinners, and those who are experiencing any sort of heart condition should steer clear of photorejuvenation (IPL) and microcurrent therapy. Both of these components are typically included in medical facials. Discuss any skin sensitivities or allergies with your chosen aesthetician or cosmetic doctor before beginning treatment. Several different schools are available for further education and a practical exam/state administered written exam must be passed for licensing purposes.

Those who are considering a nose job in the Santa Barbara area would do well to learn more about discovering how the SB Aesthetics surgeons can assist them. Achieving more balanced facial aesthetics and receiving a more aesthetically pleasing profile and balanced facial aesthetics are both goals that are well within your grasp. The top candidates are patients who are in search of an improvement when it comes to the way that their nose looks. Perfection is not promised nor should it be expected. A physically healthy patient who is realistic in their expectations and psychologically stable is the most ideal candidate. A good candidate for nose reshaping surgery could be someone who was born with a nose that makes them feel self-conscious or unhappy with their outward physical appearance. Other candidates may have dissatisfaction by how the shape of the nose has transformed with the aging process. Even the slightest augmentation of the nasal structure can have a huge impact on the personal appearance and related social interaction. Plastic surgery can reshape the bridge of the nose, the tip or other structural issues to restore balance to the face.

Getting Botox is not a moral failing. Because of my previously held opinions about Botox, a part of me felt that to try it would mean selling out on my principles. Plus, as a deeply religious person, I’ve always subscribed to the belief that vanity is a sin. But I’ve come to believe that the desire to look attractive (or at least not look angry) is natural and good. If I could prevent myself from frowning on my own power, I would do so! It doesn’t bother me to use a little medical help to get there.

What is a septoplasty? A septoplasty is often done with a rhinoplasty and it is called a septorhinoplasty. Septorhinoplasty is an operation that corrects the inside of the nose while correcting the outside. Unfortunately, I see patients who have had rhinoplasty without a septoplasty and now can’t breathe properly. When you are evaluated, ask your doctor if there are any functional problems inside your nose so that they can be corrected at the same time. If your doctor is unable to correct them at the same time, you should probably seek another opinion. See additional details on Bunny lines or squint lines. If you scrunch your face a lot when talking, then this can produce squint and scrunch lines around your nasal area. Bunny lines are wrinkles or creases that can be seen at the side and upper part of the nose evident when we smile. A simple and non-surgical solution is Botox injections. Static wrinkles are caused by the gradual breakdown of skin elasticity over time. By relaxing the nasalis muscle with Botox injections, the appearance of these wrinkles can be dramatically reduced.


Spa medical clinic in Santa Barbara, CA today with several health guides

Spa medical doctor in Santa Barbara, CA in 2021 and several beauty recommendations? Do you spend quite a bit of time looking down at a screen? These repeated motions will soon lead to what is now being coined as tech neck. What is tech neck? It’s the horizontal wrinkles and lines that appear on the neck, due to you constantly bending your neck downwards. Of course, even if you don’t do this, you may still experience lines on your neck due to age. The skin here is much thinner and more delicate than people realize, meaning that it does not take long for it to become loose and wrinkled. This is where dermal fillers come in… They provide pretty much instant results to tech neck, plumping this area up and restoring its youthful appearance.

There is quite the collection of frequently asked questions when it comes to Rhinoplasty. Discovering the ins and outs of a procedure is the correct primary step in deciding to move forward with your decision. Let’s start with the foundational information that you need to know about Rhinoplasty to guide you through this article. What is Rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty is also known as a nose job. It is achieved by correcting the shape and/or size of the nose, whether it be for appearance or breathing purposes, or possibly both.

How much blood is lost during tumescent liposuction? One of the benefits of this technique against the previous liposuction technique is the modest amount of blood loss. In the older techniques, significant blood volume was involved, and sometimes blood transfusions were part of the recovery. Is bruising the same during regular and tumescent liposuction? Bruising during tumescent liposuction is less compared to other techniques. First of all, the incisions’ size during the tumescent technique is minimal; between 1-3mm, these are non-sutured incisions called adits; this maintains these incisions open for about 48 hours and permits to drain out the remaining fluid. Also, with the vasoconstriction caused by adrenaline, the blood release under the skin is minimal, so the chances of bruising are minimized.

The skin may have a slightly warm feeling and a red appearance, but it is nothing that cannot be hidden by makeup (although most patients are not going to want to hide their newfound glow). The skin experiences a number of immediate benefits, such as a smoother appearance, tightening, brightening, increased lift, and added clarity. These results are cumulative, so patients who go often are rewarded with a better look. The majority of aestheticians suggest receiving a medical facial once every 30 days but it can be tough to fit these appointments into our schedules. In these instances, quarterly treatments are very beneficial, as well. At the very least, patients should receive these facials whenever they have free time because they are proven to provide a helpful boost to our skincare routines. See even more information on med spa santa barbara. Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is one of the most common and transformative plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Sheffield of SB Aesthetics is a specialist employing all of the latest techniques with the idea of creating a natural looking result. The popularity of this procedure for most patients is relatively simple to explain. The nose is what defines a person’s symmetrical facial appearance thus creating balance. By refining this profile, the harmony of a person’s facial features is altered for the better. The size of the nose is a common complaint and this surgery will address that issue. The shape of the bridge or tip can be changed as well. The nostril span is narrowed and the angle between the upper lip and nose is corrected.

What separates SB Aesthetics from the other Medical Spas in Santa Barbara is simple. Our expert injectors are experienced and trained in aesthetic facial plastic surgery. Almost any doctor can purchase and administer injectables. But physicians practicing outside their specialty can put their patients at great risk. Our director, Robert W. Sheffield, MD, FACS, of SB Aesthetics, is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon and has been in practice for over 40 years. As an expert injector, he demonstrates rigorous care and attention in regards to patient safety, reliable results and patient education. He is uniquely qualified to perform injectable cosmetic procedures and only administers FDA-approved products for aesthetic use.

Lip Lines. A Botox injection can help reduce the vertical lines of the upper lip also known as smoker’s lines. Not many units are needed, but if too much is used, lip movement may be affected. Botox is effective at minimizing these lines. Vertical lip lines are generally a result of the regular and continuous lip movements of daily life. Often known as smoker’s lines, are a result of long term smoking and caused by the harmful effects of smoking but also from the repeated pressing and pursing of the lips together.

Very often patients come to see me to fix the external part of their nose. They either don’t like their nose because they have a very bulbous tip or they have a bump. To correct these problems, the nose is going to be reduced in size, and therefore there will be less space inside for the patient to breathe properly. Your doctor probably examined you and saw that you had a deviated septum, which means that part of the mid-line partition of the internal part of the nose is pushed over to one side. In addition, sometimes there are structures called turbinates, which are enlarged. The structures must be addressed at the time of surgery.

There are certain things you can’t do afterward Botox. I wasn’t planning to run a marathon on the Thursday afternoon after my dermatologist appointment, but I do wish I’d known that certain activities are not recommended immediately after Botox. My doctor instructed that, for the next six hours, I was not to exercise, lie down, or take Ibuprofen (or any other blood-thinning medications), which could increase bruising at the injection sites. Dr. Williams confirms these guidelines, and adds, “Immediately after your Botox injections, keep your head level and do not bend your head forward for two hours. No heavy exercise until the next day.” Read additional details on

This cosmetic procedure does not stop the aging process. However, it can improve the aesthetic concerns. The surgery can be performed by itself or in tandem with other procedures such as a brow lift, upper blepharoplasty or neck lift. Dr. Sheffield is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who exclusively offers the mini facelift under local anesthesia in Santa Barbara, CA and surrounding cities. Those who are considering facial rejuvenation and other procedures should consult with their Santa Barbara plastic surgeon to determine which procedure is right for you. To find out if facial rejuvenation in Santa Barbara is right for you, contact Dr. Sheffield at (805) 318-3280 to discuss a customized treatment plan.


Luxury property for sale in Istanbul 2021

Luxury property for sale in Istanbul today? The right choice for the real estate company to deal with when buying the property in Turkey is important. Many owners who had a bad experience with real estate companies think that all real estate companies are similar and that the quality of their services is similar and this is not true, which makes many people wishing to own property choose the inappropriate company. The large number of ads on the social networks that encounter owners of interest in Turkish real estate and the huge amount of incorrect information spread about real estate in Turkey.

Turkey tourism is one of the top reasons to invest in Turkey. Considerably smaller than the Grand Bazaar, the Spice Bazaar is home to around a hundred shops selling dried fruits, nuts, spices, tea, Turkish Delight, and other goodies. Both are walking distance from Sultanahmet Square. Follow the link for a DIY walking tour of Istanbul’s Bazaars and Rustem Pasha Mosque, a small but beautiful mosque near the Spice Bazaar. You can easily visit the Grand and Spice Bazaars on your own but if you’d like to go on a guided tour, then you can book one through Get Your Guide. Having a guide will be helpful, especially at the Grand bazaar because it’s so big. Follow the link to check out Get Your Guide’s Grand and Spice Bazaar tours.

You can book many dining experiences in Istanbul and the best way is to spend time with a local family. Often you will meet friendly people that invite you for dinner and become fast friends, but you can also book dining experiences where you go to a home and eat traditional food, learn about the local’s way of life and have lively conversations. Our guide told us that Madonna and other famous celebrities love to party in Ortakoy. Once a fishing village, this district is now the area for upmarket chic looking for a place to party.

Undoubtedly, a big lure for investors with their eye on the bottom line are the mega projects of Istanbul that when complete are predicted to raise property values even more than they have done already. The mega project on everyone’s lips at the moment is the new Istanbul third airport that when complete in 2028, will be the world’s transport hub. Investors are also buying up land and houses on the European side where the Istanbul Canal project will take place. Districts like Kucukcekmece are seeing a flurry of interest for value for money apartments for sale in Istanbul, because of the project that will create a mini city within a city. Find extra information on turkish citizenship by investment.

Is Istanbul worth visiting? Of course! It is a beautiful city filled with astonishing landmarks and meaningful traditions. You will find a lot of exciting things to do in Istanbul. There are plenty of attractive Istanbul points of interest, so going sightseeing in Istanbul is such a fulfilling experience that you will never forget. Istanbul was first founded in 660 BC. It was named Byzantion at that time. In 330 AD, the city was rebuilt, and the name was changed into Constantinople. Throughout history, this city has served as the capital city of many imperials, from the Romans to the Ottoman. That is why you can feel the powerful influences of both Islam and Christianity in Istanbul. Some of the most famous Istanbul tourist attractions are magnificent mosques and churches.

With our previous clients, we were able to achieve 100% profits in less than 3 years through systematic and thoughtful real estate investment through our experience in the market and our studies of the basics of successful investment, you also can achieve a successful investment and achieve profits of not less than 35% through your real estate investment with Right Home. In Right Home, we do not deal with an independent lawyer, but rather we have a legal team consisting of a group of lawyers with experience in the issues of foreign ownership of real estate in Turkey and obtaining Turkish citizenship and who are fluent in the English and Arabic languages, and the interested client is connected to the legal team directly to ask all legal questions related to the process of getting real estate or obtaining Turkish citizenship in its various states. Read even more info on

Right Home is a leading company specializing in real estate consultancy and brokerage. We help buyers to buy and sellers to sell. We provide luxury apartments, smart homes, elegantly designed offices, modern constructions and all consultancy services. Our head office located in Istanbul, Turkey. Our goal is to earn your trust and make sure you are comfortable with the process of buying a home in Turkey from start to finish.

Premium swimsuits trends in 2021

Excellent designer swimwear trends today? Sabharwal launched Giejo in 2012 to fill a void for cool, mix-and-match swimsuits that weren’t too expensive or too skimpy—“swimsuits I could wear in front of my boyfriend’s parents,” as she puts it—but they’re also sustainably produced. She uses only vintage and reclaimed swim fabrics that she personally hand-sources from warehouses in the Tri-State area, which also happen to be much softer than today’s brand-new swim materials. Instead of working on a collection six months in advance, she hits the warehouse a month or two before market begins and digs for inspiration—literally. “Each collection just depends on what fabrics I find,” she tells “I never know what I’m going to get!”

Consisting solely of striped and block colour suits and bikinis, this brand delivers exactly what it says on the proverbial tin. Cuts vary from strappy to sporty, meaning that even the most perturbed bather will find something they feel comfortable in. New York utilitarianism meets Malibu languor in this delectable collection by design duo Megan Balch and Jaime Barker. Whether you’re more of a front crawl sprinter or pool side sipper is irrelevant here – the robust structuring and sorbet shades of these designs will bring a certain elegance to any holiday wardrobe. Find even more information on swimsuit.

If you’re anything like us, you’ve got a drawer filled with favorite swimwear from seasons past, ranging anywhere from tie-dyed tops to color blocked bottoms. Well, get this: Those patterned pieces can play a major part in helping you stand out from the crowd this season…in a whole new way. Instead of wearing one straight-from-the-store bikini, we’re all about mixing and matching different tops and bottoms to create a unique-to-you look. Not super confident in your print-pairing? Create a cool connection by choosing a common color way or motif. For example, the micro-print on a Basta Surf top is the perfect pint-size match for bold sea foam green stripes from Target. Tropical florals in varying colors from Pret-a-Surf and Rosa Swim show how to double up on one design, as do spotty separates from Guess and BCA. Of course, we wouldn’t expect you to take our word for it—click through to see our favorite 10 bikini pairings for yourself!

What does the collection represent to you? Everything that is missing in the swim market. I tried to address what my friends and I were looking for, because, honestly, the giejo girl is me and all of my girlfriends, too. I thought of spring break and how I would rather die than be caught on the beach in the same suit as another girl. I was also very price-conscious (I’m so sick of having to hit the sales to get designer attire). Girls today don’t wear head-to-toe designer and usually wear a mix of high and low, so why don’t we have that option with our swim? What is the price range? Where will it be sold? The collection ranges from $76-$88 for bottoms and $96-$108 for tops and will be available at Dagny & Barstow as well as Creatures of Comfort in the city, Dear Fieldbinder in Brooklyn, Madison in California at their LA, Malibu and Beverly Hills locations, and Tenet in South Hampton, as well as my e-commerce site
